
Wang Bing, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province, went to Fushun City to investigate and investigate the work on Taiwan

author:Taiwan Net, China

Recently, Wang Bing, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province, and his party went to Fushun City to carry out in depth the practice of "I do practical things for the masses," mediate and handle Taiwan-related dispute cases on the spot, and understand and resolve the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems reflected by Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises.

Wang Bing, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province, went to Fushun City to investigate and investigate the work on Taiwan

Wang Bing had a discussion and exchange with comrades from the Taiwan Affairs Office of Fushun City. (Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province)

During the investigation, Wang Bing listened to the fushun Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office's report on the implementation of the Huitai policy, the resolution of Taiwan-related disputes, and the launching of the "100-person alliance with 1,000 enterprises", visited and investigated Taiwan-funded enterprises, and held discussions and exchanges. He stressed that the Taiwan Affairs Offices at all levels in the province should regard the study, publicity, and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China as a major task at present and for some time to come, and strive to promote the implementation of the central Huitai policies and measures to ensure that Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises enjoy equal treatment. It is necessary to guide Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises to implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate, and comprehensive manner, base themselves on the new stage of development, integrate into the new development pattern, support Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises to participate in the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning, and promote exchanges and cooperation between Liaoning and Taiwan to improve quality and efficiency.

Wang Bing, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province, went to Fushun City to investigate and investigate the work on Taiwan

Wang Bing and his party took a group photo with the person in charge of Fushun Shunneng Chemical Co., Ltd. (Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province)

After listening to the report of the responsible comrade of the Fushun City Taiwan Affairs Office, Wang Bing pointed out that the work on Taiwan should serve both the overall situation of the work toward Taiwan and the work of the local center. On the basis of doing a good job in preventing and defusing risks, we should do a good job in expanding economic and trade exchanges and serving Taiwan businessmen and Taiwan enterprises; in the process of promoting the implementation of the provincial "one circle, one belt, two regions" regional development strategy, we must take responsibility and make achievements, adhere to the orientation of problems and results, and earnestly do practical things for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, solve difficulties, and promote the high-quality development of Taiwan enterprises.

Wang Bing, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province, went to Fushun City to investigate and investigate the work on Taiwan

On-site inspection of the construction of the "568" manor project on both sides of the strait and exchanges with the responsible persons of the enterprises on the spot. (Source: Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province)

At Fushun Shunneng Chemical Co., Ltd., Wang Bing learned in detail about the supply of raw materials, production capacity output value, production and sales, and the vaccination of employees with the new crown vaccine. At the "568" manor on both sides of the strait, Wang Bing had a deep understanding of the development of enterprises. Remind the two Taiwan enterprises to do a good job in safe production, flood prevention and normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and encourage enterprises to actively seize the development opportunities of Liaoning's "14th Five-Year Plan" and make enterprises better, bigger and stronger. He said that the Taiwan Affairs Offices at all levels in Liaoning will continue to implement the various Huitai policies, pay close attention to the work of serving Taiwan enterprises, and escort Taiwan enterprises to move forward steadily and far. (Jointly reported by Taiwan Net and The Taiwan Affairs Office of Liaoning Province)

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