
Sigh! Russia's Ukrainian finished in the top three but was forced to accept the prize separately, showing an embarrassed smile

On March 5, Beijing time, the 2022 Gymnastics World Cup in Doha, Qatar, had a helpless and lamentable scene. At the women's high and low bar award ceremony, because the top three players were from Russia and Ukraine, the organizing committee decided to divide the three players into two awards.

Sigh! Russia's Ukrainian finished in the top three but was forced to accept the prize separately, showing an embarrassed smile

The organizers first awarded a bronze medal to the third-place Ukrainian runner Daniela Batrona, only to see her standing on the podium wearing the Ukrainian flag and wearing the bronze medal around her neck. Perhaps aware of what really happened, the little girl after 05 showed a slightly embarrassed smile on her face.

Sigh! Russia's Ukrainian finished in the top three but was forced to accept the prize separately, showing an embarrassed smile

After awarding the bronze medal to The Ukrainian daniela Batrona, the organizers immediately organized a second award, awarding gold and silver medals to the Russian players Viktoria Listunova and Mariia Minaeva, who won the first and second places. However, according to the regulations of the International Gymnastics Federation, the Russian national anthem was not played on the spot, and the two Russian players were not allowed to wear national flags on stage. The winner is a member of the Tokyo Olympic gymnastics team champion who is also very familiar to Chinese fans, a talented girl known as the "roster baby".

Sigh! Russia's Ukrainian finished in the top three but was forced to accept the prize separately, showing an embarrassed smile

It is worth mentioning that the top three players are all young athletes born after 2005, and they are still minors, but because of the regulations of the International Olympic Committee and the International Gymnastics Federation, they cannot be on the podium at the same time without any fault, but can only be divided into two stages to receive the prize, which cannot help but make people feel sorry. It is also for this reason that the three little girls all showed an embarrassed smile on the podium. Perhaps, as many netizens left messages under the official social media of the International Gymnastics Federation, these two award ceremonies are not as good as others.

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