
3,000 Americans please fight, Ukraine is determined to counterattack! The Pentagon poured cold water: Don't want to go to any of them

author:First military intelligence

#乌克兰招雇佣兵 #


The United States has written so many empty checks to Ukraine that Ukraine thinks that the United States will really help itself. Recently, Ukraine gleefully announced the recruitment of a large number of mercenaries, including 3,000 Americans alone. At the same time, the Ukrainian army announced that it was already planning a "great counteroffensive." However, the United States is clearly just talking, and the Pentagon has stressed that the United States will only enhance Ukraine's "resistance" and has asked all Americans not to go to Ukraine.

3,000 Americans please fight, Ukraine is determined to counterattack! The Pentagon poured cold water: Don't want to go to any of them

(Ukrainian soldiers)

Ukraine has reportedly formed a "Foreign Legion" in the near future and is trying to recruit more "foreigners" to come to "help". The Ukrainian side claimed that there were already about 16,000 "foreigners" rushing to the territory of Ukraine, and these "foreign legions" would participate in the "battle" against the Russian army in Ukraine. An official at the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States disclosed that they have received more than 3,000 "applications for war" from Americans, and many of them have served in the military and look like they have "good combat effectiveness."

3,000 Americans please fight, Ukraine is determined to counterattack! The Pentagon poured cold water: Don't want to go to any of them

(Secret Service arrests two men who went to Ukraine for "combat")

However, don't look at the United States always verbally support Ukraine, at the critical moment, the United States does not want to be cannon fodder for Ukraine. After all, the United States began by using Ukraine as cannon fodder. So Pentagon spokesman Kirby has warned all Americans not to go to Ukraine at this time. Kirby also stressed that no U.S. military personnel now exist in Ukraine. In addition to the Pentagon warning the Americans, the U.S. Secret Service is also taking action to prevent Americans from traveling to Ukraine, and two Americans near the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States were recently arrested by the Secret Service, who were armed and ready to go to Ukraine to "fight."

3,000 Americans please fight, Ukraine is determined to counterattack! The Pentagon poured cold water: Don't want to go to any of them


Obviously, the United States does not want to see Americans go to Ukraine to muddy the waters, especially those who have served in the US military, once they enter Ukraine, it may lead to further loss of control. Once these people fight with the Russian army, then no matter what the outcome, it will lead to an escalation of disputes between the United States and Russia. The Russian side has warned that it will not give these "foreign legions" prisoner-of-war status, that is, once they are caught by the Russian army, the consequences will be serious. And whether the United States will intervene at that time is also a problem.

3,000 Americans please fight, Ukraine is determined to counterattack! The Pentagon poured cold water: Don't want to go to any of them

(Satellite image shows Russia mobilizing troops.)

Moreover, the role of these so-called "foreign corps" is unknown, and a CIA official who served in the Navy SEAL used "You are not Rambo" to remind these people who want to go to Ukraine, in his view, going to the battlefield is not playing selfies, and to join can only become part of the war machine. According to Ukrainian officials, the "foreign corps" that come to "participate in the war" cannot bring their own weapons, and the Ukrainian army will provide rifles and other equipment. But that is not enough to see, the so-called "Foreign Legion" may only be reduced to "cannon fodder" in the end. The United States obviously does not want such an outcome.

3,000 Americans please fight, Ukraine is determined to counterattack! The Pentagon poured cold water: Don't want to go to any of them


Recently, the US-led NATO has explicitly rejected the option of setting up a "no-fly zone" in Ukraine, because Western countries are afraid of Russia's power and do not want a direct war between NATO and Russia. Of course, NATO's decision also shows that Ukraine's intention to count on Western help has failed, and Zelenskiy shouted angrily, but it was meaningless.

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