
The ancient Chinese knew about quantum entanglement and knew how to apply it, two stories tell you

The ancient Chinese knew about quantum entanglement and knew how to apply it, two stories tell you

There are many strange phenomena in quantum mechanics, including quantum entanglement. So what is quantum entanglement? It is to forcibly separate several combined quanta, and you will find that how one quantum moves, and how another or several quanta also moves, there is no distance limit, and it is carried out at the same time. It's like you and your girlfriend forcibly separating you, one on the moon and one on Mars, and you say, "I love you," and your girlfriend will say, "I love you," and you kick your left foot, and you kick your left foot.

The ancient Chinese knew about quantum entanglement and knew how to apply it, two stories tell you

Why quantum entanglement is so weird, scientists can't understand it. We have a word in China called "induction", which reflects the uniqueness of China's excellent traditional culture. In fact, this "induction", to put it bluntly, is quantum entanglement, but "induction" has a deeper level than quantum entanglement, and "induction" actually tells us how to apply quantum entanglement. For example, what we often call "telepathy" and "celestial induction" are practical applications of quantum entanglement.

The ancient Chinese knew about quantum entanglement and knew how to apply it, two stories tell you

It is said that during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the large bell on the main hall of Weiyang Palace sounded to itself for no reason, and it did not stop for three days and three nights. Many people were very surprised, including Emperor Wudi of Han, but due to his limited knowledge, he could not explain what was going on, and he heard that Dongfang Shuo knew a lot of truth, so Emperor Wudi of Han summoned Dongfang Shuo. Dongfang Shuo said, "The Copper Mountain is about to collapse." Emperor Wu of Han asked, "Why did it collapse?" Dongfang Shuo said: "This big bell is cast with the copper of the copper mountain, the bell is the son of the mountain, and the mountain is the mother of the bell. "After a few days, the Copper Mountain collapsed.

The ancient Chinese knew about quantum entanglement and knew how to apply it, two stories tell you

Confucius's disciple Zeng San, a great filial piety, once went up the mountain to cut firewood, and ZengZi's family came to the guests to find Zengzi. The great-mother welcomed the guests into the house. The great-mother waited for a long time and did not see Zengzi return, so she went out to visit many times. Great-mother suddenly thought that when she was doing needlework, her fingers were broken, and Zengzi could feel it. So she bit her finger and if Zengzi could feel it, she could come back. Zengzi, who was chopping firewood, suddenly had a heartache, so he sat down, "I haven't done this before!" He thought about it for a while, and suddenly looked at the sky, and the sun had gone west. He wondered if his mother was in trouble, so he went home. When he came home, he saw his mother chatting with the guests. He told his mother and guests about the pain in his heart, and her mother said that you would not come back when you waited, so she bit her finger. The guest sighed: "This is really a mother-child connection!" ”

The ancient Chinese knew about quantum entanglement and knew how to apply it, two stories tell you

Each of us comes from the fertilized egg of our parents, and the essence of our relatives is one, so there is more positive energy between relatives, such as educating children, and encouraging is always better than criticism. Give people motivation, not pressure.

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