
Years later, "Kong Yiji"

author:Confused water is impermanent

Today, you and I still have the shadow of Kong Yiji on their bodies, more or less.

Look at the past first: "In the Xianheng Hotel in Luzhen, the workers stand outside the cupboard to drink, if you spend more money, you can buy a salt boiled bamboo shoots or fennel beans." Only those in long shirts, stepping into the house next door to the storefront, asking for wine and food, and drinking slowly. ”

Years later, "Kong Yiji"

Look at today: in the city's taverns, gray-headed construction workers, staggering steps, sit in groups of three or five around a table in the hall, order a bowl of noodles, a bottle of beer or a bottle of 5 yuan or so of blended wine, with a satisfied smile. On the other side, white-collar workers are dressed decently, pacing square steps, sitting in the elegant room, paying attention to four dishes and one soup, and also paying attention to the red wine of Chenzang and the liquor brewed from pure grain, praising and spitting at each other, and it is inevitable that there is some vulgarity in elegance.

Years later, "Kong Yiji"

He also looked over: "I stand at the counter all day, in charge of my duties. Although there was no dereliction of duty, it always felt a little boring. The treasurer is a fierce face, and the patrons do not have a good voice, and teach people to be lively. Only Kong Yiji arrived at the store and could laugh a few times. ”

Years later, "Kong Yiji"

Look at today: office workers stay in the office or at the grassroots level all day long, taking charge of their own business. Although the annual appraisal form at least writes the words "qualified" or "competent", I always feel that I have wasted a lot of youth. Bosses are official, moody and even scolded the mother, some are throwing hands to the treasurer, some are experts in throwing pots. The customers are legitimately loud and noisy, and they have to be unforgiving. Only himself, as if he were the most damned, like a guinea pig in a bellows, blocked at both ends. Only when I return home from work and see the innocent and loving smile on my child's face do I feel that there is some meaning in my life.

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