
"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

author:Changchun News Broadcasting


Propaganda Department of Changchun Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Changchun Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Jointly carried out

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me"

Learn Lei Feng's literary and artistic volunteer service theme activities

That morning

Literary volunteers walked in

Changshan Garden Community, Tuanshan Subdistrict, Kuancheng District

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community
"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

Photography with calligraphy and fine art

Artistic expression

Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng

A tribute to the pioneers of the times

Promote the construction of community culture

Enrich the cultural life of the residents

Changchun Artists Association

Vice Chairman Zhao Jingwu

Create lifelike

Plum blossom paintings

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

Zhao Jingwu

Zhao Jingwu said: "As a party member, I have brought the artists of the Artists Association into the community, so that everyone can send art and culture to everyone from the perspective of public welfare. This time, our artists paint landscapes, flowers and birds, and more are expressing a love for the motherland, in the words of our painters, showing their best works. ”

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

At the event site, calligraphers and painters created more than 100 calligraphy and painting works, adding beautiful colors to the harmonious environment of the community. Photographers take more than 200 photos with lenses to record the elegant environment and happy moments of the community.

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

Sun Dewei, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, chairman of the Changchun Calligraphers Association and chairman of the Changchun Federation of Literary and Art Circles, specially wrote "Heavenly Reward for Diligence" for the community.

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

Wu Yaqin

Wu Yaqin, the first secretary of the Party Committee of Changshan Garden Community, was very touched, "Our community education is carried out in combination with the Federation of Literature and Literature, and this cultural heritage is passed on to more residents in need, so that they can accept our cultural inheritance in a very good atmosphere, which is also an important responsibility for us to do social services." The calligrapher sent us a picture called "Heavenly Reward for Diligence", which I think is an encouragement and encouragement for our vast community workers, so only we can serve the people diligently and sincerely, serve the masses, warm the masses, care for the masses, do a solid job, and achieve the hearts of the residents. ”

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

In the next step, the Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature will continue to explore the "party building +" work pattern, and carry out in-depth "literary and artistic artists entering the community, truly doing practical things, solving problems, and doing good things for the grass-roots masses."

"Literature and art into ten thousand homes, healthy you and me" lei feng literary and art volunteer service theme activities into the Changshan garden community

Wang Penghui

Wang Penghui, vice chairman of changchun calligraphers association, said that carrying out literary and art into the community volunteer service activities is a brand activity that we Changchun Literary associations have been adhering to for many years, especially in recent years, we have taken the activities of literature and art into the community as a normal work to grasp, today there are 10 calligraphers and painters, bringing our excellent, high-quality calligraphy and painting works to the residents of our Changshan community, through our calligraphy and painting works to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng, but also to inspire our citizens in the new era not to forget the spirit of Lei Feng, Learn from Comrade Lei Feng. Through cultural and artistic works to inspire the masses, use the spirit of Lei Feng to do their own work well, and constantly push our literary and artistic undertakings to a new height.

Reporter: Yunpeng

Editor: Tong Tong Editor-in-charge: Chen Min, Chen Jianfeng

Producer: Wang Liru Director: Liang Hui

Producer: Zhang Wanxing