
Sting, there must be poetry

Source: Poetry World

Solar Terms Announcer: Long Zhengyi

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye we entered March, and as soon as we looked up, we were stunned.

Today's spring thunder rumbles and explodes, and the spring rain pours down, waking up the insects that hibernate underground, and everything in the world slowly wakes up in the thunder, and the rain slowly wakes up, from drowsy to vigorous.

The days of wandering and unpreparedness have passed, lightness and cheerfulness are coming, life is like a bud waiting to be released, along the way, there will always be surprises.

Sting: Spring wakes up, everything is surprised.

Sting, there must be poetry

When the sting, the thunder bursts, the breath of spring greets you, and this spring thunder wakes up all things.

"Smell of Thunder"

[Tang] Bai Juyi

The miasma wind and frost are early, and the warm weather is urgent.

Poor winter does not see snow, the first month has smelled thunder.

The stinging insect snake came out, and the dead grass and trees opened.

The empty passengers are square inches, still like cold ash.

The grass opened its hazy eyes, the birds sang a crisp song, and the heavens and earth seemed to have come alive at once.

Spring is really coming, let us maintain a love of life, expectations for the future, look up and smile during the day, sleep calmly at night, go with the fate, go with the encounter, and have fun.

Sting, there must be poetry

Spring brings us infinite hope, but also allows us to calm down and enjoy a better life.

"Qin Louyue • Floating Clouds"

[Song] Fan Chengda

Floating clouds. Light thunder faintly stung at first.

Initial sting.

The doves are angry, and the green poplars are windy.

Jade furnace smoke heavy incense Luo Huan.

Whisk the wall thick apricot swallow branch wet. Swallow branches wet.

The flower tips are missing, and the painting building is standing.

The green poplars follow the wind, the thick apricots blow the walls, and the spring breeze drizzle.

Brew a pot of tea to moisten my heart; read an idle book to calm my heart; listen to a rain, calm my heart; enjoy a tree and blossom, and let my heart rest.

Sting, there must be poetry

In the spring, many memories have gone away and come back, quietly hitting the heart, but there are still many people who are worried about themselves in the distance.

"Gift fan ye poem"

【Southern and Northern Dynasties】 Lu Kai

Fold the flowers and send them to the Longtou people.

Gangnam has nothing, talk about giving a branch of spring.

Bai Luomei said:

All encounters in the world are reunions after a long absence.

In this troubled world, how many encounters and separations there are, it is impossible to count.

May all the beautiful emotions in this world be treated tenderly by the years, cherished and understood, less sad and regretful, and more loving and complete.

Sting, there must be poetry

At this time, the sky, with the spring rain, as well as thunder and lightning, can't help but humanely shout, "What a lively spring."

"Good Things Near: Dream Work"

[Song] Qin Guan

Spring road rain adds flowers, flowers move a mountain spring color.

Walk to the depths of the creek, there are thousands of yellow orioles.

Fei Yun turned the dragon snake in front of his face, and turned to the sky blue.

Drunk lying in the shade of the ancient vine, I don't know the north and south.

On the day of the sting, the heavy rain poured down, let us wash away the vicissitudes together, wash away the troubles, let the heart be as clear as a spring, the heart as bright as a mirror, and the heart as bright as the sky!

Sting, there must be poetry

The sting awakens the dream of spring and ushers in the blossoming of flowers, so let us enjoy the beautiful spring scenery on this day of warm spring blossoms.

"Seven Sentences of Finding Flowers Alone by the River"

[Tang] Du Fu

Huang Siniang's family is full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are pressed low.

The butterflies dance from time to time, and the warblers cry at ease.

Time is always in a hurry, and everyone is always catching up with the pace of time, never stopping. Even if the scenery is very beautiful, it has never lingered.

Mr. Lin Yutang once said:

The ideal person who is best suited to enjoy life is a warm, laid-back, fearless person.

If you want to enjoy life, you only need to slow down, life always has to take a break, in order to feel the beauty of life.

Try to cherish today, smile and say "hello" to every day.

Sting, there must be poetry

When everything is revived and the vitality is extremely strong, your mood will also be happy!

"Spring Rafting"

[Song] Land tour

The child Mo Xiao is a Chen person, and the lake and sea spring are rejuvenated.

Thunder and wind stung the household, and the world opened up and turned into a huge junk.

The scales of the river rise to the stone, and the willow silk shakes the koji dust.

I wanted to go to Lan Ting but returned to the pavilion, laughing and talking about it and finally feeling ashamed of innocence.

How wonderful the scenery outside the window is, in this spring, I hope to be able to watch a wind and moon with you, enjoy a flower event, put a paper kite, and come to a green walk.

Sting, there must be poetry

In this spring, everything will start again, and all the hardships will be washed away by heavy rain.

"Reward Lotte Yangzhou First Meeting at the Table"

[Tang] Liu Yuxi

Bashan Chushui was desolate and abandoned for twenty-three years.

Nostalgic empty chanting flute fu, to the countryside to turn like rotten Ke people.

Thousands of sails passed on the side of the sinking boat, and the sick tree was in front of wanmu spring.

Listen to a song today, and temporarily rely on the spirit of a cup of wine.

People always have to experience, in order to laugh at every inch of time, just like winter snow is spring, after heavy snow there are always a hundred flowers blooming.

Although there are endless vicissitudes in the world, we must learn to look down, a long life, smile and walk slowly, the river snow is frozen in winter, but spring has come.

In this life, wind and rain, may you be like a child in the sun, like an adult in the wind and rain; may you have a home, love, and the rest of your life is warm.

Sting, there must be poetry

When the bright moon above your head slowly falls, when the sun shines outside the window in the morning, when the fresh air is accompanied by birds and flowers, the beginning of the day begins.

As long as emotions are integrated into life, every day is beautiful; even the most desolate scenery, with its favorite appearance, is a beautiful world.

Sting is a new day for all things, and the sun, rain, air and mood are all new.

In this new beginning, may your heart be filled with a peach blossom source, no matter what the situation, are full of love for life. In this most beautiful season in the world, with the most beautiful posture, meet the best self!

Solar term announcer

Sting, there must be poetry

Long Zhengyi

Member of Cao Can Art Troupe


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