
What is the meaning of life? Life may have no meaning in the first place, the purpose of living is to find meaning, and the meaning of life lies in what meaning you give it. How do you find meaning? first

author:Vasson Psychology

What is the meaning of life? Life may have no meaning in the first place, the purpose of living is to find meaning, and the meaning of life lies in what meaning you give it.

How do you find meaning? Step 1: Set the target

Know what you want? What life do you want to live? Make up your mind to pursue a goal and work in this direction, not easily shaking your resolve.

When a climber decides to climb a rugged mountain, he already knows that he will go through all kinds of dangers and exhaust himself. If he gives up easily, this pursuit will have little value.

This is also the correspondence between the goal and the effort, and at first, the necessity of maintaining the effort by the goal becomes the importance of maintaining the goal by the effort.

Some people may say, do not know what to choose? Don't know if the choice of the moment is worth that much effort?

We are in an era of choice torrents, and it is normal to have such concerns. We can learn by trying and making mistakes, sorting out the messy goals and picking out the one that gives us a sense of direction.

In the old days, hunters hunted for a lifetime, and blacksmiths fought iron for a lifetime; now it is very convenient to change careers, and no one has to do a lifetime of accounting.

Second, the goal is not easy to be too much, which will lead to lack of energy and inner conflict.

You can set an overall goal for life, and all other goals exist for that goal.

Great leaders, shrewd leaders, all pursue a goal with unparalleled determination, seemingly without any inner struggle, they trust their ability and judgment, and put it into action.

When concentrating on the goal, there will be no distractions, no loneliness and emptiness, and there will be a sense of fulfillment in life.

Setting goals for life is not an elitism that cannot be avoided, but just finding order for a disorderly life, and does not require you to set any majestic goals that promote social development. Just fit your own reality.

Get started by setting small goals with less resistance to action and moving towards the goals you set!

I am @ Vasson Psychology, using words to interpret life, using psychology to analyze human nature, welcome to pay attention to Oh ~

#生活心理学 #

What is the meaning of life? Life may have no meaning in the first place, the purpose of living is to find meaning, and the meaning of life lies in what meaning you give it. How do you find meaning? first
What is the meaning of life? Life may have no meaning in the first place, the purpose of living is to find meaning, and the meaning of life lies in what meaning you give it. How do you find meaning? first
What is the meaning of life? Life may have no meaning in the first place, the purpose of living is to find meaning, and the meaning of life lies in what meaning you give it. How do you find meaning? first

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