
Ukraine's big win? A large Russian transport plane was shot down, and more than 100 elites were killed on the spot

author:Wang Xiaopeng on the sea
Ukraine's big win? A large Russian transport plane was shot down, and more than 100 elites were killed on the spot

The picture shows the Il-76 large transport aircraft

Recently, the Ukrainian military announced that in the Vasilikov region southwest of Kiev, a large Russian transport plane was shot down, and more than 100 elite soldiers on board were all killed on the spot, and even the transport plane was actually blown up by the air, and there were many opinions from all sides.

Since Putin made a national televised speech to decide to take military action against Ukraine, today's Russian army has launched a battle in Kiev City, the Russian army that attacked three ways from the beginning will point the spearhead at Kiev, take it to lay the foundation for victory, the advancement of the war is also gradually achieving this goal, the length of information is also frequently reported, so after the so-called Il 76 was shot down after the rumors appeared, all parties are also talking about it, if the news is true, then Russia will undoubtedly suffer huge losses, Because this large military transport aircraft can carry a large number of heavily armed airborne troops, or carry more than 40 tons of equipment and materials, the strategic significance is self-evident.

Ukraine's big win? A large Russian transport plane was shot down, and more than 100 elites were killed on the spot

The picture shows Russian soldiers

Along with the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, there have been various combat reports on the entire battlefield, and even some are fundamentally full of contradictions, such as the so-called Ukrainian MiG-29 lift-off and shooting down 6 Russian military aircraft, and the tragic story of the death of all the Ukrainian Snake Island soldiers, but they were finally confirmed as the content of the Ukrainian information war, and the Il-76 large military transport aircraft was shot down, one did not appear wreckage photos, the second was not officially confirmed, only by The unilateral announcement of Ukraine, Judging from the previous reports of the war situation, both sides have reported the destruction of each other's military weapons and the results of the battle, and the excitement of this public opinion offensive even overshadows the war itself, and many reports are true and false.

In modern warfare, large transport aircraft have a very important strategic position, as a rapid long-distance transport vehicle, in the army, is often to achieve the core equipment of air delivery, a specific moment may become the balance that determines the outcome of the war, with the intensification of the Russian-Ukrainian war situation, Il-76 will inevitably usher in its own place of use, but such a behemoth is also not small, its own target is large, easy to be discovered, it is difficult to retreat from the other side's ground-to-air fire, therefore, Use on the battlefield must ensure that the side has air superiority and sufficient air cover, otherwise the damage caused by being hit will be difficult to predict.

Ukraine's big win? A large Russian transport plane was shot down, and more than 100 elites were killed on the spot

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict continues, but the test belonging to Russia is also slowly coming, militarily, the longer the war drags on, the more unfavorable it is to Russia, after all, it is a cross-border operation, on the other hand, aid from Western countries is also flowing into Ukraine. The United States has once again promised $350 million in military assistance, public opinion, the condemnation of Russia is overwhelming, whether it is the media or organizations, and finally economically, the United States has agreed to ban Russia from using the SWIFT system, which will mean that the transaction can only be made in cash, in addition, Russia will also face more severe economic sanctions, the pressure is like Tarzan, but even so, Putin still chose to continue to carry out military operations, in this way to protect Russia's national interests.

Ukraine's big win? A large Russian transport plane was shot down, and more than 100 elites were killed on the spot

In the end, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will end in some way, after all, no one will doubt the strength of the Russian army, but what will Ukraine do in the future? To put it simply, the Russian side believes that Russia's military action is a punishment for Ukraine's vague pursuit of joining NATO, and it is also a warning to NATO's eastward expansion, after which, rather than choosing to become a victim of the great power game, Ukraine should seriously discuss formulating national policies and taking the road of neutralization, which may be the only way out.

The author of this article is Nanshu.

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