
Will Ukraine become a landlocked country?

author:At the bow of the ship is the Great Wall

Who is our enemy? Who are our friends? This question is the first question of the revolution.

Russia sees this issue very clearly: the United States and pro-Western politicians are enemies, and the Ukrainian people are friends. Facts have shown that Russia's strategic judgment is very accurate: the United States is a paper tiger, will not directly send troops to intervene, and the possible role of military and intelligence support is limited.

Therefore, under the conditions of many restrictions, the Russian army made full use of its strengths and avoided its weaknesses, strategically deployed surprise troops, carried forward the superiority of the mechanized army, attacked from Belarus, marched 30 kilometers from Japan in the battle, defeated a front, and surrounded Kiev in 1 week.

Even so, the people of Russia and Ukraine have made great sacrifices in this crisis caused by the continuous instigation of the United States. The essence of this conflict is that the United States remotely controls Europe and Russia in a bloody clash of the same ethnic group on Ukrainian soil.

At this point, it is Russia's turn to take the initiative. Russia's negotiations are based on two major foundations, one is based on the capital Kiev, the preservation of politicians, and non-splitting sovereignty as a chip, and the other is based on the tacit attitude behind the opposition of the United States. Therefore, Russia's "set goals" will not be low, and it will obtain political commitment and practical benefits that are in line with existing international rules.

Political commitment may include: abandoning all efforts to join NATO and rewriting the ridiculous constitution; dissolving the current Government to deal with those guilty of war crimes; re-election of the state to elect new leaders and governments; disbanding the encircled army and laying down its arms without surrendering. These acts are to be carried out voluntarily by Ukraine.

Practical aspects of interest. The most refreshing rule by river crossing is estimated to appear by hidden means, such as giving Wudong the greatest degree of autonomy, not involving national sovereignty, realizing implicit river crossing and rule, and obtaining an effective buffer zone. The operation process does not involve legal issues and avoids giving the United States a pretext.

For the tempting Ukraine along the Black Sea, Russia may take the form of leasing to acquire ports and even cities along the Black Sea coast, completely emasculate the Ukrainian Navy, control Ukraine's maritime foreign trade, and make Ukraine a purely landlocked agricultural country.

At present, the information on public negotiations mainly focuses on moral issues such as ceasefires and the opening of humanitarian corridors, and the matter of skin and flesh has not yet been made public. With the loss of the southern city of Kherson, Russia gave a clear attitude: disobey, take another city!

There is reason to believe that the third and subsequent rounds of negotiations should address these core issues. After all, choice is a risk, and mistakes come at a cost. Of course, the information obtained by the outside world will be suspended until the final results are released.

As for the attitude of the United States, it should be silence and then make trouble in the Caspian Sea!

Will Ukraine become a landlocked country?
Will Ukraine become a landlocked country?
Will Ukraine become a landlocked country?

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