
The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

Working, doing side hustles, taking a baby, every minute after becoming a working mother is precious. Because for working moms with children under 3 years old, my time is not calculated by hours and minutes, sometimes by seconds.

First, weigh the pros and cons, full-time mother or working mother

When Coco was 1 year and 4 months old, I chose to return to the workplace, ending the life of doing self-media at home with a baby, in fact, at that time, my side business income had already earned more than 10,000 yuan a month, but because I was afraid that I would be away from the workplace for too long, "middle-aged anxiety" and afraid of my family's various worries, so I returned to the workplace.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

There are probably 3 reasons.

First, although the full-time self-media at home has improved, the income is basically stable, but the utilitarianism is very strong, and it is easy to be anxious. Too much pursuit of results, will be happy or unhappy because of the amount of reading, playback, and revenue, often in a daze.

But my family doesn't think it's a job that can last, so in my heart I still hope that I can have a more stable job and not have to live so tired. From the words of my husband and mother-in-law, I wanted to go out and work.

Third, because I have not worked for a long time, I am worried about my communication skills and business knowledge going backwards, and I can make myself feel better when I go out, so I still go to work after thinking about it again.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

Maybe it's the first new beginning after becoming a mom.

Second, review every day and make efficient use of time

1. Companionship of children

Because of the blessing of work, the income has increased a lot, but the time spent with children and families is obviously much less. The 2-year-old Coco occasionally has a very "clingy" side, and occasionally there is "separation anxiety", afraid that I will suddenly walk away. There was a time when I came home from work and she heard the doorbell and started calling Mom.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

I can hear her shouting at her mother upstairs from the first floor, when she gets home she immediately turns into a "fart worm", where I go she follows, asking me to hug her more and more times, maybe the child is too young to understand why the mother goes out to work? I just want me to spend more time with her.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

So at 7-10 p.m. I usually spend time with her playing games, chatting, telling stories, and putting her to sleep. This is also the only time I spend with her every day during the week, and she seems to be able to understand the pattern that my mother can only accompany her during the week and can accompany her all day on weekends.

Take a day off on the weekend to accompany her, sometimes such as supermarkets, parks, shopping malls, playgrounds, etc., and when she is more than 2 years old, she will tell me in advance where she wants to go on weekends and what food she wants to eat.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

Working mothers can't do daily companionship, they can only accompany them efficiently, and every point with their babies is precious.

2. Arrangement of work

The current work is relatively idle in May, the boss and colleagues are also very nice, everyone gets along well, and they can easily cope with various problems at work. Sometimes when I wasn't busy, my boss would signal me to do something my own.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

People familiar with it know that during this period, I changed jobs, from a busy private company to a state-owned enterprise close to home, and I had more free time at my disposal.

3. My passion

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

After all, it is the result of two years of hard work, and it is also like my child, in addition to bringing me the satisfaction of earnings, it also makes me lose confidence and find self-confidence and satisfaction.

Now the whole network fans 200,000+, in a number of platforms to develop, write articles, shoot videos, bring goods, a variety of ways I am also willing to do some attempts, one can increase my monthly income of nearly 10,000 yuan, and second, I can also have the courage to go when I don't want to work one day.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

But as a working mother, in addition to work and with a baby, there are only a few words of time for self-media, and I can use the time on the way to work, between work, and after the children go to bed at night. It is also because of the busyness that I have developed the habit of writing content very quickly, from idea to completion, sometimes less than 2 hours, sometimes the time may be shorter.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

For example, write a micro-headline from 6-6:30 a.m., or think about what to do today. 7:00~8:30 Eat breakfast and write articles on the way to work. From 12:30 to 1:30, you can sleep for a while or continue writing articles. 18:00~18:50 Cut videos or write articles on the way to work. 19:20-21:30 With the child, 21:40-23:00 Review or write an article to cut the video, and then go to sleep.

On weekends, I spend the morning or afternoon shooting video footage, and then I have time to edit it during the week. So the self-media day is still more possible. Sometimes one night, in order not to disturb my work, my mother-in-law will take the child to her house to sleep, so two nights a week the child is not there, and I can have more time to create.

Third, the extreme to do subtraction, to the future a little bit of progress

Maybe I will stick to these three things in the future, and sometimes when it is difficult to balance, I will gradually slow down and actively look for ways to balance. Also thank you to my family for supporting me and helping me along the way.

The working mother's time is compressed in minutes and seconds, and she must strive to live as a light when she is strong alone

Whether it is a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, from the moment she becomes a mom, she is given a mission and is more motivated to do everything well. Maybe such a day will be envied, maybe not liked, but living as yourself is dazzling enough, why care so much gossip.

March 8th is Goddess Day, and this year is the only year I want to thank myself. Thank you for your own efforts to break through, thank you for your own self in order to educate your children to constantly change and break the original shackles, and thank you for working hard day and night for yourself to run for home.

I think there are many people like me, even harder than me, we are mothers, no matter what way we choose to realize value, for children you are the light, the dazzling light, the irreplaceable light.