
Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

author:Tao Ge Food Exchange headline number

According to information released by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, the average life expectancy in Ukraine will reach 73.1 years in 2020, although it is not as long as the traditional longevity countries in Europe, but the Ukrainians have three highs and the incidence of cardiovascular disease is very small. It should be known that Ukrainians love to eat pork, especially pig fat and fat oil, which is called "Salou" locally. Our nutritionists say that eating big fish and meat is not good for the body, why are Ukrainians okay? Let's take a look at the eating habits of Ukrainian families, who love saturated fat and have an average life expectancy of 73 years.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

1. Breakfast

Ukraine's geography and climate are ideal for the development of agricultural production, and most food crops thrive on the land. As a result, historical ukraine was a major producer of grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and vegetable oils in Europe. In addition, Ukraine's meat, dairy and egg production is also very impressive, and a large variety of light/saltwater fish (from the Black Sea and Azov Sea) can be caught on the territory of Ukraine, so Ukraine is known as the "granary of Europe".

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Breakfast Ukrainian family staples are bread and pancakes, accompanied by oatmeal, coffee, milk, black tea, and other morning foods include sausages, eggs, butter, yogurt, cheese, honey, syrup, jams, etc. There are many kinds of Ukrainian bread, such as black, white, stuffed, unfilled, horned, mallet, flatbread, strong, tender, and hard, anyway, you can think of it.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Ukrainian pancakes are called Brins, which are made from floured eggs and milk to a thin paste and fried in a frying pan. The method is a bit similar to our pancakes, but the taste is very different. It is a very tender and soft texture, generally divided into sweet and salty. Dessert is a very simple and delicious small dessert with a variety of flavors of jam and fresh fruit, drizzled with condensed milk, chocolate or syrup and the like. Salty mouth can be used as a staple food, after frying, the crust is added to some prepared meat and vegetables, rolled into a triangle, dipped in sour cream to eat. Ukrainians love sour cream and everything goes with sour cream.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Breakfast Ukrainian bread will also add honey cream, honey from special honey source plants, no precipitation, no foam, the taste is more delicate, the sweetness is moderate, the aroma is pleasant. However, the price and quality of the cream honey sold in shops and markets vary, and usually Ukrainians choose to buy fresh honey from beekeepers, and connoisseurs will taste it for themselves and buy real products. Generally, the price of wild nectar ranges from more than ten to twenty yuan per kilogram, and if you visit the countryside, you are likely to buy genuine, inexpensive goods.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Ukrainian family breakfast is very fond of black tea, "tea is sacred to Russians." According to a 2014 poll, 94 percent of respondents had the habit of drinking tea at breakfast. Locals drink black tea with a slice of lemon and a little sugar cube, authentic Ukrainian black tea in addition to lemon Some families will also add cinnamon, star anise, add mint. But in any case, a cup of black tea can make the Ukrainian people feel happy, for the locals, there is no so-called 'inferior tea', because the addition of spices can no longer distinguish the quality of the tea.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Most of the jams for breakfast are made by themselves, and almost every Ukrainian family will store a variety of jams to a greater or lesser extent, from common strawberries, plums, raspberries, melons, cherries to Russian specialties such as gooseberries, prickly plums, cranberries, sour berries, only unexpected raw materials, no jams that cannot be made, they are the source of cheap winter vitamins.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

2. Lunch

To understand a country's eating habits, we also have to look at the country's history. In 862, the East Slavs established a kingdom, the Rurik Dynasty, which later established Kievan Rus' in Kiev (now the capital of Ukraine). In the 12th-14th centuries, the Ancient Rus tribe gradually split into 3 branches: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. In 1480, the Russians succeeded in unifying Kievan Rus' . In 1547, Ivan IV, Grand Duke of Moscow, was crowned Tsar, and the empire he founded was abbreviated as Tsarist Russia. Under the influence of the United States and the West, on August 24, 1991, Ukraine officially declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

The staple food of Ukrainian family lunch is brown bread, potatoes, dumplings, meatloaf, etc. Ukrainian dumplings are very similar to ours, with a variety of fillings. Black bread is both full and nutritious, and easy to digest, which is extremely beneficial to the stomach and intestines, especially suitable for meat dishes such as fish and meat. Because, the mother wine used for the fermentation of brown bread contains a variety of vitamins and biological enzymes. Hundreds of years ago, the locals learned this truth by experience.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Potatoes are used as a staple food in Ukraine and are not vegetables. Potatoes are low-cost, easy to feed, and an excellent food choice in the period of underdeveloped agriculture, and gradually Ukrainians became accustomed to eating potatoes and developed a variety of potato cooking methods, potatoes have become an inseparable food in local life.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Ukrainian families love salads for lunch, and the usual practice is to add grilled chicken breast or smoke salmon, served with diced bacon, crispy bread, Romain lettuce and cheese. Another is to add shrimp meat. In addition to the traditional Caesar salad dressing, the sauce is sometimes mixed with olive oil or vinaigrette. Caesar salad is not only delicious, the most important thing is that the nutritional combination is reasonable, many Ukrainian women like to eat, a plate of fresh vegetables and low-fat high-protein chicken breast, healthy and delicious.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Red cabbage soup is also a favorite food of Ukrainians for lunch, the main ingredient of red cabbage soup is beets, usually filled with pieces of goulash, potatoes, carrots and various accessories to taste. Using these beef to make a red cabbage soup, the taste is mellow, the flavor is incomparable, and I drank the whole body Shutai. To some extent, diet is a reflection of national identity. The nation is rugged and bold, simple and honest, and its traditional diet is simple and bold. The locals were not very demanding in their diet earlier, with large amounts and heavy oil, and black bread and cabbage soup met these three criteria.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

The ukrainian favorite for lunch is Salou, a traditional local delicacy that has been documented as early as the 9th century AD. The Ukrainian pig industry has a long history. The Ukrainian great white pig is the world's best breed. The "big white strip" that was commonly raised in the mainland before is a pig breed imported from Ukraine, according to the material, the Ukrainian big white pig is fat and fat, and the weight of 6 months can reach 140 kg. Due to the natural nature of the feed, its fleshy texture has a unique aroma. Ukrainians use fatty pork to make salo, sausages and grilled skewers for a variety of cuisines. Salo's way of eating is to put a slice of salo on the brown bread and then spread it with some sauce, which is very fragrant.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Ukrainians who work will also choose fast food for lunch, such as foreign KFC, McDonald's is also very popular in the local area, the price of hamburger fries and cola for lunch is very cheap, and the price of the restaurant is the same, so that foreign tourists do not have to look at the menu price. There are also locals who treat melon seeds/watermelon and other seasonal fruits as a kind of "fast food", which can be said to be very creative. The only advantage is that the price is very cheap, because the Ukrainian economy really does not dare to compliment. There is a joke on the Internet that Ukraine is so poor that only beautiful women are left.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

3. Dinner

Ukrainian family dinner staples in addition to bread also love to eat pancakes, with grated pork with mashed potatoes and spices marinated and fried, the taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, salty and not greasy. The richness of dinner is particularly reflected in the cold dishes, pickled vegetables such as sour cucumbers, salads, sausages, cheeses, fish jelly... A family feast often involves nearly ten varieties of cold dishes. Dinner is usually not soup, after the cold dish is the main dish, usually barbecued chicken, duck and fish meat.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Caviar is also available on the dinner festival table, which Europeans regard as a finest delicacy, with Ukrainian and Russian products. There are three kinds of caviar: mingtai fish, salmon and sturgeon. The taste of gray is heavy, the red is too fishy, and the black is the most wonderful. Even in the 50s, when production of black caviar was dozens of times higher than it is today, it was a rare pleasure for Ukrainians to eat a slice of bread smeared with caviar and butter.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Ukrainians love to drink alcohol at dinner, and the local vodka is generally 40 degrees, along with brandy and whiskey, which is also one of the world's top three spirits. Still, beer and wine consumption has been on the rise since the collapse of the Soviet Union, while spirits like vodka and cognac seem to be less popular. During the holidays, people often drink a type of champagne called "Sovetskoe shampanskoe".

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Ukrainians also love to eat some desserts after meals, Ukrainians love chocolate, and there are many excellent chocolate brands emerging in the local area, which are very large and have been exported to many countries around the world. Ukrainians also love cakes that contain a variety of cream sandwiches, such as Napoleon's cake. There is also a cake cream pattern based on the traditional decorative pattern and flowers of the uk, and the cake embryo below tastes like tiramisu, but is slightly drier and harder than tiramisu.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Why are Ukrainians healthy when they love to eat enough and fat?

Medicine has long confirmed that eating enough and fat is not a problem for the human body. According to relevant statistics, Hong Kong is the region that consumes the most meat per capita in the world, with a daily intake of about 680g of meat, 40% more than the second Belarus. The world's largest per capita pork consumption is also Hong Kong, China, with an average of about 66 kg. If eating meat is unhealthy, why is Hong Kong the world's highest life expectancy? Life expectancy has reached 89 years.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

In contrast, more than half of India's population is vegetarian and never eats meat, but it has one of the highest prevalence of obesity and diabetes in the world, with an average life expectancy of only 68.5 years. Studies have found that the main causes of various chronic diseases affecting human health come from cigarettes, sedentary, vegetable oils, sugars and refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are rice and flour.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

Why is the average life expectancy in Ukraine only 72 years?

The longevity of the human body is related to various factors, of which social environment and medical conditions account for 35%. Ukraine has a population of about 41 million in 2021 and 52 million when it first became independent in 1991. These 30 years have reduced the population by more than 10 million. The main reason for this is economic reasons, in 2021 Ukraine's per capita GDP of 3425 US dollars, The first in Europe! Ukraine's per capita monthly income is only $200. Per capita income (about 1,300 yuan) is not as good as the mainland's minimum wage.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

The main advantage of most long-lived countries in Europe is advanced medical coverage, while also providing free medical treatment. The Ukrainian economy is difficult to support the guarantee of free medical care for all, and even the salary for retirement at the age of 60 is only about 700 yuan. Any longevity country in the world is an economically developed region, so even if Ukrainians eat healthily, the average life expectancy is not long. It's like our country used to eat all green food, but the economy and medical care are very backward, so the average life expectancy is also very low. On the contrary, after development and progress, the average life expectancy in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou is now more than 80 years old.

Ukrainian families eat and drink saturated fat, and their average life expectancy reaches 73 years

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