
Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4

author:Tang Nengpan

Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =?

1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine.

2, the population, 144 million: 44 million ≈ 3.3: 1, Russia is 2.3 times more.

3, men, 66.8 million: 20.4 million ≈ 3:1, the war is a battle between men, although there are few Ukrainians, women will also participate. Both Russia and Ukraine have a larger female population, accounting for more than 53%, and a higher proportion of women in Ukraine.

4, young adult population, 14-64 years old, 3.2: 1.

5, economy, Russia GDP: Ukraine ≈ 1.48 trillion: 0.16 trillion ≈ 9.3 times, between land (resources) and population (human resources).

6, per capita GDP, Russia is roughly 3 times that of Ukraine. Russia's $10,100 has just been surpassed by the mainland. Why should the rich country of Russia fight the poor country of Ukraine? Can someone who wears shoes beat someone who doesn't wear shoes?

7, industrial GDP, Russia is 14 times that of Ukraine. The two countries should have been small apart when they were separated, but now Ukraine is known for its art, and the shipbuilding and nuclear industries are gradually declining.

8, GDP growth rate (Figure 4), Russia has been sanctioned for many years, the last 10 years have been low growth, 2020 is more because of the epidemic and negative growth. Ukraine is not much better, before it was not aligned, then it wanted to be allied, but it has not yet joined the European Union. Yesterday it was rejected by the European Union, saying it was because it was in the war.

9, the inflation rate, before 2020 is Ukraine more severe. But after the epidemic, and now after the war, I don't know. In the near term, Russia's ruble exchange rate is more volatile, and import prices are certain to rise sharply. Interest rates in Russia rise to 20%, which means that the cost of funds increases, which also affects prices.

10, population growth rate, Figure 5, both countries are negative, both births and immigrants, everyone is very pessimistic.

Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4
Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4
Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4
Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4
Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4
Russia vs. Ukraine 10 forces. Russia: Ukrainian strength =? 1, land, 17.1 million: 600,000 square kilometers, Russia is 28.5 times that of Ukraine. 2, population, 1.4

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