
Russia goes to war with Ukraine and needs six golden taels a day

author:Erqiu said
Russia goes to war with Ukraine and needs six golden taels a day

Fighting a war burns money. When the warlords were fighting, there was a saying called "a cannon sounded, gold ten thousand two", we thought that the cannon sounded, there was gold ten thousand two into the account, in fact, the cannon sounded, gold ten thousand two disappeared. Every shell costs money, every soldier's life also costs money, not to mention the cannon itself is destroyed, and gold is piled up.

Russia's attack on Ukraine is also very expensive. Contemporary warfare, the speed and amount of money burned, is certainly more than gold. Ten thousand two gold, that is, 1000 pounds, equivalent to 500 kilograms. The latest price of one kilogram of gold is $65,000, which means that the cannon that we say translates to $32.25 million in dollars with one shot of gold. That is the old number of the old war, and the cost of today's war is not calculated in terms of the sound of a cannon.

In the Kosovo War in 199, the United States spent $7 billion in 78 days, which is equivalent to one hundred million dollars a day, which translates into gold.

In the 2001 War in Afghanistan, the United States spent more than 10 billion yuan on war funds in 60 days, which was converted into gold, that is, five gold taels per day.

In the 2003 Iraq War, the United States spent more than 50 days on war funds of $30 billion, which was $600 million a day, equivalent to 18 gold taels a day.

War for whom, in addition to the war raging with life, behind the scenes, there is also a huge economic war hand, dominating the course of the war.

The war between Russia and Ukraine in 2022 will cost a lot. Because a precision-guided missile is a million dollars, and a long-range precision rocket also costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. The ammunition thrown out of the planes and warships was piled up in dollars.

About 100,000 troops are sent out every day, and the pension for the deaths is also a large amount. The cost of medical care and war services in the field is also a large expense.

The most staggering cost is the destruction of an advanced fighter, that is, a hundred million dollars.

At the scale of the war on February 24, Russia spent more than $200 million a day on the war, or the equivalent of seven golden ten thousand taels.

After the second round of negotiations, Russia's victory in the war will require greater war investment, and the cost will be far more than $200 million per day. That is, more than seven gold taels per day.

Where Russia's war money comes from, it must come from Russia's reserves of more than $600 billion. Where Russia's more than $600 billion in reserves come from is the accumulation of trade surpluses in oil and food exports. It seems to be a bomb, but in fact, it is a trade surplus accumulated over so many years of oil and dollars, that is, Russia's resources.

When the war began on February 24, European and American countries launched severe economic sanctions against Russia, the economic nuclear bomb that experts called it, and turned it against Russia. On February 25, the day after the war began, the Bank of Russia assured Russian depositors around the clock that each depositor's money was safe, allowing them to look at the war calmly and not to run on banks.

Russia's second-largest bank, The Russian Foreign Trade Bank, immediately said that the Sanctions in Europe and the United States would not affect the ability of any depositor to withdraw money at any of Russia's ATMs, and that the bank did not restrict foreign exchange.

Gazprom, Russia's third-largest bank, also assured customers that the sanctions would not affect the normal operations of the bank.

Sberbank made similar assurances to customers, while saying it needed to review new restrictions under U.S. Treasury sanctions.

At the beginning of the war, Russian banks felt the pressure of the economic nuclear bomb, otherwise they would not immediately come out to Explain to Russian depositors.

By March 1, Russia felt the horror of an economic nuclear bomb and took measures accordingly. Russia prohibits individuals from carrying large extra coins out of the country in cash. CCTV News reported that on March 1, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree aimed at stabilizing Russia's financial markets. Under the order, from March 2, people are prohibited from carrying more than $10,000 in foreign currency-equivalent cash or payment instruments out of the country.

This order is directed at the economic nuclear bomb. Before the war, the rich people of Ukraine fled, and they must have fled with their foreign exchange. Russia realized this, and Putin signed an order not to allow large extra coins to leave the country. Even a billionaire can't take away more than ten thousand dollars of foreign currency. In times of war, the rich man's money is not the rich man's.

After Putin signed the order, Russian Prime Minister Mishustin said the Russian government had drafted a presidential decree temporarily restricting foreign investment from withdrawing from the Russian market. Mishustin said that in the current situation, foreign companies have to consider not only economic factors, but also political factors. This new policy is intended to give foreign companies that are ready to exit the Russian market the opportunity to weigh the pros and cons.

The war began, and the most feared thing was the rich, and the rich man's money could not be taken away, even foreign capital entering Russia was not allowed to be withdrawn. When money is brought into Russia, investors want to get rich, war comes, people who want to get rich want to withdraw money, it is impossible. Investment risks everyone should be cautious, which is something that companies that invest in Russia do not expect. War is an irresistible factor, and foreign capital cannot resist war.

Russia has been sanctioned, and the shock of the economic nuclear bomb to Russia's stock market is undoubtedly enormous. On the day the war began, Russia's stock market fell by more than 50 percent and had to shut down. A few days after the start of the war, the Russian ruble plunged sharply against the dollar to 117 rubles for 1 dollar, a drop of almost 40%.

Russia goes to war with Ukraine and needs six golden taels a day

In response to the stock market volatility and the fall of the ruble, on March 1, the Russian government decided to allocate 1 trillion rubles from the state welfare fund to buy shares of Sanctioned Russian companies. Due to the impact of the war, the Russian ruble recently fluctuated greatly, before the war, 10,000 rubles can be exchanged for 645 yuan, one trillion rubles is 64.5 billion yuan, after the war between Russia and Ukraine, the ruble exchange rate fell sharply, 1 trillion rubles is 40 billion yuan convertible.

On March 2, the power of the economic nuclear bomb became more and more apparent, and Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, fell by 95% in London, the largest one-day decline in history. The value of the stock is close to zero dollars, and those who hold shares in the reserves and banks of the Russian Federation have this wealth basically equal to zero. As a result, the Reserve Bank of the Russian Federation said in a statement on its website on March 2 that it had decided to withdraw from the European market. The statement said that the bank's subsidiaries in Europe had abnormal capital outflows, and the personal safety of some of the company's employees was threatened.

This is war, and some of the wealth of people will be cleared at some point in the war. The war between Russia and Ukraine also had the function of zeroing out wealth. For example, the stocks of the Reserves and banks of the Russian Federation have cleared the wealth of many shareholders.

So we say the old saying that once the cannon hits the golden ten thousand two, it can also be explained from another angle, that is, as soon as the cannon sounds, the ten thousand gold disappears with the sound of the cannon and turns into dust. So I remembered that the United States had 8,000 tons of gold in reserves, and one ton of gold was 20,000 taels, that is, 8,000 taels of 20,000 taels, and according to the expenditure of the United States in past wars, it was also quickly finished.

Therefore, stay away from war, so that the wealth of rich people will not be cleared. The wealth of the rich, thirty-fifty thousand, is itself close to zero, so the more the rich people who have no money stay in Ukraine to defend Ukraine, and the rich run away to defend their wealth.

Think about it intellectually: this is war, money-burning stuff.

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