
The Organizing Committee of the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exposition promotes the "Chinese Bamboo Garden" in the "Van Gogh Secret Place"

The Organizing Committee of the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exposition promotes the "Chinese Bamboo Garden" in the "Van Gogh Secret Place"

The picture shows the scene of the event. Photo courtesy of the Organizing Committee of China's participation in the 2022 Netherlands Expo

Beijing, March 3, 2020 -- The Gate of The Secret Realm, Art Dialogue Across Time and Space and the Spring Promotion Meeting of the Chinese Garden of the 2022 World Horticultural Exposition in Almere, the Netherlands, was held at the Dewey Center in Beijing on the 2nd, just as the "Van Gogh Reproduction" immersive light and shadow exhibition was exhibited at the Dewey Center, and the Organizing Committee of the China World Horticultural Exposition 2022 introduced the "Chinese Bamboo Garden" to the Chinese and foreign participants in Van Gogh's "Art Secret Place".

Zhang Yinchao, Director of the Office of the Organizing Committee of the China World Horticultural Exhibition 2022 and Secretary General of the China Flower Association, introduced the Dutch World Horticultural Exhibition and the Chinese Garden.

The Organizing Committee of the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exposition promotes the "Chinese Bamboo Garden" in the "Van Gogh Secret Place"

The picture shows Zhang Yinchao, secretary general of the China Flower Association, introducing the China Pavilion at the event site. Photo courtesy of the Organizing Committee of China's participation in the 2022 Netherlands Expo

According to reports, the "China Bamboo Garden" participated in the construction of China's exhibition, on the basis of completely retaining the existing trees, with bamboo and traditional Chinese flowers as the features, built three theme zones of bamboo forest Tingtao area, characteristic flower display area and fine bamboo courtyard area, integrating 6 theme scenes. The 233 kinds of plants in the park, mainly native to China, will present different landscape effects according to the changes of the seasons, showing the world a three-dimensional Chinese painting of "flowers and bamboos grow together, beauty and beauty".

Zhang Yinchao said that the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exhibition is a long-awaited international event in the horticultural circles of various countries, which will play an important role in strengthening exchanges and cooperation, boosting confidence in the flower industry, and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The Organizing Committee of China's Participation in the 2022 Netherlands Expo will make every effort to promote the orderly progress of various work, and the exhibition will also work with all parties to organize colorful activities to enhance the influence of China's participation in the exhibition, spread the concept of ecological civilization, and let the seeds of hope blossom and bear fruit in the Netherlands.

The Organizing Committee of the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exposition promotes the "Chinese Bamboo Garden" in the "Van Gogh Secret Place"

The picture shows the artist playing live. Photo courtesy of the Organizing Committee of China's participation in the 2022 Netherlands Expo

Yang Yu, director of the Asian region of the Netherlands National Tourism Conference Promotion Agency and chief representative of the Chinese region, said that the Netherlands is known as the "European Garden", and this time China's participation in the Netherlands World Horticultural Exhibition again will surely become a window for friends in the Netherlands and around the world to understand Chinese culture and art, and welcome everyone to personally go to the Netherlands during the World Horticultural Exhibition to fully feel the wonderfulness of this magical and beautiful country and the Netherlands World Horticultural Exhibition.

The Organizing Committee of the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exposition promotes the "Chinese Bamboo Garden" in the "Van Gogh Secret Place"

The picture shows the artist creating and displaying his works on the spot. Photo courtesy of the Organizing Committee of China's participation in the 2022 Netherlands Expo

Wang Silian, chairman of the China Youth Expo Association, said that the 2022 Netherlands World Horticultural Exhibition provides an important opportunity for China to fully appreciate and recognize the world's fine art and culture, and also opens a new window for friends from all over the world to observe and perceive Chinese culture and art at close range. It is believed that this Year's Netherlands Expo will become an excellent platform for peaceful exchanges and friendly interaction between countries in the world. As the exclusive operator of the China Pavilion of the Netherlands World Horticultural Exposition, CYTS Bohui will make every effort to do a good job in operation services and participation guarantee under the guidance of the organizing committee.

At the event site, Zhao Ying, a non-hereditary inheritor of guqin art, played the guqin song "Flowing Water" on the spot, and the calligrapher and painter Li Yangmin splashed ink on the spot, and simultaneously displayed a series of paintings by painters Men Xiumin and Zhai Junfeng. After the performance, Men Xiumin and Li Yangmin donated their works to the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization and the China Flower Association.

The 2022 Netherlands Expo will be held in Almere, the Netherlands, from 14 April to 9 October. This is the first A1-class expo held since the outbreak of covid-19. (End)