
How to evaluate the sixth president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy?

author:Prisoner Learning

Zelenskiy #

Zelenskiy's most dangerous time had not yet come.

Russia, with all its strategic advantages, can maintain a long-term military presence in Ukraine at very low cost and casualties.

The Russian army has gained a firm foothold, the position has been fortified, and the safe passage for strategic air transport has been established, and if the front-line support airfields have begun to be established in central Ukraine, they can hide in the fortifications safely and calmly use long-range howitzers and iron shell bombs, which are extremely low-cost ways to continuously bleed the Ukrainian senselessly.

When the time comes to calculate the daily war attrition of the Russian army, it will be so low that Ukraine and the European Union will despair.

The Ukrainian army crouched still, so little by little they nibbled forward with artillery.

As long as the Ukrainian army dares to make any changes and tries to attack Russia's strong positions, first of all, it will not be able to move at all, and then the bombs that split their heads and cover their faces will fall within half an hour, and there is no need for "precision guided weapons" at all.

For several specific numbers within the Ukrainian army, Russia probably wants to organize a "execution campaign".

In these few trumpets, Russia will certainly prepare solid and rich evidence of crimes against humanity like a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and it is necessary to have a mass grave and a confession, and the final execution bombing and the brutal "street battle" that blows up the building with people and buildings are likely to release a large number of images at once.

It was a Russian version of "Hunting Bin Laden." It's just a few times larger.

After these numbers were completely annihilated and the remnants of the captives were captured and put into the trial process, the Russian army would begin to shout surrender to the Ukrainian troops trapped in the city of sorrow and running out of ammunition, and even make a friendly drama of "baking sweet potatoes in the trenches opposite, the brothers of the nationalist army are assured to come out to eat, and after eating, you will go back to defense" come.

It is difficult for the Ukrainian army to maintain the will to resist for a long time under such a siege. Western military ethics cannot condemn these Ukrainian troops for their unwillingness to launch a "jade crushing charge" to complete the brand of "heroic heroes for all" that they are now vigorously advocating.

They could not help but watch with embarrassment as these Ukrainians surrendered.

Batch after batch of surrender, faster and faster surrender.

Once such formed units gave up their resistance, and as the bloodless and surviving people came out to receive emergency rations, the real crisis of Zelenskiy, the NATO group, and the United States began to come head-on.

Round after round, piece after piece, there is no longer any way to whitewash with lies, and there is no way to maintain it with performance.

This plot, until here, Russia does not have any physical difficulties in realizing, and as long as this prospect is clearly seen, there will never be any "anti-war craze" in Russia.

At this point, there will be some of the biggest messages -

1) Even if Europe and the United States mobilize all their influence, there is no way to protect their vassals in the face of determined powers.

2) Europe and the United States are deceiving the people of the world, and the Eun-American media are happy and hoarse to release good news, which is often a scam.

Their journalistic ethics are completely bankrupt.

3) Ukraine has lost all hope, and NATO's prestige and value have been greatly negativeized.

Ukraine can no longer trust any European and American commitments and encouragement.

This is an extremely classic deep depressive symptom - the real biggest harm is to continue to tell me that there is xx hope, to hook me not to die, to continue to suffer in this hell.

Whoever says "there is hope" to me is the xx egg of the dog x.

There is your x hope, hop you nnd hope.

Am I not entitled to "waive"? Am I not entitled to "stop trying"?

Every "lying flat" should know exactly what I'm talking about, right?

Is this inevitable, you have personal experience, do you think?

At that time, was Zelenskiy still a "hero" in the eyes of the Ukrainian people? Or is it the boss who gives you chicken blood and says you're "family" but doesn't really care if you live or die?

It is you who die of exhaustion, in exchange for him to become the darling of the West, in exchange for the glory and wealth of his exile.

It will not be until this time that Zelenskiy's truly dangerous moment will come.

He will face great difficulties—the moral pressure that drives him to surrender will grow, so great that the continued insistence on not surrendering is no longer heroic in any sense, but inhuman in itself.

The pressure would be so great that even the CIA began to worry that he would not be able to hold on.

As we all know, the CIA has this kind of concern and its thinking is relatively broad.

You may be afraid that he is not decent, and you will help him to be decent—through a mysterious "beheading bombing" or "dioxin poisoning" to turn him into a martyr.

In this way, the last drop of Ussi's blood will be dried up, and it will be completely disappointed in NATO and the United States, and it will inevitably fall sharply to Russia's post-war Ukraine to leave the largest Russian-Ukrainian blood debt, and bury some long-term social hidden dangers as much as possible.

At this stage, let's see what you think of Zelenskiy.

It's too early to draw conclusions.

Since the script has been pushed to this step, the plot of the back can also be pushed.

1) In post-war Ukraine, there will inevitably be a large number of Ukrainians who are afraid of Russian reckoning and retaliation and want to go to Europe.

Russia would be happy to turn a blind eye to these people risking their lives to cross the "Ukrainian Wall" and surrender to their Promised Land.

Its numbers may have been unprecedented, and europe was stunned, enough to develop to the point where Polish soldiers were ordered to stop them by force.

Eight million Ukrainian women, weak and old, who believe in European values and will never collude, have now lost their homes and are coming, and Europe has an absolute moral responsibility in every sense to accept it completely, uncappedly, and without hesitation.

Otherwise Europe will lose all moral superiority and soft power will be lost.

These millions of Ukrainians would become Europe's new nightmare. Some Ukrainians, who did not have such concerns, saw Germany's fantastic refugee resettlement program and chose to emigrate if they had nothing to do.

Then counting this wave of people, its number can even reach 10 to 20 million.

Notice that this is not just young adults, but there will be a large number of old and weak women and children, who will bring the whole family.

First of all, they will significantly take away the low-end jobs that originally belonged to Eastern European countries. Not to mention the heavy resettlement burden that comes with this.

At least I don't think about how the EU can resolve this new refugee crisis – this time they don't have any excuse to stay out of it.

The voter antagonism caused by the refugee problem is bound to turn Europe's political ecology upside down.

There will certainly be right-wing candidates who will be enthusiastically sought after by them with slogans of "exit nato" or even "exit from the European Union".

If Russia had ended the war early, Macron could have been in danger.

But in any case, in the next two or three years, this wave of shocks is foreseeable and almost inevitable.

2) All Russian/NATO front-line allies are unanimously demanding that NATO have enough troops to resist a Russian surprise attack.

Not just a large number of military installations, but also a large number of actual permanent troops.

This has a huge impact in two ways:

a) Heavy financial burden.

Whether this is financially borne by the host country or by NATO as a whole, it will be a huge expense.

It is a completely meaningless "Russia-hating tax".

Because it can neither claim that NATO forces have taken the initiative to try to "solve Russia", nor is it meaningless to defend against a "Russian invasion" that will not actually occur at all.

Purely out of a ghost in his heart, he is afraid that the other party will retaliate at any time.

If Russia sneezes a little on the border, the Polish side will lie down in cover. Russia can strike devastatingly at the economic order of Eastern European countries with minimal action.

Where is there any serious industry that can stay in the "next Ukraine"? As the economic growth point of The Eastern European countries, the Eastern European countries will be transformed into a burden of "eating liao" and a heavy shot put that drags the EU economy to hell.

The European Union, NATO, has the money to hold up this shot put ball?

This is not really the scary place – in the face of NATO's Asian enemies, there are not only a few front-line countries to feed. How many troops and costs does this enemy have to ensure their "security" in the world, twenty land and sea neighbors, plus a Taiwan that has been quickened in the mouth?

This heavy burden, NATO is not willing to give up directly if it does not fight to the top. And "desperately to the top", of course, to the top to the point where you will really die at the top, otherwise how can you be worthy of yourself?

If you can't stand it, then there are three consequences -

C) NATO's Asian influence collapsed.

No one wants to do Ukraine, and if they don't do Ukraine, they have to be the next Poland, and NATO can only afford three Polands, and there is no quota.

You can only give up.

3) Inflation crisis caused by hostility with Russia.

Europe hasn't thought about the question of what post-war Russia ate?

Of course, it eats its three iron rice bowls – energy, minerals and grain.

That's it for minerals.

In terms of food, Russia itself is an important grain producing area, and now that it still holds Ukraine, it will naturally become a big player in the world food market.

And most importantly, since oil and gas are now Russia's main source of economy, it is Russia's core interest to do everything possible to ensure the high price of these energy sources.

Coincidentally, the United States and OPEC countries will also be happy to see high oil prices, and everyone has the same interests. At the same time, China stays out of the matter because its strategic relationship with Russia and Iran can greatly ensure oil security.

The United States and Russia alternately create turmoil that OPEC is very happy to see, and everyone wantsonly harvests the EU's "energy tax" together, saying that they will take as much as they want, and there is no room for counter-offers.

Winter is coming, and the situation in Europe is unimaginable. With the "27-nation consensus" governance mechanism of the European Union, it is almost impossible to deal with such a challenge. Eastern Europe wants Liao, Germany and France want European troops, Southern Europe wants neutrality, and Northern Europe does not know who to follow.

There may be countries proposing a Brexit referendum to get rid of EU obligations and make peace with Russia alone.

And the stormy EU is powerless to "punish traitors".

We may see a crisis of EU disintegration in the next five years.

Even within Germany and France, it would be very surprising if there were no strong public opinion calling for the normalization of relations with Russia.

In the whole process, Russia's situation will go uphill step by step, and sugar cane will go from bitter to sweet.

At this point in the script, what would you think of Zelenskiy?

(To be continued)

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