
Great Wisdom Ruoyu walked into Fujian Zhou Ning Dishuiyan Zhang Guishou

author:Zhang Guishou
Great Wisdom Ruoyu walked into Fujian Zhou Ning Dishuiyan Zhang Guishou

"Great Wisdom and Foolishness" is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the China Literary and Art Critics Association, a director of the Anhui Calligraphers Association and deputy director of the Cursive Writing Committee, and the vice chairman of the Anhui Provincial Calligraphers and Painters Association. He was the deputy director of the Academic Committee of the Anhui Calligraphers Association, the executive editor of Anhui Book, and the vice president and secretary general of the Anhui State-owned Assets System Calligraphy and Painting Photography Research Association.

Still water runs deep

Walk into the Fujian Zhouning dripping rock

Zhang Guishou

Great Wisdom Ruoyu walked into Fujian Zhou Ning Dishuiyan Zhang Guishou

Dishui Rock was called "Manifestation Rock" in ancient times. It is located on a rock wall in the west of Limen Township, Zhouning County, Fujian Province. Directly in front of the rock wall is an artificial lake, reflected in the green mountains and water. The rock wall is more than 300 meters wide and more than 200 meters high, resembling a giant lion lying horizontally, with a steep cliff, and a half-waist stone cave in the rock wall, commonly known as the Lion Cave. Directly above the cave, there is a spring at the top of the cliff that does not dry up all year round, and the spring water never stops flowing down, one after another, like a bead curtain hanging at the mouth of the cave. The mountain wind blows, suddenly turning into rapid rain, suddenly like the fog of Feixia Mountain, the mouth of the cave is indistinguishable, if there is sunlight, the beaded curtain water mist transforms into a colorful rainbow, which is even more breathtaking. Drip Rock got its name from this.

Great Wisdom Ruoyu walked into Fujian Zhou Ning Dishuiyan Zhang Guishou

In the Song Dynasty, the dripping rock was used as a Buddha's land, and the Buddha statue was enshrined in the cave, called the "Manifestation Rock". In 1452, in the third year of Ming Jingtai, he raised funds to build the Daxiong Treasure Hall. In 1471, following the construction of the library, it was expanded several times and became more large-scale, and the building is still intact. There is a small well with an area of 1 square meter and a depth of only 40 centimeters in the cave under the incense burner platform of the Buddha Temple, the well water is clear, there is no spring gushing, the spring water does not flow, it is never profitable, the drink is sweet and abnormal, refreshing, the name of the spiritual light well, there is a poem: "Rice cup Lingyan water, look at the thousands of yuan."

Qing Jiaqing Jinshi, general secretary of the National History Museum, respectfully wrote this inscription poem:

Looming on the terrace, the hole under the dripping bead curtain is deep.

Tiankaibi Cave Group Spirit Meeting, Road To Xi Bridge Alone Guest Search.

Great Wisdom Ruoyu walked into Fujian Zhou Ning Dishuiyan Zhang Guishou

Picking up more than 70 steps, there is a stone plaque at the mouth of the cave called "The First Scene of Eight Fujian", which is inscribed by Huang Yi, the governor of Zhouning County in the 38th year of the Republic of China.

Great Wisdom Ruoyu walked into Fujian Zhou Ning Dishuiyan Zhang Guishou

Daxiong Treasure Hall, the second pair of yang lian:

Patience and fairness, better than the worship of the spirit mountain;

Cultivate the mind and do good deeds, and it is difficult to be extremely happy.

See the earth, mountains and rivers of three thousand worlds,

Dew half a day pavilion twelve railings.

Zhang Guishou is currently a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee of the China Association of Yanglian

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