
How did the flamboyant Zelenskiy become president and drag Ukraine into the quagmire of war?

author:Xi Ran Huan Book

Can you think of it? The woman in the photo dancing in women's high heels and with a charming posture is the current president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy!

How did the flamboyant Zelenskiy become president and drag Ukraine into the quagmire of war?
How did the flamboyant Zelenskiy become president and drag Ukraine into the quagmire of war?
How did the flamboyant Zelenskiy become president and drag Ukraine into the quagmire of war?

Zelenskiy, 44, was born into wealthy parents who were Jewish, the father of a professor at the Krivorug School of Economics and an engineer mother. Born into such a wealthy family, Zelenskiy was happier than most Ukrainians.

On October 16, 2015, Ukrainian television broadcast a political satire comedy starring the country's famous comedian Vladimir Zelenskiy, "Servant of the People". The drama tells the story of Vasily, a history teacher played by Zelenskiy, who became popular on the Internet because a political debate with colleagues was filmed by students, and eventually succeeded in being elected president.

In reality, Zelenskiy really participated in the presidential election and used his talent as an actor to create a historical scene!

On April 19, 2019, Zelenskiy and Poroshenko had a live-televised public debate at the Olympic Stadium in ukraine, where they angrily denounced Poroshenko's weak rule and failure to resolve the Donbass conflict, while the other side mocked that if he came to power, it would not be much better, and he was afraid to kneel down to Putin. Zelenskiy took two steps forward when he heard this, suddenly knelt down, and said: "I will never kneel to Putin, I will only kneel to the people of Ukraine." ”

In 2019, Zelenskiy got his wish and successfully crossed from comedian to president of Ukraine.

How did Zelenskiy do after he was elected president?

Zelenskiy promised the populace three things during the campaign:

1. End the fighting in the Eastern Region as soon as possible and end the bloody conflict in the Donbass Region;

2. Intensify reforms in the economic field to bring Ukraine's economy to a new level;

3. Intensify domestic anti-corruption efforts, attack those oligarchs who monopolize politics, economy, and society, and return social justice to society.

Now, three years later, he seems to be using his own experience to show us: the core of comedy is tragedy

1. The Donbass region became the tipping point of the Russo-Ukrainian war, Zelenskiy vainly hoped to rely on nato and the strength of the United States and Europe to recover the Eastern Region, gambled on the fate of the country, pushed Ukraine into the quagmire of war, resulting in the displacement and homelessness of the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian people are in extreme fear and panic, and no measures can guarantee the property and personal safety of them and their families.

2. After Zelenskiy came to power, Ukraine's GDP in 2020 fell by 30% compared with 2019, its per capita income was at the bottom in Europe, and it could only rely on the IMF's $8 billion loan to survive.

3. The promised fight against oligarchs is a joke, and when Zelenskiy came to power, it was discovered that he was the spokesman of the Jewish oligarchy, and all his campaign funds were provided by his former TV boss, a Jewish oligarch, and after Zelenskiy came to power, he also gave a lot of the telecommunications industry to his own behind-the-scenes financier.

However, the number of oligarchs in Ukraine has indeed plummeted recently, and in order to escape the Russo-Ukrainian war, 96 of Ukraine's richest 100 richest people have fled abroad with their families!

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, citizens over the age of 35 who have lived in Ukraine for ten years can run for president. Although relatively democratic, this election system is not rigorous, which also leads to Zelenskiy's successful ascension to the presidency as an actor with no political experience. Lead the Ukrainian people into boundless suffering and despair!

Machiavelli mentions in the Monarchy:

The monarch needs to be a fox to identify traps, and a lion to deter the jackal.

Obviously, Zelenskiy did not have the wisdom of a fox or the strength of a lion, but instead became a pawn of hegemonism! Become a nightmare for the Ukrainian people!

Now we can only pray that the war in Ukraine will end as soon as possible and that the Ukrainian people can live again under the sky of peace!

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