
News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

author:Beijing News

See you at 8 o'clock in the news, a little more insight. Meet you on time every morning at 8 o'clock in the morning and look out into the bigger world.

By February 28, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict had entered its fifth day. Alarms sounded late at night, explosions continued until dawn, queues outside supermarkets waiting for necessities... Refuge became routine. It was an ordeal and a test for those who witnessed it, waiting in anxiety for peace that would not know when it would come.

News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

At 5:00 a.m. Ukrainian time on February 24, Zhang Dongdong, who was in the capital Kiev, was awakened by the sound of shell explosions. "The first reaction was an earthquake." Every ten minutes, he recalls, new explosions come again. After two explosions, he saw smoke rising from Borispol Airport in front of the community, when the Ukrainian sky was not yet light, and the light of the fire not far away was very conspicuous in the darkness.

In Zhang Dongdong's memory, the explosion on February 25 lasted all day. One of the things that terrified him the most on this day was that 500 meters from the neighborhood where he lived, a residential building was attacked, leaving a four-story wound left by the bomb.

Zhang Dongdong had two choices: go home and stay alone, or go to the air raid shelter. But his masks have run out, pharmacies on the streets have closed, and Ukrainian locals are no longer wearing masks, "don't get bombed by shells, infected by the new crown." He decided to stay at home and start broadcasting for half an hour from time to time to chat with netizens.

Jotyn was a lively man who often organized parties, and he once invited more than a hundred Ukrainian friends to eat and listen to music. But since Feb. 24, most of them have chosen to leave Kiev and flee to the suburbs, western cities, or Poland.

At 8 a.m. Ukrainian time on February 28, Chotin left Kiev when the curfew was lifted. He and his friends took their Japanese friends who were also in refuge and drove to Hungary, where he contacted overseas Chinese friends to pick them up. Before leaving, Ukrainian friends helped him prepare water, food and gasoline. Read the full >>>

News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

On February 28, local time, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said that the situation in Russia and Ukraine has led to more than 500,000 refugees fleeing from Ukraine to neighboring countries.

On March 1, Matthew Saltmash, head of news and media at the UNHCR, said in an exclusive interview with the Beijing News that the figure of "500,000" was compiled by the UNHCR based on relevant government data, and the UNHCR assessed that the number of refugees caused by the situation in Russia and Ukraine is still increasing rapidly.

Of the more than 500,000 Ukrainian refugees, 281,000 have entered Poland, 84,500 have entered Hungary, 36,400 have entered Moldova, 32,500 have entered Romania, 30,000 have entered Slovakia, and others are scattered in several countries, according to UNHCR data.

Ukraine's harsh winters, lack of hot food and the long waits for refugees at the border make the journey very difficult, Salter mash said: "The situation of forced displacement is complex and painful, indescribable. Read more >>>

The Beijing Winter Paralympic Games are about to open, and the transition period has been basically completed, and the work of various venues and fields is ready. From March 2 to March 4, 565 torchbearers will carry out torch relay in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, which are divided into three parts: fire collection, fire collection and torch relay.

So, where are the fires collected at the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games? How is it delivered? A picture to read ↓↓↓

News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

With the experience of the smooth relay of the torch of the Winter Olympic Games and the successful holding of the Winter Olympic Games, the torch relay of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games is believed to ensure safety, highlight innovation, achieve wonderfulness, and create a good atmosphere for the successful holding of the Winter Paralympic Games.

In the current international environment, the holding of the Winter Paralympic Torch Relay as scheduled, as well as the upcoming official opening of the Winter Paralympic Games, also make people place higher expectations on its symbolic significance for human peace and unity.

In the international context of the new crown epidemic threatening global security and the world order facing great uncertainty, whether it is the previously concluded Winter Olympic Games or the upcoming Winter Paralympic Games, they all carry mankind's ardent pursuit and expectation of "greater unity".

In the context of the reality that the world is troubled and the war is re-emerging, the winter Paralympic torch relay and the winter Paralympic games are held as scheduled, which is naturally given more expectations by the peace-loving Chinese people.

It not only provides a stage for the world's disabled athletes to compete, but also demonstrates the strength of unity and the preciousness of peace with practical actions. To a certain extent, this winter Paralympic Games, including the Winter Paralympic Torch Relay, conveys not only the Olympic spirit, but also peace and hope. Read the full >>>

On February 28, the Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on National Economic and Social Development in 2021 was released. The data shows that in 2021, the mainland's per capita gross domestic product (GDP) will be 80,976 yuan, an increase of 8.0% over the previous year. What does this mean?

News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

Given the sheer size of the population, whether GDP per capita exceeds the global average or GNI per capita approaches the threshold for a high-income country, it has specific symbolic significance. As an important result of a country's economic development, these data reflect the stable operation and continuous enhancement of China's economic strength, the optimization and adjustment of industrial structure, the continuous progress of science and technology, the strengthening of social security, and the phased results of supply-side reform and high-quality development.

Under the changes, influences and constraints of the internal and external environment, these achievements are indeed not easy to come by. At the same time, it should also be noted that China is still in the ranks of upper-middle-income countries, currently only close to the lower standard of high-income countries, and there is still a big gap from the threshold of developed economies with a per capita GDP of more than 30,000 US dollars, and the problem of insufficient development and imbalance is intertwined.

Next, the mainland needs to give full play to its resilience advantages while realizing the transformation of economic growth momentum, continuously releasing the potential of economic development, continuously increasing the disposable income of residents, and truly entering the ranks of high-income countries.

For China, the world's largest emerging market and developing country, with little "low-hanging fruit" left, it is largely up to the improvement of human capital as a key production factor to open and obtain a new demographic dividend in the long run.

It can be believed that by vigorously developing human capital, activating the potential of data elements, cultivating new momentum to develop a new economy, and doing a good job in the construction of the distribution system and social safety net, it is expected to solve the "growth troubles" encountered by the mainland at a specific stage, cross the "middle-income trap", jump out of the "high income threshold effect", and continue to fully tap the economic potential while continuously creating a new endogenous source of growth. Read the full >>>

In 2021, a Young German man named "Bun" decided to start a filming project to travel through the Chinese countryside and record the culture and life of 55 ethnic minorities in China. Now, the plan has been implemented for more than four months, and Dashan, Guizhou, is his first destination.

News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

"When I first came to China, I was curious about everything and wanted to try everything." Bun said he likes to share, so he opened a short video account to share daily experiences and culinary experiences in China. Peeled eggs, snail powder, spicy noodles, bun said: "I experienced a lot of things, and then slowly found out, not only eat, I also like to travel, and then I decided to experience while walking." ”

Buns have shifted from a gastronomic experience to a humanistic experience with a wider world. So, together with dong Hongjing, a friend he met in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, he embarked on a journey of rural exploration.

Blue skies, large wheat fields, people walking in the countryside, reduced to a black spot, the earth is empty, and the distant wind can easily blow through the hair, bringing nature's greetings to the ears. This may be some of China's land, similar to Baozi's hometown, and he and his friend Dong Hongjing, with their luggage, drove all the way to the mountains of Guizhou.

In the city, there is rarely a chance to look up at the moon, and people are surrounded by tall buildings and neon lights, and they can't even squeeze out the time of homesickness. In the mountains of Guizhou, people sit around, and the sound drifts from the valley to the night sky, speaking to the moon. Bun Zi said that when he was wandering outside, there was always a time to miss his parents, but when people were on the road, home had to be put back to the bottom of his heart. "The villagers in Guizhou are like relatives to me, and these relatives are also my biggest gain in Guizhou."

If he had to define the beauty of the Chinese countryside recorded by the buns, his answer must be that of the people in the village. He said: "There are good scenery everywhere, the scenery of each country is different, but people are unique, they are simple and hospitable, they live the life of ordinary people, but they are very happy and satisfied." Read more >>>

In January, the eruption of The Tonga volcano raised public concerns, how much impact will it have on climate change?

News 8:00 see丨Why is peace coming? Staying behind and fleeing under the smoke of War in Ukraine

Recently, researchers from the LASG State Key Laboratory of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Sun Yat-sen University and Zhejiang University estimated the climatic impact of volcanic eruptions in Tonga from the perspective of analogous large volcanic eruptions in history.

It is reported that when the volcano erupts, a large amount of volcanic ash will be continuously transported into the atmosphere, and the volcanic ash that eventually reaches the stratosphere will undergo a chemical reaction to form a sulfate aerosol. These aerosols can stay in the stratosphere for 1-2 years, creating an "umbrella effect" by blocking solar radiation and cooling the surface.

The study estimates that after the volcanic eruption in Tonga, the global average surface temperature fell by only 0.004°C the following year, which is within the scope of the natural oscillations of the climate system. Among them, Australia and parts of South America cooled more than 0.01 °C, and most of China cooled within 0.01 °C.

"Our estimates suggest that the current eruption of Tonga's volcanoes is not sufficient to have a significant impact on the global climate, much less the trend toward global warming." Zhou Tianjun, a researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.

Zuo Meng, a doctor at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said, "Historically, the eruption of the volcano will have a certain degree of continuity in time, and how big the final climate impact of the Tonga volcano is, it is also necessary to closely monitor its future activity." Read more >>>

Edited by Li Jiarong, Ai Zheng, proofread by Liu Jun

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