
Steam's list of the hottest games in January, including God of War, Monster Hunter: Rise, and more

IT House March 1 news, Steam today announced the most popular new game list in January, the official selection of 20 hottest new games, 5 of the hottest free new games according to the game revenue and the number of players.

Steam's list of the hottest games in January, including God of War, Monster Hunter: Rise, and more

The list includes a large number of game information such as the hottest games, the hottest free games, the hottest DLC in January, such as the word-of-mouth masterpiece "God of War", "Monster Hunter: Rise", etc., and even a number of high-quality domestic games have also entered the list, such as "Anchor Girl Heavy Dependence" and even caused a boom:

Internet Cafe Simulator 2 January 8

Monster Hunter: Rises January 13

Democracy 4, January 13

《Supraland Six Inches Under》1 月 14 日

God of War, January 14

The Unknown Man Saves the World, January 18

Warm Snow, January 19

"Anchor Girl Heavy Dependence" January 21

Mirror 2: Project X, January 21

Strange Horticulture, January 21

Word Games January 21

War and roses, January 21

Hero Sam: Siberian Rhapsody, January 25

Claustrophobic Abyss January 25

Dread Hunger, January 27

Bloodthirsty Seal, January 27

《Zenith: The Last City》1 月 28 日

Rogue Tower, January 29

Steam's list of the hottest games in January, including God of War, Monster Hunter: Rise, and more
Steam's list of the hottest games in January, including God of War, Monster Hunter: Rise, and more
Steam's list of the hottest games in January, including God of War, Monster Hunter: Rise, and more
Steam's list of the hottest games in January, including God of War, Monster Hunter: Rise, and more

IT Home learned that capcom's "Monster Hunter" series of the latest masterpiece "Monster Hunter: Rise" was officially unlocked and released on the Steam platform on January 13, the national standard version of 396 yuan, the deluxe version of 465.3 yuan, before the pre-order players can also get free hunting dogs, Ailu cat and other appearance equipment.