
Commentators made trade proposals, sending James to the Heat for Lowry and Hilo, O'Neill retorted

Recently, the state of the Lakers is very bad, successive losses have led to the home fans turning against each other, and even booed the core of the team James, booing their own fans at the Lakers home, I am afraid that James did not expect it. Because of James's recent poor performance, many people even have the idea of sending James away, although James is now 37 years old, but the average score per game is still very high, but James now only has offense and no defense, so he gets high scores has little impact on the team, which is also where the Lakers are not satisfied with him.

Commentators made trade proposals, sending James to the Heat for Lowry and Hilo, O'Neill retorted

In the face of the Lakers' predicament, Colin Cowherd, the founder of the American sports media The Volume, a well-known basketball commentator and media personality, recently gave a trading proposal in his own program. His suggestion was for the Lakers to send James to the Heat, getting Hiro, Lowry, Duncan Robinson and three first-round picks. If this commentator is not joking if it is serious, then the Heat are absolutely crazy, after all, when hardening was changed, the Heat did not give up this chip, would they use this chip in order to trade Twilight James?

Commentators made trade proposals, sending James to the Heat for Lowry and Hilo, O'Neill retorted

The deal also reached the ears of Lakers star O'Neal, who said: "The Lakers' ranking is not in the playoffs right now, and I can understand that they want to make some changes." But if the Lakers trade LeBron, they'll never win again. "It is true that if the Lakers trade James, it is simply a rush to get medical, because even the 37-year-old James still has an impact on the game, and the Lakers' problem is that Wei Shao is not suitable for this team. And James is also the first star to come to the post-Kobe era, and he cannot be traded for this alone.

Commentators made trade proposals, sending James to the Heat for Lowry and Hilo, O'Neill retorted

O'Neal then added: "If you have the right teammates around James, they're definitely going to win. I think whoever built this lineup, he needs to come forward and try to solve this problem. There is no way to trade this season, wait for the offseason. The Lakers have more than 20 regular season games left, and can only be said to keep trying to fight. O'Neal still understands the ball, the Lakers' current problem is not James's personal problem, but the problem of the whole team, the team lineup is the peak Jordan can not move, let alone twilight James.

Commentators made trade proposals, sending James to the Heat for Lowry and Hilo, O'Neill retorted

The Lakers' lineup is aging, injuries are serious, and the overall height of the players is too short, these are all problems with the lineup. James is also good to help this Lakers to win the NBA championship, at least is the Lakers' hero, if the Lakers management treats their heroes in this way, I am afraid that no one really wants to defect to this Lakers team in the future, George deceived the Lakers to join this team, but finally teased the Lakers, Leonard said to return to his hometown, but finally joined the Clippers, James alone to run.

Commentators made trade proposals, sending James to the Heat for Lowry and Hilo, O'Neill retorted

Although the NBA is not a humane society, but James's influence is here after all, fans across the United States if they see the Lakers such a practice, it is estimated that they will absolutely attack the Lakers management. The Lakers have reached this point, those who sent away James are definitely ulterior motives, this season the Lakers have never been fully healthy, there is no time to run in, the problem is definitely not James alone, the last twenty games depend on how the Lakers adjust!

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