
Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

author:China Youth Network

According to the news of the Belarusian national television station on the 28th local time, the talks between Russia and Ukraine have officially begun.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire
Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

Belarusian Foreign Minister Mak-i attended the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations. The Ukrainian delegation sent a total of 6 people to the talks, including Defense Minister Leznikov, Deputy Foreign Minister Tochytsky, Adviser to the Office of the President Podolyak, Chairman of the People's Servant Party Alahamia, Parliamentarian Umelov, and Koskin, First Deputy Head of the Tripartite Contact Group on Ukraine.

According to Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said on the 27th, the Russian delegation is composed of representatives of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and other agencies, including the President's Office.

Earlier, The office of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that the core issue of the talks was an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of troops.

Three details that affected the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations

At present, the situation in Russia and Ukraine remains tense.

On the afternoon of the 26th Beijing time, the Ukrainian capital Kiev heard explosions one after another. In many directions of the Kiev city, there have been firefights. A missile hit the 17th and 18th floors of a high-rise civilian dwelling in kiev city, and Ukrainian government officials said no one died in the incident.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

According to the latest announcement issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian armed forces have paralyzed 821 Ukrainian military infrastructure.

Even in the change of the situation, both Russia and Ukraine have also made statements on the talks. In a televised speech on the 25th, zelenskiy, after accusing the West of completely abandoning Ukraine, said that he hoped to negotiate and avoid civilian casualties. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov also stated on the same day that he could negotiate at any time. Over the course of a day, the two sides engaged in several rounds of interaction around the peace talks. However, on the evening of the 26th, Ukraine said it refused peace talks.

From agreeing to rejecting the time of day, there are three details worth paying attention to.

The first revolves around the issue of "weapons". Russia has always stressed that "no one wants to occupy Ukraine," but the negotiations are premised on the Ukrainian armed forces laying down their arms and stopping resistance. On the issue of weapons, Zelenskiy's response to U.S. help was that he needed ammunition rather than a ride. Meanwhile, the White House announced that the U.S. State Department has been authorized to provide $600 million in aid to Ukraine.

The second is around the issue of "place". On February 25, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said Putin was ready to send a Russian delegation to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to negotiate with the Ukrainian delegation. Zelenskiy proposed that the Polish capital, Warsaw, be the site of talks between the two sides, rather than Minsk, which Moscow first proposed. It is worth noting that as early as early February, Biden had added thousands of troops to Poland.

The third detail was that on the 25th, Biden and Zelenskiy had a 40-minute phone call.

Behind the three details that influenced the peace talks, there is a figure of the United States.

At the same time, when asked about the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, US State Department spokesman Price said that Russia was engaged in "disguised diplomacy" at a time when "rockets, mortars and cannons are aimed at the Ukrainian people."

Who, exactly, didn't want the negotiations to go ahead sooner.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

Source: @CYStudio

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

All along, the United States and the West have painted a huge political and strategic picture for Ukraine, on the one hand, using Ukraine to charge the front and carry out strategic attrition of Russia; on the other hand, they do not want to go shirtless and personally confront Russia. Usually, he promised to support Ukraine, but at the critical moment, he dodged and used the Ukrainian issue to play a game with Russia, and his hypocritical face has long been exposed.

Two American voices aiding Ukraine

On Feb. 25, in a phone call with Zelenskiy, Biden conveyed U.S. economic, humanitarian, and security support for Ukraine. Not long after, some US media quoted US officials as saying that the US government was ready to help Ukrainian President Zelenskiy leave Kiev.

The purpose of conveying support is to give Zelensky the confidence to persevere, and in the blink of an eye, zelenskiy is evacuated. The U.S. government, one mouth, why are there two voices?

In dealing with the situation in Ukraine, there does not seem to be a unity of opinion within the United States.

Biden has repeatedly addressed the situation in Ukraine. On the 25th, he reiterated: "I repeat, the U.S. military will not and will not fight Russia in Ukraine. Our troops will not go to Europe to fight for Ukraine. ”

On the same day, Defense Secretary Austin said in response to questions from members of Congress that the U.S. Department of Defense was studying "long-range training" for the Ukrainian military.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

In 2021, U.S. Defense Secretary Austin visited Ukraine to review the Ukrainian Honor Guard with the Ukrainian Defense Minister in Kiev

As Biden desperately brushes aside his military ties with Ukraine, Pentagon officials show a "passion" far beyond that of the President of the United States. U.S. Defense Department spokesman John Kirby mentioned at the briefing that the Defense Department is "very active" in providing additional "extremely harmful" assistance to Ukraine.

About 12,000 U.S. soldiers were put on alert at the request of Defense Secretary Austin, and John Kirby's phrase for the matter was, "historic moment."

The U.S. Department of Defense has also said that although President Joe Biden has said that U.S. troops will not enter Ukraine to directly participate in the fight with Russia. However, the U.S. military may be asked to participate in NATO-led missions.

For the situation in Ukraine, the Pentagon seems to be more motivated than the White House. Combining this different voice with a quote from former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, it means a lot — she said in an interview:

The U.S. military-industrial complex will make a lot of money from the war.

Why is the "military-industrial complex" so active?

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

The statement of Hayes, the head of Raytheon, when talking about the situation in Russia and Ukraine, confirms Turcy Gabad's statement:

He said unabashedly that I fully expected that we could profit from it.

Hayes' confidence is not empty, and the "cost of war" study released by Brown University in the United States shows that since the war in Afghanistan was launched in 2001, the cumulative military expenditure of the United States has exceeded 14 trillion US dollars, of which "one-third to half" has fallen into the pockets of military enterprises like Raytheon.

In order to create a security threat, the military industry has come up with a way to deeply bind with US politicians from the root. The data shows that more than 4,000 groups lobbying for their interests are active in the US political arena.

The close relationship between military enterprises and the US government and congress has formed a powerful military industry interest group, which is called the "military-industrial complex."

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

This kind of relationship is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Austin, who was very positive about the situation in Ukraine, served on the board of Directors of Raytheon until he became Defense Minister.

Many of Biden's core team are from the think tank Center for New American Security. The main sponsors of this think tank come from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, these well-known US military enterprises.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken founded a consulting firm in 2017. In less than half a year in power, the Biden administration has had at least 15 employees of the company in the administration.

These include the Director of National Intelligence, the Deputy Director of the CIA Bureau, the Director of National Networks, the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security, the U.S. Ambassador to NATO...

Just these days, an economist who once held a key position at the company was "considering" a job at heading a key office in the U.S. Treasury.

It can be said that among the American institutions you can think of, there are people from this company.

The company has not disclosed its own customers, but according to US media reports, the company's main customer is the US military-industrial complex.

Will the Russian-Ukrainian decision be a plus for the Biden administration?

For the strategic logic of the United States abroad, Professor Shen Yi of Fudan University gave this judgment:

After the end of the Cold War, the foreign strategic decisions of the United States and Western countries, such as NATO's eastward expansion, depended more on whether they could bring enough domestic political chips and help politicians win elections.

So this time, the choice made by the Biden administration to keep arching the fire really become its own plus? Public opinion is the best reflection.

On the 26th, Harvard University released a latest poll, and the data showed that Biden's approval rating continued to decline, hitting a new low of 38%. 39 percent of respondents said they were "strongly opposed" to Biden's work.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

For the poll data, Diao Daming, a professor at Chinese Min University who is familiar with American politics, analyzed that from the data point of view, Biden's handling of the Russian-Ukrainian issue is related to the polls, which is leading to the further negativeization of his public opinion support. The public believes that the Biden administration should have a so-called "better" response. As for how big the impact will be or how long it will last, it will remain to be seen in the future.

It is the dark force that has coerced the U.S. government into making the wrong choice.

Robert Lake, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley and former Secretary of Labor, wrote about his despair in the article.

"These days, all I seem to hear is people arguing about Biden's Rebuild a Better Future bill, worrying about how much it will cost, and how much it will spur inflation, fearing that the national debt will expand. But in the blink of an eye, Congress will approve $768 billion to the military this fiscal year. Where is the outcry against this National Defense Authorization Bill? Why haven't lawmakers and economists complained loudly about its impact on inflation and the national debt? ”

Robert Lake concluded that the U.S. military-industrial complex was out of control.

The victory of the US military-industrial complex is the suffering of the people. Among them, there are not only Ukrainians and Russians.

Reflecting on war in this era, there is no escape from one country, the United States.

In the more than 240 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States has not participated in the war for only 16 years.

The source of the world's turmoil, it is time to end.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

The United States will ship anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine

According to the Associated Press reported on the 27th, as part of the package approved by the White House on the 25th, the United States approved the direct delivery of "Stinger" air defense missiles to Ukraine for the first time. The exact delivery time is unclear, but officials say the U.S. is studying shipments. According to the report, the high-speed "Stinger" is very accurate and can directly hit a helicopter or other aircraft. In addition, Ukrainian officials are also asking for more powerful weapons.

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

Screenshot of the Associated Press report

Former US Congressman and Democratic candidate for the 2020 presidential election in the United States, Tursi Gabbard, said in a recent interview with Fox News that US President Biden can end the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and prevent the outbreak of war as long as he promises not to admit Ukraine to NATO, but they do not do so. Tursi said bluntly that first, once war breaks out between Russia and Ukraine, the United States will have a clear excuse to impose severe sanctions on Russia; second, because the military-industrial complex that controls the Biden administration will make a lot of money from the war, and it will be the people of the United States, Russia, and Ukraine who will pay for it.


The United States and other Western countries are trying to incite the situation

According to the Syrian News Agency on the 27th, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said that Syria strongly condemns the behavior of the United States and its Western allies against Russia, which are intended to distort facts, incite tensions, and continue the regional crisis, with the purpose of maintaining the hegemony of the United States and its Western allies themselves; the Western countries led by the United States have launched wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., repeatedly violated international law, killed millions of innocent civilians, and have no right to talk about the so-called violation of international law and the UN Charter.

EU first spends 3.5 billion "European Peace Fund"

On the 27th local time, the European Union announced that it agreed to use the so-called "European Peace Fund" to provide Ukraine with lethal weapons worth 450 million euros, as well as 50 million euros of other assistance, such as fuel and protective equipment, totaling 500 million euros (about 3.53 billion yuan). EU leaders called the move a "watershed" in history, with the EU "another taboo disappearing" and "this war requires our intervention".

According to Reuters, CNN and other media sources, European Commission President von der Leyen supported Ukraine's accession to the European Union in an interview on Sunday (27th), saying that Ukraine is "one of us (the EU)".

British Foreign Secretary: "Support British citizens to go to War in Ukraine"

British Foreign Secretary Trastevers publicly stated on the 27th that she supported British citizens to go to the conflict zone in Ukraine and join the fight against Russia.

Combined with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the European version of the US news website "Politico" on February 27, Tras said that this is a fight for "freedom and democracy" in Europe.

Speaking on the BBC's Sunday morning programme, Tras said: "The Ukrainian people are fighting for freedom and democracy, not only for Ukraine, but for the whole of Europe, because Russian President Vladimir Putin is challenging them." Of course, if people want to support this fight, I'll support them in doing so. ”

Asked if that meant taking up arms, she replied: "If they want to do it, of course they can." ”

Denmark: Allows Danish citizens to join the international military force established by the Ukrainian authorities

According to the Russian TELEVISION (RT) reported on the 28th, the Danish government announced that it will allow Danish citizens to join the international military force planned by the Ukrainian authorities to help the Ukrainian army deal with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Danish Prime Minister Mete Fraser Rickson told a news conference on Sunday: "It's a choice anyone can make. This applies to all Ukrainians living here, as well as to others who believe they can contribute directly to the conflict. ”

Russia and Ukraine are negotiating, the United States is sending missiles, and it is time to collect the hands that add fuel to the fire

Danish Prime Minister Mete Fraser Rickerson

The Western countries and relevant organizations led by the United States have distorted the facts, incited tensions, perpetuated the regional crisis, and used the Ukraine issue to play a game with Russia, the purpose of which is to maintain the hegemony of the United States and its Western allies themselves.

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

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