
Is it $3 billion and 5 years for the world's largest transport aircraft to be destroyed or destroyed in Ukraine #The world's largest aircraft An-225 was destroyed? Russia and Ukraine are now divided #According to official Ukrainian social accounts

author:Weapons knowledge
{"info":{"title":{"content":"世界最大运输机或在乌克兰被摧毁修复需30亿美元和5年时间#全球最大飞机安-225被毁?俄乌现分歧#据乌克兰官方社交账号称","en":"Is it $3 billion and 5 years for the world's largest transport aircraft to be destroyed or destroyed in Ukraine #The world's largest aircraft An-225 was destroyed? Russia and Ukraine are now divided #According to official Ukrainian social accounts"},"description":{"content":""}},"items":[]}