
These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

I don't know when it began, there was a wave of driving license testing in China, whether there was a car or not at home, everyone would first go to the driver's license test. In the process of taking the driver's license, you will meet all kinds of people, some of whom are very smart and pass the test once. Some people are very clumsy, and they have not passed the second subject exam many times, which makes the coaches have a headache. The driving school instructor said that some students are really not suitable for driving licenses, but they do not look down on anyone, but for the good of everyone.

These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

People who are not suitable for the driver's license are category 1 people who are born insensitive to mechanical operation.

Some people have a high level of understanding, although they have never touched a car before, but as soon as the coach says it, he understands it and gets started quickly. Some people are just the opposite, their sensitivity to machinery is almost zero, the coach said it many times, and they can't tell the brakes and throttle. When getting on the car, he often rushed around, either hanging up the wrong gear or stepping on the wrong brakes, which made a lot of jokes.

These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

Not suitable for driver's license test Type 2 people, grumpy people.

In the process of daily driving, we have also met many grumpy people, such people are collectively known as "road rage". They are very grumpy and often drive with emotions in mind. Once you encounter something unhappy, your temper will explode in an instant, chasing and blocking other vehicles on the road, maliciously diverting cars, so that other car owners cannot drive with peace of mind.

These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

Driving with emotions is a very dangerous behavior, and if other car owners avoid it, a car accident can happen. Injuring other traffic participants because of their own gambling is an act that endangers public safety, and such people are least suitable for driving.

The third type is not suitable for people who drive, people with poor mental state

Driving is a very physical and energetic thing, when driving the owner needs to concentrate, observe the situation around the front and back of the vehicle at any time and respond in time. If the owner's mental state is not good when driving, he is always listless, and when he encounters an emergency, he may operate incorrectly, causing serious accidents.

These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

There are many people who often stay up late at night, are listless, and often yawn when driving. If you drive a long distance, you may also fall into a half-asleep and half-awake state. Fatigue driving will produce physiological and psychological dysfunction, and the driver's driving skills and judgment ability will be reduced. Continuing to drive the vehicle when tired can easily lead to traffic accidents.

These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

The fourth type of person is not suitable for driving, ignoring traffic laws

Traffic laws are a ruler that binds every traffic participant. Every driver who drives on the road must follow the traffic laws. However, some people regard traffic laws as decorations, and feel that traffic laws are only used to restrain others, not to restrain themselves.

These 4 kinds of people are not suitable for driving licenses, not to look down on anyone, but for everyone's good

In the process of driving, you often disregard the provisions of traffic laws and commit acts that violate traffic laws. Obviously, traffic laws do not allow drunk driving, but the owner still drinks alcohol on the road. Ignoring traffic laws is equivalent to disregarding the safety of life, which is a very dangerous existence and is not suitable for driving at all.


Although the threshold for driving license test is low, it does not mean that everyone is suitable for driving. The above four kinds of people may also be able to get a driver's license through hard work, but their driving habits and safety awareness are very lacking, and driving on the road is like a "time bomb", which is very unsafe for other people on the road.

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