
What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

With the broadcast of many parent-child programs on the Internet, everyone has recognized one after another cute star children, who are lively and innocent and smart, which makes people feel endless happiness. But everyone knows that these children's nicknames are often very curious, what is the real name of the star child?

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

Bao Bell is a very well-known comedian in China, he has a cute daughter, nicknamed Bao Dumplings. This name can make netizens laugh, did not expect that Bao Bell not only showed a comedic side in the show, but even named the child. In fact, the child's big name is Bao Keai, which is still quite cute.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

The name Jiang Wen is even more famous, he is an indispensable figure in the Chinese film industry. Jiang Wen has a half-blood daughter named Jiang Yilang. Many people who hear this name have such a feeling, it is too much like a Japanese name.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

The last thing to say is that Chen Xiaochun's son, who has watched the parent-child variety show, knows that Chen Xiaochun's son is named Jasper in English, lively and clever and cute. But his Chinese name has been complained about by many netizens, because it is too difficult to write. The child's real name is Chen Yinjie, and the words in the middle make people retreat at a glance. No wonder netizens think that among these stars, only Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

From these names, we can see that celebrities think the same as most ordinary people, and they all want to be able to give their children a good-sounding, cultured name.

How do I name my child?

Don't be too egotistical

Many parents are too self-ego, thinking that naming their children is their own business, and do not allow others to interfere, so they use their own ideas to come up with a name for their children, but in the end they can't get the approval of others, so parents have to say that there is some selfishness. To name the child, or to take care of the child's future feelings, if you take out a bad name, parents are complacent, and it is likely that they will be blamed by the child in the future.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

Don't be ashamed to ask

If you really don't have any ink in your stomach and can't think of a good name, we may as well ask others for advice. See if there are some respected elderly people in the family, and ask them to give them a nice name. These old people have lived a lifetime, what kind of scenes have not been seen, what kind of names have not been heard, it is easy to come up with some beautiful and beautiful names, and it is also a very deep and cultured one.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

There are some misunderstandings in naming your child that need to be avoided

Too fashionable

Naming is not about dressing as fashionably as possible. Because fashionable trends can change at any time, maybe day 2 will change direction. Therefore, we should be cautious in naming our children, and take some names that are enduring and can withstand the grind of time. Many parents like to take names with unique structures, such as the combination of father's surname and mother's surname. But we still have to think more about children, once this way is outdated, it is too late to regret it.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

Too hard to write

Chen Xiaochun's son's name is actually a little problematic, because some difficult writing will cause a relatively large burden on the child. Children are so small, they are not interested in learning to write, there may be some disgusting emotions, if parents still add burden to the child, to the child's legs, will only make this kind of disgusted mood aggravated, may lead to some bad phenomena. Therefore, parents should still follow the principle of simpler and better listening to their children.

What are the real names of celebrity children? Jiang Wen's daughter resembles a Japanese name, and Chen Xiaochun is the most pit baby

Parenting message: There is no need to be too complicated to name a child, and Huang Lei's approach is worth learning from everyone. His eldest daughter is called Huang Yici, and his second daughter is called Huang Shaoai, and their names are very cultured and not difficult to write. We can also follow this principle when taking names, take some simple names, which can reduce the burden on children and have many benefits for children.

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