
On February 28, the United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles; Putin showed off his nuclear war card

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Unconsciously, the war between Russia and Ukraine has entered the fifth day, and the beginning of the war is different from the heat of the whole people at the beginning of the war, with the passage of time, the outside world has gradually reduced the attention to this war between Eastern Europe, but after comprehensive analysis, this stage is the most intense moment of confrontation between Russia and Ukraine. The Russian-Ukrainian army carried out a long tug-of-war on the outskirts of Kiev, and in the face of the Russian army that was constantly encircling, the Ukrainian army began to adjust its state and carry out fierce resistance, and the occurrence of the incident of the abuse of prisoners by Ukrainian armed personnel strengthened the will to fight at the top of the Russian army.

On the one hand, it is a game on the battlefield, and on the other hand, it is a contest at the negotiating table. At 5 p.m. Beijing time on February 28, Russian and Ukrainian representatives will hold bilateral negotiations in the Ukrainian-Belarusian border area. As the first talks between the two sides since the outbreak of the war, both sides held a cautious and optimistic attitude, with one side saying that the talks "did not presuppose any conditions" and the other side saying that "the engagement will continue during the talks." As for the outcome of the Russian-Ukrainian talks, it will take until the negotiations are completed before it can be revealed, but on February 28, there are two more news around the Russo-Ukrainian war that deserves to be studied in detail.

On February 28, the United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles; Putin showed off his nuclear war card

First message: Can't see the armistice? The United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles, and the Russian-Ukrainian crisis resurfaced

During the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, the most important thing for all parties concerned is to create a peaceful environment and promote friendly dialogue between Russia and Ukraine, as IOC President Bach said at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, "to give peace the greatest chance.". Regrettably, however, because of international political factors, the hostility between Russia and Ukraine not only did not decrease during the negotiations, but on the contrary, it escalated sharply with the intervention of extraterritorial powers.

US media reported that after announcing four sanctions against Russia a few days ago, the White House began to give direct military assistance to Ukraine, which is deeply involved in war, and the first batch of military assistance was the "Stinger" individual air defense missile. Insiders said it was unclear when the weapons would arrive in Ukraine, but the delivery was already being arranged. Choosing "Stinger" missiles as military aid can, on the one hand, quickly make up for the air defense strength of the Ukrainian army destroyed by the Russian army, give Russian helicopters, warplanes and other powerful lethality, on the other hand, avoid direct assistance to strategic offensive weapons, resulting in the United States and Russia completely "tearing their faces".

On February 28, the United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles; Putin showed off his nuclear war card

Compared with the "careful thinking" used by the United States in its assistance to the Ukrainian army, the EU side is very underconsidered. The EU's high-level representative said eu countries will provide ukrainian warplanes in the near future to support the country's fight against Russia's "invasion". However, in view of the adaptability of the fighter, the EU can only give assistance to the Ukrainian Air Force the MiG-29, which is on the verge of retirement in Poland and other countries. The old MiG-29 not only has many problems in the fuselage itself, but also the Russian pilots are quite familiar with it, not only is it difficult to play a role in countering the Russian Air Force, but it is very easy to cause a large number of Ukrainian pilots to die.

On February 28, the United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles; Putin showed off his nuclear war card

The second news is that the Western world has "blocked" Russia, and Putin has made the final choice and fully displayed the core card

Under the sanctions of the Western world for many rounds, russia is currently in crisis, on the other hand, the russian army's advance on the battlefield has also suffered setbacks, and Kiev has not been captured for a long time, making it difficult for the Russian army to grasp the dominant power in a short time. At a time when the situation is taking a sharp turn for the worse, Putin, who shows himself as a "tough guy", makes his most important choice, shows his core card, and lets the world appreciate the true power of nuclear powers.

On February 28, the United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles; Putin showed off his nuclear war card

In the latest public televised speech, Putin ordered the transformation of Russia's strategic deterrent into a "special state of combat readiness", which is not only the first time Putin has admitted to the outside world that Russia has its own nuclear deterrent duty combat system, but also shows Western countries that Russia is ready to start a nuclear war. Once the "hawks" leaders of the West decide to seize the opportunity to go to war against Russia, then Moscow will not rule out the use of nuclear forces as a means of counterattack.

Putin stressed that at present, all of Russia's nuclear forces combat forces have entered a state of high alert, and all nuclear weapons in the sea, land and air have entered a state of war and can be launched at any time.

On February 28, the United States and Europe aided Ukrainian warplanes and missiles; Putin showed off his nuclear war card

Although the gap between the United States and Russia in conventional military strength is large, in the field of nuclear weapons, the two are on a par, according to the latest data, Russia has 1456 nuclear warheads, the United States has 1357 nuclear warheads, the two want to account for more than 90% of the total number of nuclear bombs in the world. Nuclear weapons aside, Russia is one position ahead of the United States in the research of hypersonic missiles, a new strategic weapon, and hypersonic missiles such as "Zircon", "Pioneer", and "Dagger" have been successfully test-fired many times and have been prepared to equip troops in batches, while the research on hypersonic weapons in the United States has not yet produced results.

Not surprisingly, the Confrontation between Russia and Ukraine will continue for a few days, and as for what other moves will be taken by the relevant parties in the future, please wait and see.

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