
Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

Hello everyone, here is the play café Xiaobian, bringing the latest game information, there are about the redemption code (may have been redeemed) and 2.6 activities, test suit monsters and so on.

【1. Redemption Code】

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

If you have already redeemed players, it will be invalid to redeem them. In addition, the official account of the game on a certain station, the number of fans has just exceeded 10 million. If you leave a message to appeal, you may be rewarded, but not necessarily.

【2. 2.6 pot activities can enhance the character's good feelings】

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!
Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

During the event, making food, giving it to different characters, can increase favorability (different characters like different foods), and trigger unique voice dialogue and rewards. Of course, some characters will have particularly "nasty" things, and it is not known whether feeding will trigger unique reactions or voices. (For example, Aratsuki does not like to eat beans, Diona hates drinking, etc.)

Evaluation: Character full of goodwill can unlock business cards, as a background picture of the avatar, etc., can get more character favorability, or a very good activity. Although the dust song pot can also increase the favorability, but after all, the location is limited.

【III. Status Quo of Test Suit Monsters】

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!
Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

This monster, the Black Wind Knight, is obviously the "Empty Shell Monster" of the Wind System. In the V2 version of the test suit, the mechanics are a bit stronger than the original Shell Monster and the existing Empty Shell Monster. Because it is a wind system, also known as the "Black Wind Knight", he is immune to wind power, 50 wind resistance and full hegemony. However, controls such as "freezing and petrifying" are still its nemesis. Probably to make way for the combination of ice and water systems, the big world permafrost flow is still quite easy to use.

【IV. Correlation and Depth of Strato-Rock Giant Abyss】

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

There will be inverted anchor points and can be unlocked, which is different from the "Inverted Seven Heavenly Gods" that appeared in the previous story (the one that cannot be unlocked, only the plot needs). It shows that perhaps, the entire layer of rock abyss under the moon has another civilization before, but it has been turned upside down.

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

According to the relevant depth measurement of the giant abyss of the strato-rock, it can be seen that the underground depth is even thousands of meters, which is equivalent to the height of two "cold nails" floating in the air from the sea level to the top of the snow mountain. In the plot, the Ruotuo Dragon King once complained about the destruction of the earth vein by The Moon, and some reasons can be seen from here. I don't know what the capacity is at such a depth. In addition, perhaps because The Fuchishita Palace is a separate map, there is no size comparison on the map.

【V. Information on Scattered Soldiers】

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!
Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

There have been information about the silhouette of the scattered soldiers before, but he will not appear in version 2.6. Of course, it's safe to say he'll get into the card pool later. In this way, the new roles that can be expected in the short term are still only the gods and the water archers behind them, the night.

Original God's latest redemption code, 2.6 event introduction, new monster immune to wind power but permafrost is still nemesis!

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