
Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

author:Fire armory

Ukraine's conflict with Russia, if it goes on, could disrupt the global aerospace supply chain, as 60 percent of the world's high-thrust space engines are supplied by Russia.

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

The space station, built during the Soviet period, is still functioning normally

The Ukrainian-Russian conflict entered its third day, and more than 1,000 Russian soldiers were killed in Ukraine? So far, 3,500 Russian soldiers have been killed and nearly 200 captured, according to the deputy director of the State Office of Ukraine. But Russia flatly denies this and cannot confirm whether what the Ukrainians say is true.

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

The soldier killed whose nationality could not be identified

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

Military vehicles at the scene of the engagement

Minister of Ukraine Irina Speaking at today's news conference, Vereshchuk said: "We have asked the ICRC to assist in transporting the remains of Russian soldiers back to Russia, where up to 1,000 bodies have been found."

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

The scene of a fierce engagement

We hope that the bodies of the Russian aggressors will leave Ukraine and return to Russia. Russia should know how many such corpses lie on Ukrainian soil. ”

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

Explosions continued on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital

If these claims are true, Russian casualties are indeed heavy

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

Tanks ready to enter the zone of engagement

The Russian military has asked its soldiers not to shoot Ukrainian civilians, many of whom are Ukrainian militants. Russia will certainly suffer heavy losses.

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

The Soviet space station was used by the United States, Russia, and 13 countries in Western Europe

Ukraine's conflict with Russia could disrupt global aerospace supply chains

Space Station Ground Space Center

War is cruel, not only the people of our own country are injured, but all the industrial chains in the world, including aerospace, will be affected, so we all long for world peace, there will be no war

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