
When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

author:Shadow man business

目前‬要‬完全‬战争‬的‬真实‬进展难度‬很大‬... [机智]‬得自从开战之后,各种互相矛盾的消息满天飞。 For a moment the Ukrainian army was defeated in an instant. For a while, the Russian army did not take Kiev for a day and a night... [what] [what] [what]


When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?



自打2014之后,西乌政府军和纳粹民团得到‬英美军事教练‬专业‬指导‬‬、武器援助、战术培训... 战斗力‬明显‬增强‬。 这次战争可以看出乌克兰‬军队‬并没‬那么弱鸡‬。 还是‬能‬扛‬住‬俄罗斯‬的攻击‬。


When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

多年来我经常在互联网上看说‬英美的教官垃圾,他们‬战术‬技术小组土‬渣渣... 在他们的指导之下,俄军一旦进攻,乌克兰‬就会一触即溃。 [奸笑]如今‬看来‬,还是‬网‬上‬传说‬有误‬差‬了。


经过了俄军第一波捷报之后,大家‬会‬以为‬俄罗斯‬能‬速胜,而且‬是直接以小时计的速度胜利。 甚至‬很多人‬以为‬这‬战争‬48小‬时就能‬结束‬。


When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

The Ukrainian Defence Forces are a regular army backed by a fairly functioning state apparatus, and they are mechanized units.

跟乌克兰东部‬民间武装哪次动手不是装甲战车+大口径迫击炮野战炮的? 这可‬不‬是西亚非洲的那种‬落后‬战斗力‬能相提并论的。

Moreover, from the era of Cossack founding hundreds of years ago to the bloody war of the separatist period, and then to the participation of so many people in the Soviet Red Army in World War II, the traditional military culture of their families is also very strong.

When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

可以‬说‬乌克兰‬人‬也是‬吸‬奶嘴‬的时代就摸真枪了。 而且‬我上‬一篇‬文章‬说过‬,他们‬也有‬“罗斯‬人”的‬嫡传‬血统‬,虽然‬基辅‬经过‬几百年‬变迁‬不再是‬“罗斯‬”的‬中心‬城市‬,但‬“罗斯‬人‬”这种‬战斗‬民族的特质‬并没‬随‬历史‬而‬从‬血液‬中消散‬。


When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

其实‬自从二战之后,可以说数十年来人类未曾真正再次的在百万人口的现代化都市之中进行过攻坚战。 [Crying is silent]


更不用说俄军还得尽量避免杀伤平民,这‬更是让进攻巨型城市的难度提升至最高级‬。 [Crying is silent]

When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

Therefore, at this stage, the performance of the Russian army is actually completely excellent. This is a large-scale battle that has not been seen for many years, the offensive cross-section spans hundreds of kilometers from north to south, and the multi-service and multi-organization are complex and coordinated.

When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?


Now Russia has taken control of Ukraine's airspace.



When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?




When is Russia and Ukraine expected to finish?

The power of international intervention will also play a big role. The EU currently says Ukraine is one of them.

I hope that this war will end as soon as possible, after all, peace is what humanity on earth really needs. [Prayer]

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