
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

author:Lonely Regulus
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

Ukrainian President Zelens, based on a video of his appeal on February 26, 2022, stood outside his office and called on Ukrainians not to believe false information about the surrender of the army.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

Zelenskiy said: "I am standing here, we will not lay down any weapons, we will defend our country."

Does Zelenskiy deserve sympathy? Does Ukraine's attack by Russia also deserve sympathy? What happened to the recent unabated Ukrainian-Russian incident? Today we're going to explore some of these issues.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

During World War II, Hitler wanted to repeat the success of the Blitzkrieg in Western Europe and quickly defeat the vast state he regarded as Germany's mortal enemy, the Soviet Union at the time, and on June 22, 1941, more than 3 million German and Axis troops invaded the Soviet Union along a 1.6-kilometer front line, launching Operation Barbarossa.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

At the beginning of the invasion, Nazi Germany originally thought that it would be a fierce war from beginning to end, but the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which was still under Soviet rule at that time, that is, today's Ukraine, "shamelessly" welcomed the invading German army very much, because in Ukraine at that time they believed that they would help the country get rid of the Soviet regime responsible for the Great Famine, which occurred from 1932 to 1933 and was a famine that killed millions of people. On December 6, 1932, the Soviet Union began to expropriate Ukrainian grain, confiscating all the means of production and even seeds from all of Ukraine, and Ukraine dared not speak out, which led to the absurd historical picture of a warm welcome to invaders.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

Ukrainians at that time regarded the Germans as liberators. In Galicia in particular, it has long been widely believed that Germany, as the public enemy of Poland and the Soviet Union, must have been a natural ally of ukrainians in realizing their vision of freedom. However, the illusion was soon shattered. The Germans entered Lviv on June 30, 1941, accompanied by members of the United Nations-B, who also announced the restoration of Ukraine's statehood and the establishment of an interim government on the same day; But a few days later, the organizers of the operation were arrested and held in concentration camps. Instead of supporting Ukraine's vision of freedom, Nazi Germany incorporated some of Ukraine's lands into Poland and Romania in August, while the Nazis began to implement their "ethnic" policies in the Ukrainian occupation zones. Beginning in the autumn of 1941, invading Nazi Germany carried out a mass murder of Jews that lasted until 1944. An estimated 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews died as a result and more than 800,000 people were displaced; In a region of Kiev, the capital of present-day Ukraine, nearly 34,000 Ukrainian Jews were killed by Nazi Germany's ethnic policy actions in the first two days of the Holocaust alone.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

After the Nazi Germans snatched Ukrainian grain, forced Ukrainians into labor factories, and sent Ukrainians to the battlefield, the Ukrainians found that whether they had thrown themselves into the arms of Tsarist Russia to get rid of Polish rule, or later welcomed Nazi Germany in order to get rid of Soviet rule, Ukraine's final fate was to be squeezed again and again.

On September 2, 1945, the end of World War II, after which two of the world's largest military blocs were formed, the first being the 1949 United States leading the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization headed by the United States, when only 12 countries joined the organization.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

Six years later, in 1955, the Soviet Union also led the establishment of the Warsaw Pact, 8 countries joined in, when the world's two largest military blocs were established, for the Soviet Union at that time, the most important threat was the eastward expansion of NATO.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

In 1947, with the proposal of the Truman Doctrine in the United States, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union began, before the end of the Cold War, NATO member states from the beginning of the 12 countries have successively accepted Greece, Turkey, West Germany, Spain, increased to 16 member states, why is the Soviet Union or now Russia afraid of NATO's eastward expansion? Because NATO member states are military blocs led by the United States, but before the end of the Cold War, compared with the trend of crazy eastward expansion after NATO, in the 42 years since the Cold War, NATO has only expanded 4 countries. In 1990, in order to unify East and West Germany and integrate it into NATO, Western politicians repeatedly assured Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand east of the German border, and researchers at the famous George Washington University National Security Archives specifically obtained key declassified information from the government, compiling 30 important documents that clearly showed that several senior Western officials unanimously swore to Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward. Some of these documents have been public for several years, while others have been required to be disclosed because of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. In 1990, U.S. President George W. Bush's Secretary of State James Baker told his Soviet counterpart, Edward Shevardnadze, "I guarantee in a firm manner that NATO's jurisdiction or forces will not move east." On the same day in Moscow, he told the General Secretary of the Soviet Union that NATO would not "move even an inch east."

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

For various reasons, as well as the promise of NATO not to expand eastward, the Soviet Union agreed to German reunification and entered nato's agenda, and it was also in 1990 that the severe economic crisis in the Soviet Union reached its peak, and in February 1991, the Soviet Gross National Product fell by 20%, and the inflation rate of loans was as high as 300%, and the Soviet economy at that time had contracted across the board. Coupled with social unrest and the influence of Western powers, the Soviet Union announced the resignation of Gorbachev from the presidency on December 25, 1991, and on December 26, the Supreme House of Soviet Republics of the SOVIET Union held its last meeting, declaring the cessation of the Soviet Union and the official disintegration of the Soviet Union.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

The Russian Federation became the sole successor state of the Soviet Union. But Russia found that something was wrong, once the United States promised the Soviet Union that NATO would not "move even an inch east" immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1999, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic joined NATO, despite Russia's strong opposition, but NATO still carried out the first expansion. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were invited to begin membership talks during the 2002 Prague Summit, and all joined NATO shortly before the 2004 Istanbul Summit. Expansion continues, with Albania and Croatia announcing their membership in NATO on April 1, 2009, prior to the Strasbourg-Kyle Summit, Montenegro joining NATO on June 5, 2017, and North Macedonia joining NATO on March 27, 2020.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

It should be known that in the 42 years since the Cold War, NATO has only expanded 4 countries, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, the only successor country of the Soviet Union, holds the so-called "NATO will never "move even an inch east" of the United States, and has watched NATO expand 14 countries abruptly in 30 years.

In 2014, a pro-EU demonstration campaign was launched in Ukraine,

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

This movement overthrew the pro-Russian regime of Viktor Yanukovych, a war that revolved around Crimea in southeastern Ukraine and the Donbass region in the east, of which the Donbass region remained pro-Russian, starting in March 2021, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskiy signed a presidential decree to retake the Donbas region, he inspected the front line, while the Ukrainian army strengthened the deployment of troops on the front line and began frequent armed exchanges with uganda, in December of the same year, Russia garrisoned more than 100,000 troops on the Russian-Ukrainian border, In January 2022, the Supreme Council of Ukraine withdrew the state policy proposal for the transitional period, and negotiations between Germany, France, Russia, Ukraine were slowed down, and on February 21, 2022, Russia announced the recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic, which were established by pro-Russian armed members in Ukraine in 2014, and established diplomatic relations with them the following day, after which Russian troops entered the Donbass region. In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a public televised speech announcing "special military operations" against Ukraine in the name of "de-militarization" and "de-Nazirification."

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

Russia's predecessor of the Soviet Union, its territory includes, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, Uzbekistan and other 14 countries, although the Soviet Union has disintegrated, Russia and them are each a country, but in the face of the United States NATO will never "move even an inch to the east" of the dishonesty, in the face of the sudden expansion of NATO in the past 30 years, and finally in Ukraine, Russia chose not to compromise, therefore, we are currently seeing the Ukrainian-Russian conflict that dominates the major hot lists. As Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a major news conference in December 2021: "We made it clear that further eastward movement by NATO is unacceptable." What's not to understand here? Did we come to the U.S. border, or did we come to the British border? Is it unreasonable or superfluous for NATO to expand eastward? Is it too much to do these things outside our house? ”

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

The dishonesty of the United States is a fact, and among the most important people who admit that the promise does exist, there is a person whose identity is quite Western, whether in congressional testimony or in some important meetings, who has repeatedly insisted that Gorbachev at that time has indeed been assured that if East and West Germany were to be unified and enter NATO, then NATO's borders would not expand again.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

This man was an American, and he was also the U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, Jack Matlock, who believed that the promise that NATO would not expand eastward to Gorbachev actually existed, which really gave the West a resounding slap in the face.

Russian President Vladimir Putin concluded that what is important for Russia is not the negotiation process, the negotiation is to achieve a more reasonable result, what is important is the result. When the West assured in the 1990s that NATO would not expand eastward, our country was "deceived, which is shameless deception."

After the reunification of Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO expanded wildly for five waves, and although this is not the first time that NATO members have bordered Russia or the Soviet Union, the troops of NATO members may now be stationed 625 kilometers from Moscow.

For Russia, NATO's eastward expansion is undoubtedly a potential threat that cannot be ignored. The continuous expansion of dishonesty over the past 30 years has finally become the fuse for detonating explosives here in Ukraine, and for Putin, he will finally come up with his attitude, and he will respond to the untrustworthiness of the United States against the Soviet Union with practical actions.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

And for Ukraine, the idea of deciding its own course, as well as other good or bad ideas, is wrapped up in such a complex pond of trade-offs between Russia and the United States, the former Soviet Union and the United States, and russia's repeated promises to its own country, and so on, Ukraine once embraced Tsarist Russia in order to get rid of Polish rule, and then welcomed the invading Nazi Germany in order to get rid of Soviet rule, under such a complex form. The inability to own and implement their own ideas is actually pushed to the guillotine by the fate of the force majeure region, for Russia, the bottom line has no way to retreat, then get up and use practical actions to face the harm caused by the untrustworthy and repeated excessive behavior, for Ukraine, if you want to continue to try to join NATO, it will have to pay a serious price, but every civilian life is innocent, ignoring such a severe and complex form, to call for similar "adoption of Ukrainian beauty refugees", and with " If you fight well, you should fight", "Ukraine should be beaten" in the form of "any side will be trampled on the inhumanity of every living life, in the face of war, only wish for an early quelling, only hope for world peace.

What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine
What happened to the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Putin's inability to retreat, ukraine's fate guillotine

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