
Is the reason for Russia's attack on Ukraine aggression or self-defense? Who is responsible for all cause and effect?

author:Uncle's jianghu

After Ukraine became independent because of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States, Russia and China jointly guaranteed the independence and security of Ukraine, but only if Ukraine was disarmed, removed its military industry, did not join NATO, and became a militaryly neutral region.

Ukraine needs to disarm all offensive weapons, so Ukraine destroys its nuclear weapons, Russia takes away the better military aircraft, Russia can't take it, the warships are the same, the Black Sea Fleet belongs to Russia, and Ukraine does not want a single warship.

Russia's Black Sea Fleet, because Crimea belongs to Ukraine, so Russia lost its only military port, because Ukraine is a non-military state, so let the Russian Black Sea Fleet permanently lease crimean military ports.

The Ukrainian government was originally a government of a fraternal nation that maintained very good relations with Russia, which was very normal and a very peaceful situation, and if things were like this, there would have been no problem.

But the Americans began to meddle in the country, engaged in a "velvet color revolution", and completely dissolved and deposed the Ukrainian government and president who had legitimately elected to power and had good relations with Russia, replacing them with a Ukrainian government that was very hostile to Russia, a puppet of the Americans.

So Russia ate this stick, but Putin has not yet made up his mind, does not know what to do, so he did not take the initiative to let this thing develop, and is still considering whether the situation can be made worse through consultation.

But the Americans pressed forward step by step, and the Ukrainian government completely obeyed the command of the Americans and became an increasingly hostile and even hostile country to Russia.

Finally, one day, the Americans and NATO announced that they were considering accepting Ukraine into NATO.

This would be tantamount to tearing up the Ukraine Security Guarantee Treaty, which was signed by the United States, Russia and China at that time.

If Russia allows Ukraine to enter NATO, then Ukraine's border will be 300 kilometers away from Moscow, which is almost the distance from Shanghai to Nanjing. At the same time, it is also impossible for Russia to continue to lease the Crimean military port as a base for the Black Sea Fleet.

In this way, Russia's Black Sea Fleet will be homeless, and the Crimean Peninsula will not only not be a barrier for Russia, but will become a military fortress to blockade Russia.

Russia's southern outlet to the sea would be sealed within the Assyrian Sea, and Russia would be strangled alive.

At this point, the intention of the Americans is very obvious, he will eventually shrink the noose around the neck of Russia, and eventually hang Russia step by step.

If Putin continues to allow the Americans to engage in Russia in this way and he does nothing, then Russia's demise, dismemberment and collapse are just around the corner, and he will become a sinner of the Russian nation.

So Putin took the Crimean Peninsula, in fact, the Russian nation has regarded the Crimean Peninsula as their lifeline from history, and with the Crimean Peninsula their nation will exist, there will be an outlet to the sea, there will be hope for survival, without the Crimean Peninsula, the Russian nation will sooner or later be choked to death.

At the same time, the Crimean Peninsula is a strategic point that Russia finally seized after many wars and many bloody sacrifices.

At the beginning, the Russians fought a bloody war with the Mongol Crimean Khanate, and finally defeated the Crimean Khanate, but then they were occupied by the Ottoman Turks, and as a result, they fought nine wars with the Ottoman Turks, and just when they were about to defeat the Ottoman Empire, the Anglo-French coalition army came to join the war at this time, which broke out into the very famous Crimean War in history, this war is recorded in history, we know the earliest representative of the field nurse... Nightingale was born out of this war.

So Russia only took the Crimean Peninsula after a hard and bloody war, and the island was all Russian, but during the Soviet period, after Khrushchev came to power, because Khrushchev was Ukrainian, many of his policies were to compensate and maintain Ukraine, and Khrushchev assigned Crimea to Ukrainian administration.

But Crimea has been under Russian rule for a hundred or two hundred years, and has only been under Ukrainian administration for a few decades, and all the people on the peninsula are reluctant to come under Ukrainian jurisdiction.

The Crimean Peninsula has nothing to do with the Ukrainian nation in historical terms.

After Russia took this part of Crimea, it was criticized and severely sanctioned by all Western countries, and since then Russia and the West have completely broken with each other. The Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts of Ukraine are also ethnic Russians and are reluctant to come under Ukrainian jurisdiction.

After the independence of the two oblasts a few years ago, Russia and the West had a Minsk agreement, which meant that Ukraine would never enter NATO and that Russia would no longer violate Ukrainian territory.

This was originally a very clear agreement with the West, including the United States and Britain, France and Germany, in black and white, but not long ago the United States is still pushing The Agenda for Ukraine to enter NATO, and there is news that missiles against Russia will be deployed on the Ukrainian border, so this is the Minsk Agreement that the West first tore up.

The Americans refused to commit

If Putin swallows this bitter fruit, then all countries will regard Putin's Russia as a defeated country and can be insulted at will.

In fact, the Americans also privately said that it is actually more difficult to let Ukraine enter NATO, which will make the situation very dangerous, but the Americans are absolutely unwilling to make any commitment to Russia, in fact, they are contemptuous of Russia's dignity.

So it's clear that the Americans want a war here, a riot in the region.

Ukraine from a friendly country, a fraternal nation, to today's step, there is a profound lesson, Russia should have taken a decisive shot when the United States was engaged in the velvet color revolution, at that time almost no price can be done to Ukraine.

At that time, he did not see the real purpose of the United States, hesitating and missing the opportunity, and today Putin is already betting on Russia's national fortunes.

The enlightenment to China is also very obvious: As soon as the small countries around China and the ethnic minorities in China have any tendency to separate and split and commit hostile acts, they will immediately attack, kill without mercy, and cut down the grass and remove the roots.

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