
Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

author:New Schlen

Dogs, women, cadres, corpses, movies, these five words together, is a serial murder case that shocked the whole country. To this day, when the "Ningxia Man-Eating Dog Case" is mentioned again, it is still unbearable to chill on the back.

Most people are inclined to Mencius's "human nature is good", but this is only a beautiful hypothesis. Countless examples show that there are always demons in the human world, and behind this are many social problems and educational problems.

Moreover, in all kinds of criminal cases, the tempting crime is definitely not only due to family hardship and poverty. Just like this "man-eating dog" case, the murderer Cheng Peng was born in a rich family and grew up pampered.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

Cheng Peng, on the other hand, never cherished such a life, on the contrary, it also became the beginning of his crime. There are very few born criminals, and the vast majority of criminals start with small mistakes and gradually commit heinous crimes.

Cheng Peng is like this, his criminal road is like the epitome of the life of many criminals. It can be said that cheng peng at the time of his arrest was no longer worthy of being called a human from the perspective of human nature, and he regarded human life as a grass mustard, and he did not have half remorse until he died.

What kind of demon can do several things to kill and feed dogs, and still participate in the filming with dogs? And how did Cheng Peng step by step go to the fall, and finally develop from a demon to a demon?

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

In his growth path and life, what roles do the people around him play?

Failed homeschooling

Cheng Peng, male, born in 1962, is from Ningxia. At that time, it was only 13 years after the founding of New China, and most people's lives were not rich. Cheng Peng was fortunate that he was born into a family of cadres.

Because his father was a local official of no low status, Cheng Peng, as the only son in the family, could be said to have grown up in a honeypot. At that time, Cheng Peng's family regarded it as the future of the family, and no one expected that Cheng Peng would actually "grow crooked".

In fact, the serious polarization of officials' children has always existed. Some cadres' children will get ahead and serve the motherland like their parents, while some cadres' children will grow into scum that endanger society.

"Habits are like killing children", which is a saying that has been passed down to this day, but it is a saying that breaks the internal reason for the failure of family education. People who grow up with extreme lack of love and spoiled are more likely to embark on the path of sin.

Cheng Peng is a typical latter, because he is favored, so he has no fear. From the moment he realized the superiority of his family, Cheng Peng felt that he should be superior. This is the sense of superiority brought to him by his family background, and it is the arrogance in his bones.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

Cheng Peng knows that due to his family lineage, many people are reluctant to clash and contradict him. As a result, Cheng Peng became the "little bully" on campus in such an atmosphere. From the beginning of the small fight, Cheng Peng has already embarked on a wrong path.

However, because the mistakes he made were not serious, the family basically did not educate him in serious criticism. Cheng Peng, who had not paid the price for his mistakes, became more and more arrogant. He began to be dissatisfied with small fights and began to fight with his classmates and teachers.

It can be said that except for Cheng Peng's parents, no one likes him. And parents who are busy with work, even if they are accused from the school in person, they always can't divide their energy to have a good talk with Cheng Peng.

Even in their spare time, parents always forget to educate their children, because in their view, their children are only naughty, not a mistake of principle. And even if it is really a mistake that cannot be ignored, parents just think that their children are still young and grow up.

It is this kind of neglect and connivance that will make Cheng Peng more and more disregard the rules. In his view, his family is powerful and powerful, and even if he does something wrong, his parents will help him to take care of the aftermath.

It was not until he repeatedly violated discipline and repeatedly beat the teacher that the school finally couldn't bear it and expelled him. At this time, Cheng Peng's parents finally realized their lack of education for their children, but it was too late.

Cheng Peng did not reform himself because he was expelled, on the contrary, he also had some inexplicable pleasure. He didn't like school, he didn't like the discipline of his parents late, he was used to mixing balls, how could he change easily.

And the father's occasional harsh reprimands will only be exchanged for Cheng Peng's confrontation. Cheng Peng knew that after all, his father was still reluctant to give himself a hard hand, and his mother would not watch his father attack him. Reprimanding and bitterly speaking is all nonsense for Cheng Peng.

He didn't think it was important to study and master a survival skill, nor did he have any sense of honor. At that time, "Ancient Puzzle Boy" was prevalent, and Cheng Peng felt that he should be one of them.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

Even though his parents tried to dissuade him, Cheng Peng still ignored it and plunged headlong into the road of crime. He found the life of stealing chickens and dogs, robbing and beating people very exciting, so even if there was no shortage of food and drink in the house, he was still willing to commit criminal acts to find fun for himself.

And society is different from the family, rules and laws do not allow a hairy boy to offend, Cheng Peng once again paid the price for his actions. As a result of the robbery, Cheng Peng was arrested by the police and sentenced to two years in prison according to law.

And this is also one of the important turning points in Cheng Peng's life.

The marriage is not going well, and there is no thought of repentance

After being arrested, Cheng Peng was not afraid, in his heart, his parents would definitely trust the relationship and find a way to get themselves out. This time, however, he miscalculated.

His father did not get Cheng Peng out, and Cheng Peng served two years in prison. In the past two years, Cheng Peng did not realize his mistake, but instead blamed his parents for his dissatisfaction.

Unaware that his father wanted him to suffer some hardships and return to the right path after a long lesson, he stubbornly believed that his parents had abandoned him and resented his parents. It's a lot like the story about giving sugar, once his parents didn't give him "sugar" according to his wishes, he felt that his parents were sorry for him.

So, he secretly vowed in his heart that he would make his parents pay the price. And the price was to move out of the house after he got out of prison and start living alone. But this solitary life is only in terms of residence, not in material terms.

On the one hand, he used solitude to express his dissatisfaction with his parents' behavior, but on the other hand, he relied on his parents' money and material resources to meet his own life. Therefore, even if he lives alone, Cheng Peng does not have real independence, and he still lives under the protection of his parents.

Cheng Peng did not cherish the work arranged by his parents for his own relationship, and his work attitude of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days made him eventually suspended from work. However, because he knew that his parents would not watch his life be difficult, Cheng Peng did not panic.

Without the pressure of life, Cheng Peng still does not want to make progress as before, and there is nothing to do with petty theft, or deliberately picking quarrels and provoking trouble, showing how "powerful" he is. Cheng Peng had never worked seriously, nor did he feel that he should work.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

As the days passed, Cheng Peng reached the age of marriage. Cheng Peng's reputation is not good, to put it bluntly, there is no good girl who is willing to fall in love and get married with him. However, Cheng Peng was not worried.

Even if his reputation is not good, he is still a cadre family, and his superior family background still plays a certain role. Seeing that his son was bent on marrying a daughter-in-law, his parents thought that maybe he would learn well after he became a family.

Therefore, the parents entrusted relatives and friends, and really found a good girl for Cheng Peng. The girl is a duty, although it is an ordinary family, but she is a person who can bear hardships. In this way, people were supported to match, and what exactly was discussed in this family affair.

At this time, everyone hoped that Cheng Peng could learn well, but they did not expect that they would push an innocent girl into the fire pit. The girl did not love Cheng Peng much, but it was the fate of her parents, but she felt that this might be her own life.

Seeing that her husband did not do his job all day, the girl also had a hard time speaking, and could only use the excuse of work to stay outside for a few more days. With the awakening of the sense of freedom and the extreme disappointment in Cheng Peng, the girl finally filed for divorce after she could not bear it.

Cheng Peng did not like the girl much, the girl sued for divorce, and Cheng Peng could only play the bare stick again. In a few years, the girl will be extremely glad of her choice, glad that she ended this unhappy marriage.

It can be said that in a way, the girl was able to save her life because of the divorce. In the past, she only felt that Cheng Peng treated her coldly, had a too lonely personality, and spent all day with a dog, but later she learned that Cheng Peng's psychology would be so distorted.

Rather than getting along with people, Cheng Peng seems to prefer to be with dogs. Here is a hasty guess, perhaps Cheng Peng's dog, in addition to relieving loneliness, the most fundamental reason is to enjoy the feeling that he can say enough.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

Dogs are not so complicated as people, give it stuttering it will wag its tail, even if it is not happy to scold a few times, the dog will not remember revenge. And what Cheng Peng needs is precisely this kind of self-satisfied pleasure. Of course, he didn't know at this time that these dogs would one day become his accomplices.

And all this, although it happened suddenly, was not sudden, and things that were extremely unreasonable in the eyes of ordinary people were so natural in Cheng Peng's view. Of course, just being with a dog will still make Cheng Peng feel a little bored.

So he started looking for a girlfriend. Saying that it is looking for a girlfriend is actually to solve their own physical needs. Cheng Peng did not want to be bound by anyone, but he could not bear the loneliness of the night, so he began to look for a target.

There is a saying that goes like this: "If you want to eat ice, you can get hail", for Cheng Peng, he is such a situation at this moment.

Kill people and feed the dogs

Most of the local serious girls avoided Cheng Peng, because everyone knew what kind of virtue he really was. However, Cheng Peng was lucky enough to bump into a girl from outside Yinchuan to visit her relatives.

The girl's face was good, and when Cheng Peng saw the girl, he moved his mind. At first, Cheng Peng decided to trick the girl into his bed. He took advantage of the convenience that the other party did not know his own details, and took the initiative to contact the girl.

Cheng Peng disguised himself as a harmless human animal and enthusiastically acted as the girl's guide. Cheng Peng, who does not like to learn when urinating, is very proficient in some side doors and left paths, and easily pinches simple girls.

The girl was moved, and she was coaxed to bed by Cheng Peng. She only knew that Cheng Peng was the son of a cadre, and thinking that she liked Cheng Peng again, she moved her mind to marry Cheng Peng. And she didn't know that Cheng Peng just wanted to play with her.

Where does the girl know that Cheng Peng is not a good thing, but she just wants Cheng Peng to marry herself and be responsible for herself. However, Cheng Peng was tired of messing with the girl, the freshness faded, and in the face of the girl's request to be responsible, Cheng Peng only felt upset.

Who can be responsible for a person who cannot even take responsibility for his own life? Cheng Peng only wanted a momentary pleasure, not wanted to be bound by these. Therefore, from the initial look to like, to the final look is annoying, and it does not take much time.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

Seeing that the girl began to pose as if she did not marry her, Cheng Peng began to kill. And this idea seems to Cheng Peng to be very reliable, after all, only dead people will not dwell on themselves. It is not surprising that Cheng Peng can have such a thought, because he himself is not a person who respects social rules and laws.

With ideas to put into action, in order to get rid of the girl's entanglement as soon as possible, Cheng Peng finally started. When the girl was not ready, Cheng Peng first smashed her head with a heavy object from behind, and then strangled her with a rope. The whole process went as smoothly as expected, and a young girl died.

After killing people, Cheng Peng only panicked for a moment, and then an indescribable pleasure surged up. So Cheng Peng began to think about how to deal with the corpse. After a short thought, Cheng Peng locked his eyes on the dog he raised. It's a good plan, and it's not a hassle to operate.

Cheng Peng chopped the girl's body into pieces of meat and threw it into the courtyard, and the smell of meat and blood attracted his dog. Watching the dog begin to gulp at the girl's corpse, Cheng Peng's heart rose with twisted pleasure, and he felt that his thoughts were very wise.

After eating the raw meat with a different flavor, the dog began to nibble more and more vigorously, and gradually, the corpse began to reveal sensen white bones. Since then, this girl has no trace in the world except for the bones that the dog really eats.

Too lazy to deal with it carefully, Cheng Peng dug a pit and buried the girl's remains. All along, he and his dog were the only ones who witnessed all this. And the disappearance of this girl who came to visit her relatives did not attract people's attention.

The whole process of killing people and destroying corpses was unusually smooth, and Cheng Peng did not have the slightest panic and remorse. For him, he did not kill a life, but only solved a problem for himself and added a meal to his dog by the way.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

Seeing that no one had discovered his crime, Cheng Peng became even bolder. If the sin erodes human nature a little, it will become uncontrollable, and Cheng Peng falls in love with this feeling of enjoying pleasure without being responsible.

So, once there was a second, more times, Cheng Peng's dog became his most powerful assistant, helping him deal with all traces of evil. Peng cheng began to talk to the girls more brazenly, because he had already thought out how to deal with them.

Therefore, once a girl falls into his trap, he will take advantage of the fresh energy to vent his desires on the girl's body. Once the girl made him dissatisfied, Cheng Peng would follow the example of the first crime, brutally killing the girl, and then dividing the body and feeding it to the dog.

At that time, communication and networking were not yet developed, and a person suddenly disappeared, most of the time it would not attract the attention of everyone. In this way, Cheng Peng began to plunder the lives of one young girl after another, and then decomposed the corpse and gave the dog "extra food".

Cheng Peng feels physically and mentally comfortable after each crime, while his dog can eat a full stomach. No one wanted to go near the yard full of large dogs, and no one wanted to establish contact with Cheng Peng, so no one noticed the bloody smell of the yard, and the man-eating dogs with unusually bright fur and fierce eyes.

In this way, Cheng Peng relied on the same method to kill several girls one after another. On weekdays, he is not half different, people only think that he is an annoying hooligan, but they do not know that he is a perverted serial killer.

It wasn't until the last crime that Cheng Peng finally revealed his horse's feet, and all of this was because he was burdened with multiple murders, which was really too rampant.

Heaven forbid, retribution is not pleasant

Although the people around him were afraid and avoided Cheng Peng, he still had many "friends". Of course, these "friends" were all fox friends who were close to his virtues. Stinky fish look for rotten shrimp, no one is more glorious than anyone.

And Cheng Peng even has some so-called righteous spirit, he is willing to help his friends solve their troubles. In Cheng Peng's view, he didn't even know how many people he had killed, so what would he be afraid of? As a result, he began to get out of control.

After learning that his friend was maliciously owed money, he got a pistol and decided to take a bad breath for his friend. Of course, the bigger reason for this is that his desire to kill people has become stronger and stronger, and he needs the feeling of a friend looking up, and he needs the pleasure after killing people.

After shooting and killing his friend's "enemy", Cheng Peng still can't calm his desire to scream and kill, and he kidnaps the other party's driver to his home. The reason why people have to be tied up at home is to facilitate their own feeding of dogs.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

At this time, Cheng Peng was already inhumane in the trenches, and for him, human life was even worse than dog life. He leisurely killed the other, then split the body and threw him into the yard to improve the food for his dogs.

The man's body was bigger, the dog ate very cheerfully, and Cheng Peng was very happy to watch from the side. Until this time, Cheng Peng still did not pay the price for his crime. Such offense against the law and contempt for human life is Cheng Peng's greatest source of happiness.

It was not until later, when Cheng Peng and his classmates and partners turned against each other, that his crime finally attracted the attention of the police. He brutally killed the other person and then fed the body to the dog again, and his dog had long been accustomed to this.

After killing the person, Cheng Peng, instead of handling it cautiously, left the things on the other party's body and used them for his own use. Out of some unknown psychology, Cheng Peng even showed off his common friend with the deceased, intentionally or unintentionally, "booty".

"Booty" is a BP machine, the other party saw the clue, but did not show it in front of Cheng Peng. Because, since then, Cheng Peng has said that he has many lives on his body, and this person did not believe in it before, but now he only feels cold on his back.

In Cheng Peng's narration, it can be basically judged that these few lives are to remove a few girls who are tired of playing, just to make money and to give themselves and friends angry. The other party did not expect that Cheng Peng really dared to kill people, and he did not expect that he even killed his friends.

After several thoughts, the other party finally reported a warning to Cheng Peng, and Cheng Peng's serial killing and corpse feeding dog case finally surfaced. After the investigation of the police, it was basically determined that Cheng Peng had a great possibility of committing a crime, so he began to hunt him down.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

After many hunts, Cheng Peng finally landed on April 13, 1995, and he did not have any remorse, but was still very rampant. When interrogated, Cheng Peng always showed extreme calmness and indifference, and only when recalling the crime process, he would show excitement.

Listening to him describe how he killed people and divided corpses, and how he fed the corpse pieces to dogs, the people involved in the case all gushed with a feeling of nausea and incomprehensible. Someone couldn't help but ask him if he thought he would suffer retribution, but Cheng Peng said that he did not believe in ghosts and gods, and killed people and divided corpses to make him feel happy.

With the investigation of Cheng Peng, a more ironic scene appeared. It turned out that this vicious serial corpse-splitting perverted murderer had even participated in the movie with his own "man-eating dog"! What a kind of madness it was, so that he did not have the slightest fear of the exposure of the crime.

Even if the dog eats people, the murderer Cheng Peng repeatedly kills people and divides the body, and is so rampant that he is finally shot

The 1993 film "The Old Man and the Dog", directed by Xie Jin, once again attracted people's attention because the protagonist dog was a "man-eating dog" and the perverted murderer of the serial murder and corpse case was hidden in the group performance.

One can't associate the dog in the movie with cannibalism because it's beyond any normal human mindset. If it were not for Cheng Peng's arrogance after that, he decided that the police could not trace himself, perhaps the detection of the case would be delayed.

However, "the cycle of retribution is clear", and the demons of the past will eventually escape justice and pay the price for their numerous crimes. On September 26, 1995, Cheng Peng was executed according to law, and his death could not make up for the harm he had done to the victims and their families.