
The provincial prison administration has been dismissed for two consecutive terms, and the former is known as the "100 million yuan corrupt official" as the "number one" of the prison administration, and the two "number one" of the prison administration have been dismissed in the past 7 years or so: accelerate the reform of prisons

author:Guan Hai Dissolved

Written by | Ai Tian

On the evening of December 14, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region reported that Fan Jun, deputy secretary of the party group and vice president of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Academy of Culture and Museum, was examined and investigated.

Fan Jun has served in the autonomous region's political and legal system for a long time, and has served as a member of the party committee and secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the autonomous regional public security department, deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the autonomous regional judicial department, and secretary of the party committee and director of the autonomous regional prison administration.

In March this year, Fan Jun transferred to the Academy of Culture and Culture, and fell nine months later.

At this point, the Autonomous Region Prison Administration has been dismissed for two consecutive terms as the "number one leader."

< H1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > served as the "number one" of the Prison Administration for nearly 7 years</h1>

Fan Jun was born in April 1963, Han ethnicity, Xinjiang Qitai people, has been serving in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region.

The provincial prison administration has been dismissed for two consecutive terms, and the former is known as the "100 million yuan corrupt official" as the "number one" of the prison administration, and the two "number one" of the prison administration have been dismissed in the past 7 years or so: accelerate the reform of prisons

In his early years, he successively served as deputy secretary of the Shawan County Party Committee (zheng county level) and secretary of the Emin County Party Committee. In an article published by the Rule of Law Daily in September 2019 about the poverty alleviation work of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Prison Administration, it was mentioned: "Fan Jun once served as the secretary of the county party committee and has rich rural work experience. ”

In December 2007, Fan Jun was transferred to the political and legal system of Xinjiang Autonomous Region.

He first served in the Autonomous Region Public Security Department as a member of the Party Committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. After five and a half years of working in the Public Security Department, in June 2013, Fan Jun was transferred to the Autonomous Region Department of Justice as a member of the Party Committee, deputy director of the Department, and concurrently served as the secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Autonomous Region Prison Administration, during which time Fan Jun became the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Department of Justice in April 2017, and still concurrently served as the "number one" of the Prison Administration.

Fan Jun has worked in Xinjiang's political and legal system for 12 and a half years, including nearly 7 years as the "number one" of the autonomous region's prison administration. Until March this year, Fan Jun was transferred to the Autonomous Region Academy of Culture and Museum as deputy secretary of the party group and vice president (at the level of the main hall).

The Guanhai Liberation Bureau noted that at present, the sixth round of inspection of the 19th Central Committee is underway, and Xinjiang is one of the targets of this round of inspection. On October 13, the Sixth Inspection Group of the Central Committee held a mobilization meeting in Xinjiang and officially settled in Xinjiang, and the inspection team will work in Xinjiang for about 2 and a half months.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two "first-in-command" fell</h1>

The Guanhai Liberation Bureau noted that Fan Jun's former secretary of the party committee and director of the Autonomous Regional Prison Administration was Xie Hui, known as a "corrupt official with 100 million yuan."

The provincial prison administration has been dismissed for two consecutive terms, and the former is known as the "100 million yuan corrupt official" as the "number one" of the prison administration, and the two "number one" of the prison administration have been dismissed in the past 7 years or so: accelerate the reform of prisons

Xie Hui

Xie Hui began to serve in the Judicial Department of the Autonomous Region in 1994, successively serving as secretary of the party committee and director of the Bureau of Re-education Through Labor, and secretary of the party committee and director of the Regional Prison Administration. In June 2013, Xie Hui was transferred to the Autonomous Regional Public Security Department as a member of the Party Committee and deputy director. Since then, he has been reported under his real name, and in July 2015, Xie Hui was investigated.

In March 2017, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily published an article saying that Xie Hui became the director of the Labor Re-education Bureau of the Autonomous Region's Department of Justice at the age of 33, and was promoted to a leading cadre at the deputy department level at the age of 37, but he made the "number one" into a "hegemon", and the amount of discipline violations reached more than 100 million yuan.

The above article reads that from 1996 to 2013, Xie Hui was in charge of the re-education through labor and prison system for 17 years. Although the Bureau of Education and Corrections (formerly the Bureau of Re-education Through Labor) and the Prison Administration Bureau were second-level bureaus under the Department of Justice, they were independent of the Department of Justice for a long time in terms of people, finances, and materials, resulting in the two bureaus being created into an "independent kingdom" during Xie Hui's tenure. During his nearly three years as secretary of the party committee of the Prison Administration, Xie Hui wantonly abused his power for personal gain, causing a bad impact.

When Xie Hui was transferred out of the Department of Justice, Fan Jun "took over" his post, and the two "number one" of the Autonomous Region Prison Administration fell.

In fact, Ren Jieling, who took over the post of party secretary and director of the Xiehui Autonomous Region Re-education Through Labor Administration at the time, also stepped down in May 2017. Ren Jieling previously served as the political commissar of the Autonomous Region's Re-education Through Labor Administration, and in September 2010 he succeeded Xie Hui as party secretary and director, and stepped down in November 2014. The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily published an article in April 2018: "After taking up a leadership position, especially after becoming the head of the Autonomous Region's Labor Re-education Bureau, Ren Jieling forgot all about the promises he made when he joined the party, and extravagance became the main theme of his life." ”

<H1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Justice Department: Accelerating Prison Reform</h1>

In the past six months, a number of leading cadres at the bureau level of the Prison Administration have been dismissed or sentenced across the country.

On November 6, Xiang Shengyuan, the former director of the Harbin Municipal Bureau of Justice, was investigated, who from February 2012 to November 2016, while serving as party secretary and director of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, and concurrently served as director of the Municipal Prison Administration.

On October 27, Xu Huhe, former secretary of the party committee and director of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Justice and secretary of the party committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Prison Administration, was investigated.

On October 16, Lian Tianjun, a former deputy inspector of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Prison Administration, was expelled from the party and his retirement benefits were revoked. Lian Tianjun was investigated on June 22 this year.

On June 22, Xu Hongguang, former director of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Prison Administration.

On June 12, Chen Dongqiao, former party secretary and director of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Department of Justice and former first political commissar of the Ningxia Autonomous Region Prison Administration, was expelled from the party and expelled from public office.

To add, a little earlier, in December last year, Jiang Heping, former deputy secretary of the party committee and political commissar of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Prison Administration, was expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and the law, and was demoted from the deputy department level to the third level of chief section member. The circular said that he had incorrectly performed his duties and was mainly responsible for the three convicts' medical parole and temporary execution outside of prison.

In addition, on November 21, Jiang Runji, former deputy director of the Gansu Provincial Prison Administration, was sentenced to nine years in prison for accepting bribes in the first instance.

The court found that from 1998 to 2019, Jiang Runji took advantage of his position as deputy prison director and prison director of Baiyin Prison in Gansu Province and deputy director of the Gansu Provincial Prison Administration Bureau to provide assistance to others in matters such as project contracting, product purchase and sale, maintenance of business transactions related to the prison system, and job promotion, and illegally accepted and demanded money from 34 people, directly or through others, totaling 4.21777 million yuan, 20,000 US dollars and 1,000 pounds.

The Guanhai Liberation Bureau noted that on November 6 this year, the Ministry of Justice issued a circular on the progress of the fourth round of inspection and rectification of the 19th Central Committee, mentioning that it is necessary to accelerate the reform and development of prisons and strictly regulate prison law enforcement.

Among them, we should promote the reform of the prison security management system and the prison enterprise management system, deepen the separation of prisons and enterprises, and the separation of revenue and expenditure; standardize prison law enforcement work, thoroughly analyze the problems exposed in cases involving the temporary execution of sentence commutation and parole outside of prison and in cases involving organized crime, and earnestly eliminate the risks and hidden dangers in prison law enforcement and honest government.

Information | Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily