
Ukraine is in a critical situation and asks for help from China, appealing to the Chinese people to donate, but a move has caused controversy

author:Dr. Wang Jin

In order to resist the Russian offensive, the troubled Ukraine turned to other countries for help through various ways and channels. On February 24, the National Bank of Ukraine announced the opening of a special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is understood that the account receives donations from international partners and donors, and the Ukrainian side also released fundraising information in China, but initially did not support the receipt of yuan, causing a huge controversy.

Ukraine is in a critical situation and asks for help from China, appealing to the Chinese people to donate, but a move has caused controversy

At present, the war in Ukraine is tight and the economy is in trouble. Since the intervention of Russian armed forces, the Ukrainian government has declared martial law and issued a general mobilization order, and the National Bank of Ukraine also announced the suspension of foreign exchange market transactions and the suspension of electronic fund transfers on February 24, local time. In order to avoid risks, a large number of Ukrainian people turned to buy cryptocurrencies, and due to the current stability of Bitcoin and Ether, most Ukrainians chose to buy Tethercoin. According to the ukrainian cryptocurrency exchange, Tether coin was quoted at 1 to 32.3 against the Ukrainian currency hryvnia, which soared to 1 to 36.97 on a previous day.

According to the relevant ukrainian sources, the current Ukrainian people's trust in their own Ghvrina has fallen to the lowest point, even if the current supply of Tether is in short supply, but the Ukrainian people will still buy cryptocurrencies at a price much higher than the premium. According to media reports, long before the outbreak of the conflict, the Ukrainian government had pinned its hopes on opening up the use of cryptocurrencies to save foreign investors who were constantly fleeing, but this hope was dashed with Russia's offensive.

Ukraine is in a critical situation and asks for help from China, appealing to the Chinese people to donate, but a move has caused controversy

To this end, Western countries have increased their assistance to Ukraine. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said more humanitarian aid would be provided to Ukraine. On February 26, the United States announced that it would provide about $350 million in military aid to Ukraine, which Poland and other countries have now remitted to the National Bank of Ukraine.

Not only that, but Western countries have also increased sanctions against Russia. On the evening of February 26, local time, the United States, together with France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, announced the removal of some Russian banks from the SWIFT international settlement system, which was called the "financial nuclear bomb" dropped on Russia. The severance of some Russian banks' ties with SWIFT will result in the cutting off of more than 40% of Russia's oil and gas export profits, which in turn will lead to a painful blow to the Russian domestic economy.

Ukraine is in a critical situation and asks for help from China, appealing to the Chinese people to donate, but a move has caused controversy

Regarding this explosive measure of Western countries, the Russian side recently responded, saying that it has foreseen the corresponding actions of the West and will formulate countermeasures that are most in line with its own interests. At the same time, due to the refusal of the Ukrainian side to follow-up negotiations, the Russian army in Kiev and Kharkov oblasts has resumed military operations and has successively broken into the urban areas of Kiev and Kharkov, and is still fighting fiercely with ukrainian government troops. It is pointed out that the Russian and Ukrainian sides have had brief diplomatic contacts a few days ago, but because Ukraine cannot accept the relevant demands of the Russian side, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that he will no longer accept negotiations with Russia in the short term.

However, the support from Europe and the United States does not seem to be able to fully meet the war attrition of the Ukrainian army, and the Ukrainian government has begun to seek help from the international community through fundraising, including China. However, the account initially only supported the remittance of the us dollar, euro and british pound, and after being criticized, the Ukrainian side adjusted. On February 25, the Ukrainian side updated the information, showing that the National Bank of Ukraine has now opened a rmb donation channel.

Ukraine is in a critical situation and asks for help from China, appealing to the Chinese people to donate, but a move has caused controversy

But whether this amount can help the Ukrainian authorities to save the situation, I am afraid to play a big question mark, and the account did not initially support the remittance of yuan, which can not help but question, what is the real purpose of the Ukrainian authorities to open a donation account? After all, in Europe, the European and American currencies are absolutely hard currency for the Ukrainian magnates, and no one can guarantee whether this fund will benefit the Ukrainian soldiers who are still fighting bravely, as well as the people who are in difficulty because of the war.

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