
Punch face Knicks, C-time champion vying for MVP, Lakers: history of 75 superstar single substitutions, fans mocking

Lakers management offseason signings, DeRozan, Westbrook, Fox, Pistons Grant, and even trail Blazers star Lillard are among them. At this time, Spurs star DeRozan posted on his social platform that he would like to be able to return to Los Angeles to work, which would be a very beautiful thing. Looking back at his three seasons with the Spurs, DeRozan averaged 21 points, 6.5 assists and 4.7 rebounds per game, and even had a 90 percent high free-throw shooting percentage. That means that if the Lakers can get DeRozan, they will have one more scoring point in their lineup, a killing machine. However, the Lakers management believes that DeRozan has withdrawn from the ranks of stars and cannot even serve as the core of the team, and the Knicks executives have given the same statement.

Punch face Knicks, C-time champion vying for MVP, Lakers: history of 75 superstar single substitutions, fans mocking

In the offseason, the Spurs traded DeRozan to the Bulls. At this time, the Bulls lineup already has all-star players such as Raven and Vucevic, and DeRozan can enrich the team's lineup, but he is unexpected that he can compete for MVP, and also face the management of multiple teams. So far this season, DeRozan has played in 56 games for the Bulls, averaging 28.4 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.1 assists per game, leading the Bulls to 39 wins and 22 losses.

Punch face Knicks, C-time champion vying for MVP, Lakers: history of 75 superstar single substitutions, fans mocking

At present, DeRozan is in fourth place in the regular season MVP competition, the team's record is second in the East, and he has returned to the top this season, successfully selected as the Eastern Conference All-Star backcourt starter. In 2022, DeRozan's strength exploded, and on New Year's Day, he staged a back-to-back three-point whistle-and-shootdown, becoming the first person to receive this honor. Today, in the Bulls' defeat to the Grizzlies, DeRozan got a comprehensive statistic of 31 points, 7 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals and 1 block, ushering in the tragic mileage of his career. Scoring more than 30 in 10 consecutive games, the team's history is second only to Jordan's 11 games, and this season's regular season has scored more than 35 points in 16 times, ranking first in the league. In addition, he is also the first player in history to score more than 35 points in eight consecutive games, shooting more than 55% of the time, and even left Jordan behind.

Punch face Knicks, C-time champion vying for MVP, Lakers: history of 75 superstar single substitutions, fans mocking

In the case of the team's starting point guard Ball, substitute Caruso season reimbursement, the team's main rotation lavine, Jones Jr.'s knee injury, the personnel is not in order, DeRozan led the team alone, all the way through the barrier, the team back to the first throne in the East, at this time DeRozan Nirvana was reborn, those doubts outside the field also stopped, when he is now at the free throw line, the MVP's cries are endless. In the face of DeRozan's such a vigorous play, Lakers fans have mixed feelings in their hearts, look at their own big three, a glass attribute, a mentality explosion, a daily speech, no championship team should be dominated, and even exposed the tension between the team management and James. Boss Jenny and president Pelinka blamed veterans like Howard and Anthony for not showing their peak dominance.

Punch face Knicks, C-time champion vying for MVP, Lakers: history of 75 superstar single substitutions, fans mocking

Recently, a high-level proposal: the Lakers sent Anthony Davis, and traded DeRozan and Kobe White. Such rumors occurred in the offseason, when a league's 75th star, in exchange for the 82nd player and a substitute, can only say that the management does charity. But at this moment, DeRozan is not what he used to be, one of the league's hottest stars, the Bulls' row this season, and Anthony Davis is just a glass man and has no value.

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