
In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

author:Health Week Talks

  Studies have shown that although some people still have the ability to get pregnant at the age of seventy, but with the increase of age, the quality of sperm will also decline, which will reduce the probability of pregnancy, therefore, for men who want to prepare for pregnancy after middle age, they need to do more things that are conducive to improving sperm quality, such as the following four points, if you can stick to it, you may be able to change the status quo.

In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

  1. Pay attention to diet

  In fact, in addition to the quality of sperm has a certain relationship with age, diet is also an important factor, so it is recommended that men eat more carrots, oranges, animal liver, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc. in their daily lives, because of the rich content of vitamins, when the intake is sufficient, a large number of vitamins can not only help to enhance men's sexual function, can promote the synthesis of sperm, so that sperm are more vigorous.

In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

  At the same time, men also have to eat more eggs, oysters, scallops, drink more milk, the main reason is that eggs and milk have a lot of protein, but also can improve sperm activity, promote semen production, and seafood zinc is rich, its presence can also make sperm stronger.

In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

  2. Exercise more

  Some people in life feel that as long as their body is moderate, there is no need to do physical exercise, in fact, it is not so, whether it is from the perspective of physical fitness, or in order to improve the quality of sperm, we must develop the habit of exercise, because the process of exercise is conducive to blood circulation, which in turn can nourish the sexual organs, which is very good for the reproductive system.

  Especially obese men, it is necessary to exercise more, otherwise being too obese will reduce the ability of the testicles to secrete hormones. As for the choice of exercise method, in addition to the common running, you can do some strength training or squat lifting movements, which can also help improve male sexual performance.

In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

  3. Replenish folic acid

  When it comes to folic acid supplementation, many people will feel that only in the process of pregnancy women need to supplement folic acid to avoid the problem of fetal malformations, but in fact, if you want to improve the quality of sperm, men also have to supplement folic acid appropriately. The main reason is that folic acid belongs to water-soluble vitamins, if men take it, the body can promote the production of antibodies, to improve human immunity, promote the effect of metabolism, coupled with insufficient folic acid, it will indeed reduce the concentration of semen, so that the staining and separation of sperm is abnormal, therefore, for men, usually should increase the intake of foods containing folic acid components, such as lentils, oranges, peas, etc.

In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

  4. Regular work and rest

  Nowadays, car loans, mortgages, support for the elderly, take care of wives and children, so that men's pressure is increasing, in this case, these people will stay up late to complete the task or relax the mood, but do not know that staying up late for a long time caused by the damage to the body is very much, first of all, not only will there be endocrine disorders, accumulation over time is also easy to reduce the quality of sperm, therefore, in order to maintain good health, male men try not to stay up late, and to ensure seven to eight hours of sleep time, so that the quality of sperm may be able to slowly improve.

In middle age, sperm quality begins to deteriorate? Try these 4 tricks, or you can change the status quo

  In general, after people reach middle age, sperm quality becomes poor, in addition to the decline in body function, bad habits are also important triggers, such as smoking and drinking, which will lead to sperm malformations or a decrease in sperm count, so men must stay away from this habit. At the same time, supplement folic acid, exercise more, pay attention to dietary health and regular work and rest, over time, physical fitness rises at the same time, sperm quality will also improve.