
Clear! From March 1, mutual recognition will be provided

author:Gongyi Media

Recently, the National Health Commission and other departments jointly issued the "Administrative Measures for mutual recognition of inspection and inspection results of medical institutions", which clarifies that medical institutions should carry out mutual recognition of inspection and inspection results in accordance with relevant principles. The Administrative Measures came into effect on 1 March this year. This means that the problem of repeating and doing another examination every time a hospital is changed in the past will be solved.

Ms. Huang was hospitalized due to physical discomfort, for some personal reasons she was transferred to a hospital in Shenzhen, Ms. Huang was ready to be asked by the hospital to re-do various examinations after the transfer.

Clear! From March 1, mutual recognition will be provided

Patient Ms. Huang: I took lung films in other hospitals, I wanted to come to the doctor to see, I asked if I wanted to retake, the doctor said no, because the equipment is similar, are approved.

Clear! From March 1, mutual recognition will be provided

Ms. Yang told reporters that in several hospitals in Shenzhen, the projects that have been effective for a period of time will basically not be required to repeat the examination, and the relevant projects with rapid changes in the condition will require re-examination.

Ms. Yang, a relative of the patient: I think this is very good, because for the patient, the financial burden is reduced.

Clear! From March 1, mutual recognition will be provided

In a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Luohu District, Shenzhen, the person in charge told reporters that they have basically mutually recognized the inspection results of the tertiary first-class hospitals, and completely recognized the inspection results of other hospitals under the same group.

Clear! From March 1, mutual recognition will be provided

Wu Hongyan, president of Shenzhen Luohu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Unless after hospitalization, the patient's condition has undergone some major changes and needs to be re-examined, we will do a new examination. In most cases, such as the results of examinations such as Luohu People's Hospital, we can directly retrieve from the system for doctors' reference, which greatly reduces patients from repeated tests or CT nuclear magnetic and other examination items.

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