
The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles

author:Commune of grassroots physicians

Latest! The evaluation standards for grass-roots health titles have been released, and it is no longer difficult for grass-roots health personnel to evaluate professional titles.

Source | Henan Provincial Health Commission, Cyberlan-Grassroots Physicians Commune

Edit | Riverbirds

At the beginning of this year, many grassroots doctors left messages asking how to evaluate senior titles, how to apply for the examination, and what are the conditions.

Recently, the Henan Provincial Health Commission issued the "Conditions for the Declaration and Evaluation of Senior Titles at the Grassroots Level in the Health Series (Medical Category) (Draft for Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions"), announcing the conditions for the review of senior titles in grassroots health.

The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles

It is reported that although the conditions for the declaration of senior titles at the grass-roots level in various provinces are different, they basically set conditions around academic qualifications, working years and the publication of papers.

This declaration condition in Henan Province has practical reference significance for grass-roots doctors to apply for senior titles.


All primary health personnel can declare

Including personnel on staff and hiring

The "Conditions" apply to health professional and technical personnel engaged in medical professions in primary medical and health institutions in the province, including personnel who are in the staff or signing formal employment contracts, excluding personnel sent by higher-level institutions. Primary health facilities include:

(1) Medical and health institutions at the county (city, district) level, including county-level public hospitals and specialized public health institutions;

(2) Township (street) health centers, community service centers (stations), and village clinics;

(3) Medical and health institutions examined and approved by county (city, district) health administrative departments;

(4) Medical and health institutions registered within the county (city) territory for examination and approval by the health administrative departments of the province or municipality.

In view of how grassroots health personnel outside the province declare senior titles during their tenure, the "Conditions" also make it clear: for off-the-job training (including general practitioner post training) in higher-level medical and health institutions inside and outside the province, the declared director (Chinese) physician must be 3 months in total, and the deputy director (Chinese) physician must be declared for 6 months.

For grassroots medical workers, the senior professional title examination is an examination at the tip of the pyramid, which is very difficult. In particular, most of the scope of primary diagnosis and treatment does not match the requirements of professional title review, and it is difficult to meet the threshold of declaration.

In this regard, the "Conditions" proposes that if the township (street) health center, community service center (station) and village clinic personnel declare the deputy senior title of township community, the business level examination is divided into a passing score line separately. This means that it will be less difficult for grassroots health personnel to declare senior titles.


Multiple job titles can be declared

The "Conditions" mentioned that the senior titles of grass-roots health are divided into two categories: senior titles in the province and senior titles at the grass-roots level, and grass-roots personnel can choose to declare one, but in the same promotion year, they cannot be declared at the same time.

Among them, township (street) health centers, community service centers (stations), and village clinic health professional and technical personnel can apply for the evaluation of grass-roots deputy senior titles, and can also apply for the evaluation of township community deputy senior titles.

It is worth noting that the senior titles at the grass-roots level in the health series are limited to the appointment of grass-roots medical and health institutions, and the deputy senior titles of township communities are limited to the appointment of township (street) health centers, community service centers (stations), and village clinics.

Where a grassroots senior professional title has been employed for 3 years, it may be transferred to a higher professional title applicable to other scopes, and the length of service may be cumulatively calculated. Where a grass-roots deputy senior professional title is declared to be a provincial senior professional title, it shall first obtain the provincial deputy senior professional title.


Education, years of service

Declarations have these requirements

The "Conditions" pointed out that the senior titles of grass-roots health are divided into two categories: deputy senior and senior, and the name of the deputy senior title is the deputy chief physician of the grass-roots level and the deputy chief physician of the township community, and the name of the senior title is the chief physician of the grass-roots level.

The specific requirements for declaring academic qualifications and years are as follows:

The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles

(Click on the image to enlarge)

In addition, the "Conditions" emphasize that the declaration of senior titles at the grass-roots level must be appointed in grass-roots medical and health institutions for 1 year, and the declaration of township community deputy senior titles must be appointed for 4 years in township (street) health centers, community service centers (stations) and village clinics.


Judging focuses on performance capabilities

In terms of evaluation conditions, in addition to the requirements of this professional ability (attached table at the end of the article), the "Conditions" will also implement a results representation system for work performance.

The document mentions that the declaration of grass-roots deputy chief physicians and grass-roots chief physicians has more than 2 landmark work performances representing their professional and technical abilities and levels since assuming their current posts (item 1 is required); the declaration of township community deputy chief physicians submitted to item 1.

That is to say, in addition to the declaration of the deputy chief physician of the township community only need to submit item 1, the other two types of declarations need to submit item 1 and any other item (a total of 2 items), the following is the specific content:

The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles


These academic qualifications are declared with special requirements

When applying for title review, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. "Academic qualifications" referred to in the "Conditions" refers to medical-related professional qualifications recognized by the national education administrative department, and the declared majors should be consistent with the academic qualifications.

2. Clinical physicians who have obtained a degree in traditional Chinese medicine (including integrated Traditional Chinese and Western medicine), or a physician in the category of traditional Chinese medicine (including integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine) who has obtained a clinical medical degree, are limited to applying for the professional title of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

3. The declaration conditions and evaluation conditions stipulated in the "Conditions" should be met at the same time, and the performance of medical cases, special reports, papers, technology patents, scientific research achievements and other achievements should be obtained since the appointment of the current title, and the performance achieved during the full-time full-time study period cannot be included in the evaluation.

4. For cross-series (non-health series re-evaluation of health series) or cross-category (medical, pharmaceutical, nursing, technical) re-evaluation, the number of years of employment of the current health title must still meet the requirements of these conditions.

In addition to the above-mentioned academic qualifications, years of experience, professional ability, and work performance, the Conditions have more specific requirements in terms of workload, as well as other categories (nursing, technical, pharmaceutical):

The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles
The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles


The official account home page dialog box replied to "0226" (today's date) to obtain the full text of the declaration conditions for grass-roots senior titles.

Here's how to reply, click here to see the larger image:

The Health Commission issued: New standards for the evaluation of grass-roots health titles