
In June 1945, he launched the "Hanaoka Rebellion" in Japan.

author:Hometown Xuchang

【"Hanaoka Lamentations" Series No. 1】

Wen ‖ Wang Chao

In 1944, a native of Xiangcheng, Henan Province, he was captured by the Japanese as a laborer due to injuries on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, and in June 1945, he rose up in Japan to launch and lead the "Hanaoka Rebellion" that shocked the world. After being suppressed, he persisted in prison for more than 160 days in a tenacious struggle against Japanese militarism, experiencing life and death in 9/11. In the 1980s, he led seven survivors to Japan to file a lawsuit demanding that the perpetrators apologize for their crimes and compensation, and was known as the "first Chinese people to claim compensation to Japan", and he spent his life resisting Japanese militarism and enjoying a high reputation in the international community. (To appreciate the masterpieces written by Teacher Wang Chao last time, welcome to click on the following links: the home and country feelings of Zhu Gongquan, Yang Qiong, a returned overseas Chinese at the age of nearly 90 years)

Hanaoka lamented, and Zhongshan Liao raised a labor riot

From the beginning of August 1944 to June 1945, Geng Zhen, together with nearly a thousand Chinese prisoners of war and civilians, served as forced laborers of the Japanese army and did hard labor for a Japanese company called Kashima Group in Hanaoka Town (now Odate City) in Akita Prefecture, Japan, and suffered torture and humiliation for many years, regardless of the cold and heat, digging copper ore and changing the river channel. Because of his culture and company commander, the 29-year-old Geng Zhen was designated by the Japanese army as the leader of the labor brigade.

The trigger for the outbreak of the Hanaoka rebellion was that a laborer named Xue Daotong, who was hungry, went to the home of a Korean in Hanaoka to ask for a steamed bun, and after the Japanese pulled him back, they beat him alive with a whip made of the sun-dried bull's genitals.

In the face of the tragic situation of more than 200 deaths in half a year, Geng Zhen, as the leader of the labor brigade, stepped forward with the determination to die and said to everyone: "We can no longer bear it!" Instead of sneaking up on life, it is better to revolt and die! If we do this for a lifetime, we may all die. "People say we'd rather go to sea with you than fight the Japanese!"

After careful preparations, on the night of June 30, 1945, Geng Zhen led more than 700 Chinese laborers to launch the "Huagang Rebellion" that shocked the world.

In June 1945, he launched the "Hanaoka Rebellion" in Japan.

Originally, Geng Zhen and the others planned an uprising on June 27, but the overseers on duty that day were "Old Man Taijun" Ishikawa Tadaosuke and "Child Taijun" Echigoya Yoshihide, who were kinder in heart and gave the laborers as much care as they could when they were guarding. Geng told them that they could not bear to harm the two, so they risked their lives to postpone the date of the riot by three days.

In order to avoid harming innocent Japanese people, Geng earnestly demanded, "No people are allowed to enter people's houses, the Japanese people are innocent, they must not hurt them, especially not women and children, and we must not let people say that our laborers are bandits." If we die, we will die a glorious death!"

As prisoners of war in a foreign country, when their personal lives are in danger, they still think of the dripping grace of others and pity the innocent people of foreign countries, which shows the discipline and kindness of Chinese laborers.

They took advantage of the night to kill four inferior Japanese overseers, Namei Kiyoshi Inomoto, Himori Masaharu, Nagasaki Tatsuzo, and Obata Nosuke, and Ren Fengqi, a traitor who betrayed his compatriots and souls, and escaped from the Nakayama-Liao concentration camp where he was located. Due to the sparseness of life and the helplessness, the riot team came to Lion Forest Mountain, and Japan quickly sent a large number of military police to surround the mountain to arrest people.

At dawn, the enemy surrounded the hill, and the rioters fought with blood, using stones to engage the enemy in a short battle.

A rioter from Henan slashed two enemies with a whirlwind shovel and wounded several more. Due to the long-term destruction of the team members, physical fatigue and lack of decent weapons, they were all captured three days later, and the riot failed. The Hanaoka Rebellion shook Tokyo and shocked the world.

Bloody hall, good man to do good thing

After Geng Zhen led the riot team into the mountain, most of them scattered, and there were only twenty or thirty followers. In a hurry, he broke through the obstacle of his friends and prepared to take off his leggings and commit suicide, to die, but he would faint, and the enemy would be urged to arrive, so he fell into the hands of the enemy.

From the morning of the second day of the riot, on July 1, 1945, the rioters were captured by The Japanese gendarmes and police, their arms tied with anti-scissors, and they were transported by truck to the square in front of the Gongle Hall.

In the square in front of the Gongle Hall, wooden stakes have been buried around it, and ropes have been pulled on the wooden stakes and formed in a circle. The car drove into the Gongleguan Square, and the Japanese gendarmes and police kicked the rioters out of the car with their feet, and some of the team members fell to their deaths on the spot, and those who did not fall to their deaths were escorted to the square circle and forced to kneel on the ground in rows.

The square was paved with sharp stones, and the rioters knelt on it, with the scorching sun on their heads, and the ground was steaming hot, and they did not drink a sip of water or eat a grain of rice for three days and three nights.

In June 1945, he launched the "Hanaoka Rebellion" in Japan.

There were more than three hundred gendarmes and policemen, each holding a large wooden stick, picking up sticks and beating them one by one, and where the sticks rose and fell, their heads were broken and bleeding, and some of the members of the team were knocked unconscious on the spot, and some were immediately killed under the sticks. The Gongle Hall became a place for the Japanese military police to vent their fascist animalism.

In the square in front of the Hall of Music, the rioters endured a cruel punishment that had never been done before. Originally a club built by Tonghe Mine for Japanese employees, gonglekan used to have troupes from Akita Prefecture and Kyoto, where classical plays and live newspaper dramas were performed. And now, the stage inside has already prepared torture equipment, ready to stage a scene of torture drama to torture labor, which not only opened a precedent in the history of Japanese theater, but also a unique initiative in the world, "Gongle Hall" This beautiful name is really a great irony to use here!

A senior police officer named Miura led several police officers to begin searching for their prey among the laborers in the square—the mastermind, the leader of the riot, and the murderer who killed the overseers.

On July 3, Geng Zhen was the third batch of people who were kidnapped by Wuhuada to the Gongle Hall, because of the blood on their bodies, after being dragged to the Gongle Hall, they were first slapped, and then tied him to a bench facing the sky on his back and poured cold water four times, until he could not pour a drop of water into it, and the person also passed out.

When senior police officer Miura heard that he had captured the labor brigade leader, he led several policemen to rush up viciously, and used the wire to fiercely tie Geng's two thumbs, ten fingers to the heart, and the beads of sweat on the face of the thorn were straight off, and the eyeballs were violently staring at the frightened, and they came back from the coma.

Seeing that more than two dozen laborers were hanging upside down on the beams of the house and being tied to the bench, Geng Zhen spoke, and he said, "Please put them all down!" You've hit the wrong person, I'm the labor captain, the mastermind of this!" Good guys do good guys! It's all my business, and everyone else is just listening to my orders, and they don't know anything else. Come and beat me, kill me!" Let them all go! ”

Senior police officer Miura asked, "Who are the accomplices?" ”

Geng Zhen closed his eyes and did not say a word again.

September 2021

(Unfinished, tomorrow wonderful continuation)

【About the author】Wang Chao, a native of Yuzhou, Henan, was born in 1973. Engaged in the study of the history of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Party and the culture of Xuchang surname.

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