
Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

author:A little Dolma
"I asked the leaders of 27 European countries, will Ukraine join NATO? But everyone was scared, and everyone didn't answer me. ”

On February 25, Ukrainian President Želensky gave a televised speech under a dark eye.

The day before, Russia launched a counterattack against Ukraine, and 150,000 Russian troops attacked on multiple fronts, once again showing the world the horrors of modern warfare in a great power.

The "blitzkrieg" launched by the Russian army paralyzed the Ukrainian navy and air force in just one hour, and in less than a day, it hit kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian army basically had no ability to fight back.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

In the face of Ukraine's call for help, US President Joe Biden issued a statement:

"The U.S. military does not have and will not participate in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the future, and the U.S. military went to Europe not to fight in Ukraine, but to protect NATO allies."

Listening to the statement of the United States, the Ukrainian president's brain is buzzing, and it can be said that he wants to cry without tears.

How did Ukraine go from being the "granary of Europe" to the "palace of Europe" and becoming the plaything of a great power?

The reason is that it once made a "Wu Sangui" mistake. The story begins more than 30 years ago.

Ukraine's nuclear forces once ranked third in the world

Located in the fertile Black Plains of Eastern Europe, Ukraine has the second largest territory in Europe after Russia, and was once known as the granary of Europe.

In 1989, Ukraine produced 25% of the grain and 40% of the steel for the whole Soviet Union with a mere 2.7% of the country's land area, and was the core of the industry and agriculture of the entire Soviet Union.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

During the Soviet era, Ukraine's strategic position was very important, and the Soviet Union once deployed a large number of military enterprises in Ukraine.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine inherited about 35% of the Soviet Union's military production capacity, and there were as many as 3594 military enterprises. These include the Nikolaev Shipyard (designing and manufacturing aircraft carriers and large cargo ships), the Antonov Aircraft Design Bureau (designing and manufacturing medium and heavy military transport aircraft), the Southern Design Bureau (designing and manufacturing intercontinental missiles and nuclear bombs) and other world-famous military enterprises.

In addition, Ukraine also has 1272 intercontinental missile nuclear warheads, 170 intercontinental nuclear bomb silos, more than 2500 tactical nuclear missiles of various types, more than 700,000 highly mechanized army units, and a powerful Black Sea Fleet.

At the same time, Britain had only 200 nuclear missiles, France 500 and China 435.

Even if Ukraine only counts the number of nuclear warheads, it has exceeded the sum of China, Britain and France, and is properly ranked third in the world, and its strength is ranked in the top of the five permanents.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

In terms of its own conditions, among European countries, Ukraine is relatively good.

If Ukraine uses its geographical advantages to adopt a balanced diplomacy of left and right, then on the one hand, it can use Russia's cheap raw materials to develop its economy; on the other hand, it can use the mature market of the EU to introduce funds and technologies from EU countries, so that whether it is ukraine, Or for Russia and the EU, it is actually the best choice.

As long as the national policy is proper and it makes full use of its regional advantages, Ukraine can become a very powerful developed country.

So how does it hold a hand of "king fried", but lose the bottom pants are gone?

In order to marry nato's "giants", cabbage prices "demolished" nuclear weapons

On December 1, 1991, Ukraine declared its formal independence by referendum, and Kravchuk was elected as its first president.

The following year, Ukraine's collective economic system collapsed rapidly, and at this time a stable market economy had not yet been built, and great chaos began.

In the process, the Ukrainian magnates took advantage of the opportunity to form a new oligarchic class, and the vast number of Ukrainian civilians quickly, directly, and without dragging their hands became poor.

In the third year, Ukraine's economy was worse than the previous year, and even the spectacle of 10,000% inflation, soaring prices and large-scale protests in various regions.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

The Ukrainian people can no longer afford to eat, and the nuclear weapons in their hands need huge sums of money to maintain.

It can't afford it, and it doesn't have any money.

Ukraine, which was on the list of minds and minds in the United States, began to turn to the United States for help.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States, as the world's only superpower, never wanted so many former Soviet countries to possess nuclear weapons, so it pressured the CIS countries to give up or destroy nuclear weapons.

As a nuclear power, Ukraine naturally still wants to keep nuclear weapons, because once it has it, no country dares to bully it casually.

After receiving a request for help from Ukraine, the elder Bush took a very tough attitude: "You Ukraine wants to mix with me, it is not impossible!" But your family's nuclear warheads make me sleep unsteadily, destroy them all! ”

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Therefore, the United States exchanged economic assistance for Ukraine's nuclear abolition.

Russia was not idle, and as soon as the US secretary of state finished negotiations with Ukraine, Russia withdrew all its technicians, including nuclear technicians.

Ukraine has nuclear weapons, but the technology and launch code are in the hands of the Russians. Russia's move is tantamount to forcing Ukraine to seal the nuclear bomb into storage, so that they can spend a lot of money to maintain a pile of "waste" that they can't use.

Since then, Ukraine's domestic economy has continued to decline rapidly, and Kravchuk has finally stepped down in a state of invective.

The newly installed Kuchma is a "pragmatic" who decided to use the "hot potato" of nuclear weapons as a bargaining chip, proposing to the United States and Russia that Ukraine can give up nuclear weapons, but need them to make financial compensation and provide security guarantees.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

The United States and Russia saw that Ukraine was relaxed, and immediately and decisively attacked to promote the abolition of Ukraine's nuclear weapons.

On January 14, 1994, the United States and Russia signed the Tripartite Agreement on the Elimination of All Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine with Ukraine in Moscow.

Since then, the United States, Britain, and Russia have issued statements saying that Ukraine's security is guaranteed:

"Respect for the independence, sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine and refrain from the use or threat of force against the territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine ..."

Looking at this statement now, I wonder how Ukrainians feel?

Under the joint efforts of the United States and Russia, Ukraine began to embark on the road to nuclear abolition in a decade.

So how much financial aid does the U.S. promise? According to Kravchuk, the United States has pledged $250 billion in economic aid to Ukraine in installments.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

As a sign of good faith, the United States first paid $175 million to Ukraine as financial compensation for ukraine's nuclear weapons demolition, and provided Ukraine with a $155 million economic aid loan.

By 2001, Ukraine's nuclear bombs, intercontinental missile silos, and arsenals had all been dismantled and destroyed, and Ukraine had officially become a non-nuclear state.

What about follow-up assistance and security assurances?

The United States has symbolically given a little financial assistance, and even this little money has been divided up by the Ukrainian top brass and oligarchs, and very few have really benefited the people.

The United States used about $340 million to abolish the world's third nuclear power at that time, and this transaction can be said to be a bloody profit, so that the American people mentioned Bush Sr. bush, and all of them gave a thumbs up and praised him for really being an "old conspiracy country."

As for security assurances, in 2014, Russia annexed Crimea, in addition to the Ukrainian people know how painful the heart is, I am afraid that most of the world's melon-eating masses pay the most attention to the beauty of the Crimean female prosecutor.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Ukraine's abandonment of nuclear weapons is just like the Qing Dynasty's Wu Sangui "withdrawal of the domain".

When Wu Sangui "supported the army and respected himself", what he wanted, what Kangxi promised to give, and what he could not give, he could still talk about it, and he coaxed all the way and did things. Later, the clan withdrew, the "soldiers" were gone, the chips were gone, and Wu Sangui was cold.

At this point, the Ukrainian people understood that the so-called abolition of nuclear power (NATO admission tickets) is nothing more than a verbal flicker of the United States. The adult world is very complicated, and the only blame is their cute "very silly and naïve".

Compared with Ukraine, Russia is much more "old and treacherous", see how Russia operates?

At that time, Russia was also poor, and it also said to the outside world that it could not afford to maintain a nuclear arsenal and would destroy nuclear warheads.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

The United States was overjoyed to hear it, and cooperated with Russia to build a fast reactor (fast neutron reactor) and MOX fuel, that is, to dilute the weapons-grade plutonium in the nuclear warhead and make it into a fuel for the reactor. This would make it possible to solve Russia's nuclear weapons capabilities without bloodshed.

Russia said, I don't have money to make a fast pile.

The U.S. says, it's okay, I can sponsor.

Russia says I have to build a special facility to store nuclear material after decommissioning with a budget of one billion.

The United States said, I pay for the money, you get it faster.

After several years, the United States asked, is your facility built?

Russia said that half of the construction, the cost of the project has risen, the money is not enough, there is still a billion yuan difference.

The United States said, it's okay, don't panic, don't give up, I have money.

A few years later, the United States asked, is it good to build? Russia said, build it.

The United States said, then I will go and see?

Russia says this is too sensitive for you to look at.

The United States said that the money is all paid by me, how can I be considered a major shareholder, why can't I see it? After you build it, whether you have destroyed nuclear weapons, I don't know?

Russia is angry, everyone is an adult, how can they not even trust each other at this point?

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Later, it became known that in addition to the nuclear weapons that should have been retired, Russia still retained sufficient nuclear deterrence capabilities, while also knocking out a large amount of money from the Americans.

If Ukraine had not been so "naïve", it would have relied on its nuclear weapons and strategic bombers to ask the Americans for retirement funds every three to five years, abandoning nuclear weapons for 50 or 100 years, and would never have mixed up like this.

As for the leaders of the older generation in China, the issue of nuclear abandonment has been elevated to the realm of "art". If you don't understand, look at the small words under the title of the following figure to understand.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Qian Xuesen once said: There is no sword in the hand and there is no sword in the hand, which are two different things.

Ukraine has once again proved to the world the lesson of a country: people are good to be deceived, and horses are good to be ridden.

Those "riotous operations" in Ukraine under oligarchy control

Why is Ukraine so easily fooled by Europe and the United States?

The reason lies in the affairs of Ukraine, the Ukrainian president does not count, the people say it does not count, but the Ukrainian oligarchs decide.

Who are the oligarchs of Ukraine?

They are a group of sinners who disregard the long-term interests of the country, the interests of the Ukrainian people, and even exchange the national interests for personal self-interest.

Several of Ukraine's former presidents, who have been arrested and imprisoned for treason after stepping down, have a rivalry with South Korea in this regard.

Once upon a time, the military cooperation between China and Ukraine was extremely close.

In 1999, China bought from Ukraine the second ship of the former Soviet Union's Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier, the predecessor of the Varyag (Liaoning). Later, we renovated it to become the Liaoning warship it is today.

The Liaoning is a spark that sparks new hope for the future of the Chinese Navy.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

In addition, the prototype of the Su-33 carrier-based aircraft and the integrated supply ship Qinghai Lake, as well as the design drawings, are also from Ukraine.

China has also reciprocated, making Ukraine an important partner of China's "Belt and Road" and has made a lot of investment and assistance to Ukraine.

The two countries have also achieved great results in the research and development of military products, such as the Madasic engine.

China really sincerely wants to pull Ukraine along.

In January 2021, after Pompeo of the United States visited Ukraine, the Ukrainian president immediately abandoned China, resulting in the collapse of Sino-Ukrainian cooperation.

Because of this, Ukraine not only offended China, but also faced about $5 billion in damages.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Of course, the United States is only responsible for making things yellow, and as for Ukraine's reparations, the Americans will not pay a dime.

Similar to being fooled by Europe and the United States, a wave of "riot operations" suddenly occurred, and there were many incidents in Ukraine.

In 2014, after Poroshenko came to power, at the instigation of Europe and the United States and other countries, Ukraine and Russia completely turned their faces. Russia occupied Crimea, Ukraine, for the sake of its own national security interests.

In order to "comfort" Ukraine, the European Union announced the short- and medium-term economic assistance plan for Ukraine that year, with a total amount of more than 11 billion euros.

The plan is to give 3 billion euros of aid in the next few years, of which 1.4 billion is free aid, 1.6 billion is low-interest loans, and 100 million euros is given for the time being.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Later, the aid program was expanded to a total of 19 billion euros, which was equivalent to compensation for the fallout between Ukraine and Russia.

In addition to the pitiful €100 million life-saving money, the EU gave only €1.4 billion in loans for the whole of 2014, and another €1.8 billion in Loans to Ukraine in January 2015.

The 1.4 billion yuan of aid and 17.6 billion of low-interest loans that said yes dragged on for six or seven years, and finally only 5 billion yuan of loans, and the free aid was not a penny.

At such a heavy price, Ukraine has been rewarded with a bunch of debts to Europe and the United States, which is really sad.

Ukraine's current president, Zelenskiy, is only 43 years old, a comedian by training and has no governing experience before coming to power.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

The people simply chose him with the mentality of "this group of Wang Eight Lambs politicians has made the country too miserable, and another political amateur tried his luck" mentality.

The awakening of the Ukrainian people came too late

In the face of The Flickering of Europe and the United States, has Ukraine woken up in the end?

It can be said that Ukraine, which was once "white and beautiful", has clearly seen the essence of the "peerless scumbag" in Europe and the United States, but it is too late.

At the Ukraine-EU summit in October 2020, Ukrainian diplomats angrily rebuked:

"The EU has not aided Ukraine at all, and Ukraine has become a European ATM, compensating for the losses suffered by the EU due to sanctions against Russia at the expense of sovereignty, resources, infrastructure, and strategic enterprises, and the EU is destroying Ukrainian enterprises."

On April 30 this year, former Ukrainian President Kravchuk, once the most staunch pro-American faction, recalled that he had listened to Europe and the United States and was full of remorse, saying on television:

Europe and the United States ignored Ukraine, after persuading it to lay down their weapons, only occasionally gave a little money to help them continue their lives, and also let Ukraine cut off the economic lifeline with Russia, and then it did not matter, but sucked ukraine's resources, because Europe and the United States wanted to prostitute from the beginning!

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

Europe and the United States not only prostituted themselves, but also changed their ways to fish out pocket money from Ukraine and persuade Ukraine to "sell blood" to support him.

This year, the awakened Ukraine came to China again and said: Madasic can only see the light except for cooperation with China, and the rest will only be darkness.

Chinese companies say: Okay! Cooperation is OK, please pay the default fee first, $5 billion.


In nightclubs and modeling agencies in major Chinese cities, you can often see girls from Ukraine.

They are blonde, beautiful, tall, graceful, and beautiful, so beautiful and outstanding, they are a beautiful scenery in the eyes of everyone.

Why is Ukraine so miserable now? Fooled by Europe and the United States for 30 years without waking up, China wants to help it but is pitted

They are basically ordinary girls, with the dream of "Cinderella", and have traveled thousands of miles to China to make money.

When the country is weak and poor, it is the ordinary people at the bottom who really suffer. Because they are powerless to change anything, they will only be pushed by life, stumbling forward, and tears and heartache can only flow into their hearts.

Back then, China was also caught between two big powers, facing a dilemma, but fortunately we have a generation of great people, and that is another story, a magnificent and exciting story.

—— THE END ——

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