
Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

On February 27, Beijing time, the NBA regular season ended a strong showdown, the Nets defeated the Bucks 126-123, ending a 2-game losing streak while taking revenge. The game was full of ups and downs, with the Bucks leading in the first half and the Nets coming back 23-4 in the third quarter. The Bucks' Portis burst out with a three-pointer to help the team close the gap. In the final quarter, the Nets managed to win under the leadership of Irving, Ade and Drummond.


Nets: Brown 15 points, 7 boards, Johnson 7 points and 6 boards, Drummond 17 points, 12 boards and 5 assists, Curry Jr. 19 points, Irving 37 points, 5 boards and 5 assists, Ade 11 points, Thomas 9 points, Dragic 6 points, 3 boards and 2 assists;

Bucks: Middleton 23 points, 3 boards and 7 assists, Alphabet Brother 29 points, 14 boards and 6 assists, Portis 30 points and 12 boards, Allen 7 points, Holliday 19 points, 5 boards and 7 assists, Ibaka 8 points and 4 boards, Matthews 5 points;

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

Focus Lens:

In this campaign, Portis exploded a career-high 8 three-pointers and performed strongly;

The Nets scored 43 points in the third quarter, setting a new season record for single-quarter scoring;

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

Contest Review:

In the first quarter, Holliday scored his first goal from the basket, Brown hit both free throws, Drummond hit the board, and Portis and Irving scored against each other. Middleton cut in the air, Allen and Portis hit three-pointers, and Alphabet brother made one of two free throws. Irving assisted Drummond with a dunk, and Ibaka scored 2+1 to give the Bucks an eight-point lead. Thomas and Irving scored with jumpers, and Irving fought back to close the gap. Ibaka blasted in a three-pointer, Holliday hit a layup, Ade hit a 2+1 jumper, Holliday and Ade continued to cut points, and Dragic hit a three-pointer. Alphabet brother jump shot, Dragic two free throws one, alphabet brother two free throws all hit, Middleton shot three-pointers. Alphabet brother two free throws, the first quarter of the battle, the Nets 25-32 Bucks.

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

In the second quarter, Edwards and Curry Jr. hit a three-pointer and Dragic made a layup, and the Nets made a perfect start to the quarter and overtook the score. Middleton made one of two free throws, Alphabet Brother broke through, Drummond made a layup, and Holliday chased down a three-pointer to shoot. Drummond threw a shot to score, Alphabet Brother and Portis hit from the outside, and Curry Jr. threw a shot in the air. Brown scored on a layup, Middleton hit a three-pointer, Irving scored on consecutive jumpers, and Middleton also scored in color. Holliday hit a jumper, Portis hit a three-pointer, Matthews hit a throw, Irving hit a jumper, matthews hit a three-pointer. Thomas successfully threw a throw, Alphabet Brother and Irving successively made mid-range shots, and the first half ended, and the Nets made it 53-59 to the Bucks.

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

In the third quarter, Brown hit from the outside, Allen broke through and Curry Jr. hit a three-pointer. Middleton cut in the air, and then he helped the alphabet brother fly, the alphabet brother made one of two free throws, and Curry Jr. snatched and counterattacked a dragon to win. Alphabet brother dunked, Irving and Holliday hit two free throws, Irving and Johnson scored 5 consecutive points, Curry Jr. hit a three-pointer, and the Nets rebounded strongly. Brown countered the dunk, Drummond made up the dunk, the Nets played a wave of 12-0; alphabet brother on the basket to stop the bleeding, Johnson and Irving scored 5 consecutive points, alphabet brother two free throws, Brown and Curry Jr. three-point shots, the Nets expanded the advantage. Alphabet brother scored on a jumper, Drummond dunked, Ibaka made a dunk, Irving scored a layup, Portis hit a three-pointer, and then he scored eight consecutive points. Middleton hit two free throws, Thomas made a layup, Middleton scored on a layup, Thomas hit a three-pointer, Middleton also played in color, three quarters, and the Nets made it 96-93 bucks

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

In the fourth quarter, Holliday scored a jumper, Ade hit two free throws, Portis hit consecutive three-pointers, and the Bucks rebounded the score. Ader hit a jumper, Alphabet Brother and Johnson hit both free throws, Holliday threw a shot, and Allen hit a three-pointer to stop the Nets. Middleton made one of two free throws, Irving scored a layup, Portis and Irving scored jump shots, Drummond scored three points on free throws and a layoff, Irving hit a three-pointer, and the Nets rebounded strongly. Middleton hit a mid-range shot, Curry Jr. hit two free throws, Alphabet brother broke through, and Brown scored a three-pointer. Drummond blocked the alphabet brother, Johnson blocked Portis, Drummond made one of two free throws, Allen made two free throws, and the Nets had 1 point left in 14.6 seconds to lead and still have the ball. Irving hit two free throws, Middleton hit two free throws, and Ader hit two key free throws, and the Nets managed to win.

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

Two teams starting lineup:

Bucks: Middleton, Alphabet Brother, Portis, Allen, Holliday;

Nets: Brown, James Johnson, Drummond, Curry, Irving;

Irving 38 points! The Nets revenge Bucks ended a 2-game losing streak, Alphabet Brother 29+14, and Ade key free throws

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