
It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"

author:Watch the autumn breeze alone

Talking about the Jiang Ge case with friends, we are all fathers or mothers, so we can especially experience the heartache of Jiang Ge's mother after she lost her daughter. It was life that had completely fallen into boundless darkness, the sun could never rise again, and only eternal night and cold and loneliness accompanied him.

When I said that there are still many people who support Liu Xin, they find it unbelievable, and I also feel incredible. I would rather believe that they are all water troops that Liu Xin spent money to get, for the sake of traffic, for the sake of profit, for the sake of some invisible people.

Saying that Liu Xin is not responsible for Jiang Ge's death, in the past six years, she has endured too much, she and her family cannot live a normal life, the judiciary should return Liu Xin a fair way, and the world owes Liu Xin a "sorry" ...

It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"
It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"
It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"

At least her ex-boyfriend's knife was cut on Jiang Ge's body instead of her Liu Xin's body; at least she was blocked outside the door of her own residence, calling every day should not be, calling the ground silent, in fear and extreme pain, life passed little by little is Jiang Ge is not her Liu Xin; at least she can also "family reunion" with her parents, sister, grandparents, and spend her years sleeping in the ground, so that her mother suffers from the pain of bereavement, and the white-haired person sends the black-haired person Jiang Ge not her Liu Xin.

No one was sorry for her, even if Liu Xin's supporters even washed Chen Mou against Jiang Ge, then the initiator of this tragedy was not Still Liu Xin? It is her own cowardice, no opinion, and hard to pull friends to help her solve her emotional entanglements. If she bears it alone from beginning to end, the outcome of this matter will be rewritten, Jiang Ge does not need to die innocently and tragically, and Jiang Ge's mother does not have to worry about confronting her in court.

Liu Xin and Liu Xin's supporters said that the sky was crazy, and it could not change the fact that Liu Xin owed Jiang Ge and Jiang Ge's mother, and this life could not be repaid!

Even if Jiang Ge's mother is not a perfect victim, even if she has done something improper, it does not mean that Liu Xin can escape the condemnation of conscience and the criticism and scorn of the world for her various ungrateful, self-serving behaviors.

For six years, the world and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to make a sincere apology, and before the second trial, Liu Xin also said such logically confused and brazen words as "irresponsible for Jiang Ge's death", "will not lose a penny", and "willing to be a cow and a horse to honor the third uncle's mother". In essence, she is a person who does not know how to be grateful, only knows how to frantically grab and calmly enjoy the various benefits and care given to her by others, paying a little bit of herself is like asking for her own life, and she feels that the whole world owes itself.

Liu Xin's supporters and such a delicate and self-interested, liar," disregard for the lives of others, and people who do not know how to learn about the Entu newspaper say "I'm sorry", I can't empathize!

It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"
It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"
It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"
It has been six years since Jiang Ge's death, and Jiang Ge's mother did not wait for Liu Xin to say "I was wrong"

Finally, I reached a consensus with my friends: you can't be selfish and indifferent, and you should help others when you should help others, because everyone does not live on an isolated island, and everyone needs to live with people to harvest happiness, but for Liu Xin's kind of failure, you still have to hide away.

I hope that people like Liu Xin will be punished as they deserve, and the arrogance of her and her supporters for a day is a trampling on public order and good customs, and an insult and damage to people as kind and enthusiastic as Jiang Ge!

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