
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

author:The morning breeze 236306616

The situation in Ukraine has attracted the attention of the world, and there are different online accounts of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine, but for now, there is a clear imbalance of power between Ukraine and Russia. As a comedian-turned-"politician", the Ukrainian president can only maintain the last dignity of the country through frequent network propaganda, and many netizens also deeply regret that Ukraine has caused today's situation, so let's see how the actor president brought Ukraine into the "ditch"?

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

After Ukraine parted ways with the big brother of the Soviet Union, it carried out a marketization and privatization economy, although on the surface, the rapid economic development and great achievements in infrastructure construction have been made, but behind it is capital that has corrupted the foundation of society, and the people's ideology has seriously deviated from the original beliefs and ideals. As a result, the mainstream idea of materialism and the supremacy of money in Ukraine has caused the consortium chaebol big capitalists to control the lifeblood of the economy, and the people at the bottom have become commodities under the free market, especially the Ukrainian beauty that is rumored on the Internet, which is the European "harem" created by capital.

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

In Ukraine, which is under the control of capital, it vigorously promotes the real estate industry, in an attempt to build itself into a "Dubai" and a tourist mecca connecting Asia and Europe, and rapidly transforms the "granary" economy that used to rely on agricultural development into a seemingly developed "smoke-free industry", which is actually a semi-industrial, semi-agricultural and semi-tourism country that is the fundamental development and development momentum of overdraft development.

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

Ukraine has not established its own manufacturing system like Germany, Britain, and France in Europe, nor has it completed the process of capital industrialization to financialization like Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Finland, but has lost itself on the dangerous edge of the Internet and the financial bubble economy.

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian contradiction, there are many real estate developers in Ukraine who are building buildings on a large scale, until the boss fled by plane, and suddenly woke up, facing a pile of rubble after the shell, many people stood in front of their houses and were grief-stricken, claiming that the houses they had worked so hard to save money to buy were gone. On the other side is a large number of Ukrainian beauties still live on internet platforms.

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

There are also many Ukrainians who post various things around them on the Internet in the form of short videos to get more attention from netizens and fans. It can be said that Ukraine's economic development and people's thinking are still stuck on the basis of "making money" and obtaining traffic, because in the face of the "actor president" helpless to Russia, they have long been without cohesion and appeal.

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

Although the situation in Ukraine has made many netizens deeply sympathetic, behind it is more "mourning its misfortune, angering it" Ukraine was originally a good economy, but it was looted by capital and the Western free financial model, and finally "ignited the fire" to let the war rage at home, which is really sad.

The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live
The war did not wake up Ukraine, until the capital fled, men were still building buildings and women were still live

If Ukraine is only "delayed" because of an actor who is not pragmatic and can only read lines, then this president is nothing more than an agent of capital and a clown. In his view, as long as Russia does not catch him in the current situation, he can continue to be this "proxy" on the Internet and the media, but for the Ukrainian people, it is already difficult to extricate themselves from the fierce war. #Ukraine##Follow the headlines to see the world ##在头条看世界 #

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