
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance


The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company wants to let Ms. Wu leave on her own on the grounds of attendance. She said that after working overtime until ten o'clock every day, the company even had a face to open him on the grounds of attendance, and asked him to hand over all the permissions of the company group, that is, our company was doing some problems that may violate industry and commerce recently, and then he was afraid that I would go. In the group, help these parents to defend their rights, force me, and let me hand over this group. For these Ms. Wu clear understanding, if she really handed over the power, it is equivalent to handing over the work, so she refused the company's request on the spot.

Subsequently, the company directly called all his employees to a meeting, but did not call Ms. Wu. Not long after, the company issued a notice of termination of labor to Ms. Wu, and we can also see that Ms. Wu wrote on this notice that the notice has been received and does not recognize the reasons and contents of the termination. If we write down this notice, it must mean that we have violated a certain relevant system of the company in our employees, and we have done this step. But he said that he actually worked far more than eight hours a day at the company, and overtime pay did not give him any verification.

As for the reporter's question, the personnel office just kept saying that the company did not force him to work overtime, but that he had to work overtime himself. In this regard, Ms. Wu took a bunch of chat records, these are the company's ironclad evidence that requires employees to work overtime, not only that, Ms. Wu opened WeChat to search for keywords overtime, and all that was displayed was the mandatory overtime information of this instructor, so the personnel could not hide it, and came to the person in charge, Manager Yu. Seeing that Manager Yu came, Ms. Wu made several recordings on the spot, which implied that Ms. Wu's three views were not correct, saying that the most important thing in this position was that the three views should be correct.

Ms. Wu also said that her salary at the end of each month is more than 7,000, plus the commission can get more than 20,000 yuan per month, but since the company refuses to compensate himself, then he has to shake everything out, we received a notice from the company last month, asking us to notify the parents, they get a joint venture of painting materials every month is a normal year, and our parents report that the course for one year is 12 months. There are 12 sets of painting material boxes in 12 months, well, but let's go and inform the parents that his 12 sets of painting material boxes are gone, and they have become a set of painting material boxes, yes, only one set a year.

In this regard, Manager Yu explained that because of the epidemic, some parents could not receive it, so the unification was to send all 12 sets of them together. At this time, Ms. Wu interrupted him, reminding him to speak cautiously, Manager Yu this matter you have to be cautious to say, because the comparison of painting materials I all have, in the end what is missing you should know in your heart, as a manager in the end all the painting materials added together with a single box of painting materials, what things are missing you should know best. In this regard, Manager Yu had nothing to say at once, only said that he could not be the master, directly slipped away, you can see that this thick material is all iron evidence collected by himself, the next step he is ready to hand over to the labor department for further rights protection.

As the saying goes, the heart of defense is indispensable, in the face of this series of innocent dismissals, Ms. Wu can come up with the most effective means to carry out the most effective defense, which undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for everyone. Do you think Ms. Wu did a good job? Write your thoughts in the comments section and we'll see you in the next issue. #Talk about the workplace##Workplace ##职场达人炼成记 #

The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance
The beauty supervisor was inexplicably laid off, and the internal recording frightened the general manager, the general manager: I can't afford it. Recently, Ms. Wu's company is in a stage of layoffs, and the company thinks on the grounds of attendance