
Cultural strong and thought-provoking interview (5) | Zhang Zhi'an: Mainstream media should maintain a sense of crisis and be the "fixed star" of public opinion dissemination

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhu Shaojie Literature and art

Photo/Courtesy of respondents in addition to attribution

CulturalLy Strong And Thought-provoking Interview (5)

The recent conference of the province to solidly promote the construction of a culturally strong province made important arrangements, highlighting the promotion of the main melody, spreading positive energy, emphasizing the implementation of the main melody promotion project, and taking the initiative to strengthen the guidance of hot public opinion.

In today's era, profound changes are taking place in the public opinion environment, media pattern, and communication methods, and news and public opinion work must adapt to such changes, respect the law of communication, innovate methods and means, enhance initiative, grasp the initiative, fight the initiative battle, earnestly do a good job in guiding public opinion in hot spots, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of public opinion guidance. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

In this issue of "CulturalLy Strong Province, Deep Interview", Zhang Zhi'an, vice president of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Development Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University, a national high-end think tank, and professor of the School of Communication and Design, was interviewed by the Yangcheng Evening News reporter——

The "double professionalism" of Guangdong media is strengthening

Yangcheng Evening News: Guangdong has been proposing to build a culturally strong province for some time, what are the characteristics of Guangdong's media integration development over the years?

Zhang Zhi'an: In the past decade or so, Guangdong has had many remarkable experiences and highlights in promoting the deep integration of media.

First, Guangdong has a group of outstanding media people, who have a strong sense of transformation and action ability in the transformation of media integration.

Second, Guangdong has a relatively developed economic industry as a support, and the need for government communication and enterprise brand promotion has provided a larger market demand for media integration and transformation.

Third, Guangdong actively adopts digital Internet technology, whether it is the construction of central kitchens, integrated reporting practices, digital production of content, or expanding commercial operations and increasing revenue channels.

An interesting phenomenon is that in the past ten years, many metropolitan newspapers in developed cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have stopped publishing, but Guangzhou and Shenzhen have not withdrawn from the market until now. Newspapers in Guangdong have their own paths of survival and development.

For example, the "Yangcheng Evening News" uses cultural and creative industries to feed back the mainstream content dissemination, which not only solves the problem of survival, but also consolidates the position of public opinion; the "Southern Metropolis Daily" carries out the transformation of think tanks, using the "big data + news reports + think tank services" method to provide think tank reports for the government and enterprises, organize think tank activities, etc.; "Information Times" takes root in the community and becomes a community close to service providers and social governance participants, and so on.

Among the sources of original media content purchased by commercial portals, Guangdong ranks among the top.

When most provincial and municipal mainstream media became commercial platforms "content cows", Guangdong media occupied an important position on the attention distribution map of online news dissemination. At present, the copyright monetization ability of Guangdong media is at the forefront of the country. Tencent News, Today's Headlines, UC Browser, they buy Guangdong media rights at the provincial media level is probably the most expensive.

However, the influence and guidance of Guangdong media in the national network public opinion field still need to be continuously enhanced. Guangdong has the advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other reporting themes, and has the advantages of comprehensive development as a large economic province, but its influence in national public opinion, especially in-depth reporting and network dissemination in major public events, has been weakened.

Cultural strong and thought-provoking interview (5) | Zhang Zhi'an: Mainstream media should maintain a sense of crisis and be the "fixed star" of public opinion dissemination

Yangcheng Evening News: Guangdong media used to be unique and leading the trend in the country, but now what? How to assess the position of Guangdong Rong Media in the country?

Zhang Zhi'an: Everywhere is promoting media integration, but strictly speaking, there is no standard answer for media integration. Each place has a different level of political, economic and cultural level, and the financial support, resource integration and media market development that can be provided for media integration are different, so there is no standard answer.

Comparatively speaking, one of the biggest differences between Media Convergence in Guangdong and Shanghai, Beijing and other regions is that it is more typical. Guangdong has Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan and other economically developed cities, but also in western Guangdong, northern Guangdong and other underdeveloped areas, Guangdong's media integration truly reflects the opportunities and challenges faced by China's media integration.

I believe that the openness, inclusiveness and professional pursuit of The Guangdong media are still there.

The "professionalism" here has two levels of core: the first is the professionalism emphasized by the news, that is, truthfulness, objectivity, accuracy, etc., and the second is the professionalism of the professional knowledge in specific fields, and the "double professionalism" of the Guangdong media is being strengthened.

For example, the professionalism of financial reporters in the Southern Finance and Economics All-Media Group is increasing, the Yangcheng Evening News highlights the professionalism and characteristics of reporting in the cultural field, and the professionalism of data news of Southern Metropolis Daily is also increasing.

Professionalism is the guarantee, innovation is the driving force. Innovation is reflected in the acceptance of new things, the absorption of new ideas, and the continuous realization of self-renewal through new practices.

But where there are new technical means and new media integration concepts, Guangdong media are proactive to embrace, and willing to try and explore. In different eras and different media development environments, the specific connotations of professional ability and innovative spirit on the media are different, but the media in Guangdong have consistently adhered to it.

Cultural strong and thought-provoking interview (5) | Zhang Zhi'an: Mainstream media should maintain a sense of crisis and be the "fixed star" of public opinion dissemination

Do mainstream value dissemination "fixed star", public opinion guidance "ballast stone"

Yangcheng Evening News: What are the problems facing the current development of media integration?

Zhang Zhi'an: The main purpose of promoting the deep integration of the media is to solve the problem of sustainable development of the mainstream media, continue to enhance the public opinion guidance and influence of the mainstream media, and finally build a modern communication system to provide strong public opinion support and political recognition for China's social development and national rejuvenation.

The biggest challenge facing media convergence mainly comes from the impact of new technologies, which are manifested in three aspects:

First, the Internet has become a social connection hub, especially the super Internet platform has become the core node in the networked society, and the channels of traditional mainstream media are no longer the most mainstream, and they generally face the problem of marginalization of influence;

Second, the original mainstream media 'secondary sales' business model has been completely subverted, and the vast majority of comprehensive media cannot rely on the original news value to realize sustainable income, facing the problem of survival pressure;

Third, new media make the public's expression unprecedentedly active, and true, pluralistic, complex and even irrational online public opinion is presented on the Internet platform, resulting in the hedging of online public opinion and mainstream media public opinion, and the timing, validity and difficulty of public opinion guidance increase.

Yangcheng Evening News: What room can be further improved?

Zhang Zhi'an: I think there are several aspects that can be continuously explored.

The first is to further strengthen the adoption, application and layout of intelligent communication technology. The mainstream media really deeply use and explore mainstream algorithms, and they are still somewhat weak in technology. In terms of video technology and production and dissemination, Guangdong already has electrocution news clients and N video clients, but it is mainly based on Guangdong and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and has not yet gone out.

Second, in the mechanism innovation of deep docking with the market and capital, we also need bolder institutional arrangements. Whether it is the integration of the media internally or the external expansion service, the courage can be a little bigger, and the pace can be faster. In this regard, both top-level design and bottom-level innovation are required.

The third is to enhance the influence of the "Guangdong Voice" and the "Bay Area Voice" in the "Voice of China" in the whole country.

Yangcheng Evening News: Compared with other regions such as Beijing and Shanghai, what kind of reference can be learned from the integrated development of media in Guangdong?

Zhang Zhi'an: The key to cultural prosperity and development depends on talents, and the biggest reference is "people".

Media convergence is ultimately a one-man project. First of all, the number one of the media group must be the managers who dare to fight, dare to take responsibility, dare to overcome difficulties, and at the same time, they must also be stable and far-reaching, and increasingly enterprising. The support of government departments and the courage of local supervisors are also very important.

Therefore, the media itself must maintain a sense of crisis. The problem of basic survival is solved, it is easy to produce a sense of satisfaction or burnout, and in the long run, it is necessary to have a sense of crisis in development, especially in terms of continuous public opinion influence and the realization of media self-worth.

Media integration still adheres to the multiple roles of media recorders, influencers, supervisors, and service providers, influencing in records, promoting in supervision, and participating in services.

Yangcheng Evening News: At present, the role of communication is becoming more and more diverse, how to view the respective positioning of institutional media, professional media and self-media? What is their relationship?

Zhang Zhi'an: In the past, we often distinguished between the so-called mainstream media and self-media from the "bias toward the official or the market", and called the people outside the system self-media, but in fact, this kind of statement is not entirely accurate.

A very important feature of modern society is mobility, which is characterized by multiple roles and blurred boundaries. Media is also fluid and pluralistic, with center and edge locations that can flow. Mixing is an important changing feature of the new news ecosystem.

Therefore, I think it is more appropriate to divide the media according to culture, and to divide the media actors with relatively uncertain thinking. Self-media is partial to grassroots culture, institutional media is partial to public relations culture, and professional media are partial to propaganda and professional culture.

Such a new news ecosystem poses new challenges to the mainstream media: in the midst of mixed and wandering changes, is the mainstream media still the "fixed star" of mainstream value dissemination, or is it still the "ballast stone" guided by major sensitive public opinion?

Evaluate the ability and effect of public opinion response like economic indicators

Yangcheng Evening News: To "take the initiative to strengthen the guidance of hot public opinion", how should we act?

Zhang Zhi'an: First of all, we must re-understand the "major public opinion", in the past, we used the degree of social harm as the main criterion for judging whether it is a major public opinion, such as the number of casualties and the degree of social persecution. Nowadays, the broad masses of the people and netizens continue to pay attention to the intensity, intensity, breadth and sensitivity of public opinion, which has gradually become another important criterion or type for judging major public opinion, and the media and local governments need to update their understanding of major public opinion.

Then there is the adherence to the principles and tactics of guiding public opinion. The basic method of handling public opinion and news release is to adhere to information disclosure, adhere to the fact as the criterion, implement dynamic release, grasp how many facts, and how many facts are released. There is also a bottom line that "there are truths that can be told, but never lies."

In 2003, when SARS was infested, China began to establish a press release system for central ministries and provincial governments. In the past two years, after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the press release of governments at all levels has been normalized, and a press release system with Chinese characteristics has been initially formed. However, there are still many problems of insufficient awareness of information disclosure at the grass-roots level and weak ability to deal with public opinion.

In the face of major public opinion, the central ministries and commissions and provincial-level governments have a strong ability to guide public opinion through press releases, but many grass-roots government departments have a serious lack of awareness of public opinion response and handling, news releases, and publicity, and some even have relatively obvious problems of "sealing, blocking, deleting, and hiding."

How to correct it? The direct approach is to establish, implement and evaluate the press release system. If we assess the government's ability and effect in responding to public opinion like economic indicators, this work will be truly valued.

Yangcheng Evening News: How should the mainstream media do a good job as a "ballast stone" for public opinion?

Zhang Zhi'an: Regarding doing a good job of "ballast stone", there is another issue that deserves our deep consideration, that is, to take good care of the active public opinion ecology and media ecology. Major and sensitive events require not only continuous news release and information disclosure by government departments at all levels, but also in-depth reporting and public opinion supervision by the news media.

If there is a lack of mainstream and authoritative media intervention, the reporting of relevant facts is insufficient, and the supervision is not in place, it will be allowed to spread incompletely by the online self-media, resulting in the spread of negative emotions and dissatisfaction with the lack of truth among some netizens, which may "reverse" the authority and credibility of propaganda and positive reports.

Public opinion is the reaction of public opinion, is the desire of the people, externally manifested as the emotional structure of the public on specific events, and internally it is actually an expectation of the public for social governance and national governance.

A series of public opinion events have brought us enlightenment, only by truly improving the country's governance capacity and modernization of the governance system from the perspective of social governance, doing things well, and effectively solving the problems, can the "well done" and "well said" of news releases be truly matched, and can we avoid falling into the so-called "Tacitus Trap".

From the perspective of the mainstream media, we must not "ignore the issues", and repeated disregard for major issues will cause habitual disregard in the later stage. In addition, news is always run out by foot, and we must maintain a high degree of attention to news, face the scene, and have the knowledge ability to intervene in the guidance of public opinion.

Cultural strong and thought-provoking interview (5) | Zhang Zhi'an: Mainstream media should maintain a sense of crisis and be the "fixed star" of public opinion dissemination

"Seeing the bright in the gray" is more convincing

Yangcheng Evening News: In recent years, there have been many "low-level red and high-level black" phenomena. What should we pay attention to to make positive publicity bigger and stronger?

Zhang Zhi'an: "Low-level red and high-level black" is essentially the vulgarization of propaganda and the superficialization of propaganda. Propaganda should play a coordinated role in mass communication, interpersonal communication, and organizational communication in a way that the masses like to hear and hear.

Propaganda must not only enter the ears and eyes, but also enter the brain and the heart, and the most important thing is that it must be truly convincing. From emotional identification to value identification, and then to action cooperation, is effective publicity.

Therefore, we must not make propaganda vulgar, but we should make propaganda scientific, we must not make propaganda superficial, but we must make propaganda practical.

For the mainstream media, scientific propaganda, professional propaganda, and effective publicity must also master the methodology, and behind this methodology there is also a set of values and discourse systems that explain China. In past propaganda, two "legitimacy" frameworks were mainly used, one called historical legitimacy, reviewing the history of revolution and construction, and the other called performance legitimacy, highlighting reform and development achievements.

In addition, there are two more important "legitimacy" discourse frameworks for the future: one is called procedural legitimacy, adhering to the rule of law, and the other is value legitimacy, which embodies the people-centered concept of governance.

The highest form of effective propaganda is the innovation of propaganda discourse. The innovation of discourse is the dominant explanatory framework for complex China and development China, that is, on the basis of consolidating the original history and performance legitimacy, actively exploring value and procedural legitimacy.

We must dare to face up to the "gray area" that exists in this world, be good at facing "gray", dissecting "gray", solving "gray", and finding "bright colors" in "gray".

Many times, we think of propaganda as black and white, black and white. If you can see the "bright color in the gray", it is often more convincing.

Yangcheng Evening News: What kind of opportunities does the promotion of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area bring to the integrated development of media in Guangdong?

Zhang Zhi'an: The development of the Greater Bay Area is an optimal testing ground for international media communication.

Guangdong has the most developed overseas Chinese resources in China, and nearly half of the world's overseas Chinese are from Guangdong. Furthermore, we can see the globalization of Lingnan culture, although the institutional systems of Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland are different, the roots of culture are the same, and there are Cantonese and Lingnan culture as a connection. The construction of the Bay Area provides the best cultural and spiritual ties for the integrated development of media in Guangdong.

The Tokyo Bay Area, the New York Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area are all regional economies with the same system in the same country, while the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is an economy with different systems in the same country, and its regional cooperation and regional development have many challenges to cross the institutional, economic, transportation, capital and cultural aspects.

Therefore, telling the story of cross-system and cross-regional cooperation and development of the Bay Area will play a great role in enhancing China's image.

Some of our previous related studies have found that urban communication in the Bay Area still lacks inter-city linkage cooperation. Therefore, on the basis of urban communication, it is important to highlight the concept of cross-regional cooperation, with the establishment of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone, it will provide new themes and new engines for the communication of the Bay Area, and then realize the effective connection from the original urban issues to regional issues.

In the ideal situation, hong Kong should not only talk about Hong Kong, Guangzhou only talk about Guangzhou, and Shenzhen only talk about Shenzhen, but Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen will talk more about the Bay Area together.

Communication is not only external reporting and publicity, but also an exchange, dialogue and experience. For ordinary people, the biggest appeal lies in life.

Therefore, the online and offline cultural tourism experience of the Bay Area can be used as an important communication starting point, and the cultural communication in the Bay Area can be continuously improved from the perspective of daily life information expression and emotional experience perception.

Cultural strong and thought-provoking interview (5) | Zhang Zhi'an: Mainstream media should maintain a sense of crisis and be the "fixed star" of public opinion dissemination

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Wu Xiaopan

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