
"Soldier Assault" actor Diao Haiming died of nasopharyngeal cancer, the five symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer should not be ignored!

author:Medical original story meeting
"Soldier Assault" actor Diao Haiming died of nasopharyngeal cancer, the five symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer should not be ignored!

Li Chen updated the dynamics in Weibo, may heaven have no pain, all the way good, once a comrade-in-arms, No. 27.

And he is talking about the actor Diao Haiming, who played Tuo Yonggang in "Soldier Assault", according to reports, Diao Haiming died of heart failure due to nasopharyngeal cancer at 23:10 on December 9, 2017, and died at the age of 45.

Seeing this news, my heart was very heavy.

The public is actually not unfamiliar with nasopharyngeal cancer, because as early as May this year, South Korean movie star Kim Yubin was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer, and he is only 27 years old, in fact, in addition to them, more and more young nasopharyngeal cancer patients appear, people also have a new confusion, what are the symptoms before nasopharyngeal cancer comes, and what factors are its onset related to?

Doctors said that nasopharyngeal cancer generally has five symptoms, the most common is nasal blood and nosebleeds; if the tumor compresses the Eustachian tube pharyngeal port, there will also be signs and symptoms of secretory otitis media, such as tinnitus, hearing loss, etc., clinically many patients with nasopharyngeal cancer are found because of ear symptoms; there are also some patients with tumor infiltration into the nostril area can cause mechanical blockage, nasal congestion in the initial symptoms accounted for 15.9%, 48.0% when diagnosed; and some patients only show headaches. Clinically, it is mostly unilateral persistent pain, mostly in the temporal and apical areas; some patients come to the doctor because of eye diseases, because nasopharyngeal cancer invades the eye, resulting in visual impairment, visual field defects, diplopia, herniation and limited mobility, and neuroplegic keratitis.

"Soldier Assault" actor Diao Haiming died of nasopharyngeal cancer, the five symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer should not be ignored!

In fact, if there is only nasal congestion, nosebleeds, maybe the situation is not so bad, if it affects the ears, eyes, then it may indicate that the tumor may already be in the middle and advanced stages, metastasis has occurred.

As for the cause of nasopharyngeal cancer, it is the result of a complex multi-factor combination, such as genetic factors, viral factors and environmental factors, such as genetic factors, the study found that nasopharyngeal cancer mainly occurs in the five southern provinces of China, namely Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Fujian and Jiangxi, accounting for the first place of local head and neck malignant tumors, the reason why it is so dense in these areas, it is closely related to genetic factors, nasopharyngeal cancer patients in high-incidence areas, often have a similar genetic history in the family, Genetic mutations are also more likely to occur in life, and chromosomal changes in nasopharyngeal cancer tumor cells are mainly chromosomes 1, 3, 11, 12 and 17.

For example, viral factors, studies have found that Epstein-Barr virus, coronavirus are closely related to the occurrence of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

Because nasopharyngeal cancer is a malignant tumor, so early detection and early diagnosis and early treatment is particularly important, unfortunately, there is often no special discomfort in the early stage of cancer, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, patients often ignore, so for patients with family history, we must regularly go to the hospital for nasopharyngeal microscopy, if there is unexplained nasal congestion and nosebleeds, you should also go to the hospital in time.

"Soldier Assault" actor Diao Haiming died of nasopharyngeal cancer, the five symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer should not be ignored!

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