
11 to 1! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine by one vote, and China voted according to its own position

author:Tayanagi Talk

The situation between Russia and Ukraine has developed to the present, and there have been new changes, the president of Ukraine expressed his agreement to negotiate with Russia later on the 25th, in this regard, Moscow decided to send a delegation to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to contact the Ukrainian side. However, Kiev did not approve of the negotiation site and wanted to talk in Warsaw, the polish capital.

Russia did not refuse the above request and was ready to hold further consultations with Ukraine on the issue of location on the 26th, but the latter directly "disappeared" and did not make any response to the issue. On the other hand, the United States is pushing for a draft resolution condemning Russia in response to the situation in Ukraine, which, as we all know, is a permanent member of the Security Council, so this kind of thing is simply not possible.

11 to 1! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine by one vote, and China voted according to its own position

The media reported on February 26 that the Security Council recently voted on the draft resolution jointly submitted by the United States and Albania, and the results showed that there were 11 votes in favor, China, India, and the United Arab Emirates all abstained, while Russia unsurprisingly used a veto to directly veto the resolution, leaving Washington busy in vain.

But a U.S. government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the White House was well aware that the draft could not be passed, but the Biden administration saw the Security Council as a key place to force Moscow to "explain," so the United States could not be absent. In his speech on the 25th, the Ukrainian president has already criticized 27 NATO member states, including the United States, saying that none of them are willing to send troops to help Ukraine.

11 to 1! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine by one vote, and China voted according to its own position

In other words, what Kiev needs most now is for so-called Western allies to send troops to fight in Ukraine, either by hiding behind verbal support or by doing something innocuous at the United Nations. Frankly speaking, many Western countries have successively imposed sanctions on Russia, and even this has not stopped the pace of the Russian army's advance, a non-binding resolution, even if it is passed, what can it do, neither can Ukraine win the war, nor can it bring real peace to the region.

As for why China abstained, Mainland representative Zhang Jun explained, pointing out that China has always decided its own position according to the merits of the matter itself and advocated respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, but the Ukraine issue did not appear overnight, and has a complex and special historical background.

11 to 1! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine by one vote, and China voted according to its own position

Deputy Zhang Jun also stressed that in the face of the current complex and sensitive situation, the Security Council needs to respond, but it also needs to be very cautious, because any action should be conducive to easing contradictions, rather than adding fuel to the fire. If it is not properly handled and blindly imposes sanctions and pressure, it will only lead to more chaos in the situation, cause more deaths and injuries, and finally suffer the vast number of innocent people.

Therefore, although we abstained and did not vote for the veto, in the current situation, we have clearly demonstrated China's attitude by not agreeing with the resolution proposed by the United States. As Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, the legitimate concerns of all countries should be respected, and the security of one country cannot be at the expense of the security of other countries, and regional security cannot be guaranteed by strengthening the military bloc.

11 to 1! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine by one vote, and China voted according to its own position

That is to say, as a responsible major country, what we should do now is not to take sides, which makes no sense, and opening the door to negotiations, creating opportunities for dialogue for all parties, and calling on them to return to the track of diplomatic and political settlement as soon as possible is what China needs to do most at the moment. Moreover, Russia will certainly vote against it anyway, and there is not much need to repeat the veto, in short, every step we take must be premised on ensuring the security of the mainland and maximizing interests.

Finally, it should be noted that the latest news shows that the European Union has just announced that it will sanction the Russian president and foreign minister, which has set the fire on Putin's personal head. The Russian Foreign Ministry responded that it will continue to retaliate against these measures, and what kind of results this will have remains to be seen.