
Blueprint Drawing a Thousand Scenes, Sailing and Breaking the Waves, Wei Tao Delivered a Speech at the Closing of the First Session of the 14th CPPCC Municipal Committee Zhang Xinwei attended the presidency of Cao Xuecheng and delivered a closing speech

author:Netinfo Taiyuan
Blueprint Drawing a Thousand Scenes, Sailing and Breaking the Waves, Wei Tao Delivered a Speech at the Closing of the First Session of the 14th CPPCC Municipal Committee Zhang Xinwei attended the presidency of Cao Xuecheng and delivered a closing speech

  Chinese the scene of the closing ceremony of the first meeting of the 14th Taiyuan Municipal Committee of shanxi province of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Photo by Liang Chen and Li Xuejun

  On the morning of February 25, the first meeting of the 14th Taiyuan Municipal Committee of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference of Shanxi Province successfully completed its agenda and closed at the Taiyuan Workers' Cultural Palace. The meeting called on the city's CPPCC organizations at all levels, all participating units, and all CPPCC members to unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and under the strong leadership of the Taiyuan Municipal CPC Committee, bear in mind the leader's entrustment, practice the mission of the original heart, bravely shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the times, make new contributions to the CPPCC in striving to write a chapter in taiyuan for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country, and greet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements!

  Wei Tao and Zhang Xinwei sat in the front row of the rostrum. Wei Tao delivered a speech.

  Cao Xuecheng, Xue Dongxiao, Li Junlin, Chen Jiguang, Chen Xiaohong, Xue Xiaohong, Xue Weizhu, Liang Hongyu, Zhang Shouyao, Li Xinhua and Xue Jianming, executive chairmen of the first session of the 14th CPPCC Municipal Committee, sat in the front row of the rostrum.

  The fourth plenary meeting shall be composed of 355 members and 340 members, which shall meet the prescribed number.

  Cao Xuecheng, chairman of the 14th Taiyuan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, presided over the meeting and delivered a closing speech.

  The meeting adopted the resolution of the first meeting of the 14th Taiyuan City Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on the work report of the Standing Committee of the 13th Taiyuan City Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; adopted the report of the Proposal Review Committee on the examination of the proposals of the first meeting of the 14th Taiyuan City Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; and adopted the political resolution of the first meeting of the 14th Taiyuan City Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

  As of 12 noon on February 23, 2022, the Conference had received a total of 601 proposals. Among them, there were 126 collective motions by democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and 394 motions by committee members. According to the "Regulations on the Work of Proposals of the Taiyuan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference" and other relevant provisions, after the review of the Proposal Review Committee, a total of 520 cases were filed, and 81 cases were transmitted to relevant departments for study and reference as opinions and suggestions.

  At the meeting, wei Tao, on behalf of the Taiyuan Municipal CPC Committee, expressed warm congratulations on the complete success of the conference and the newly elected members of the 14th leading group of the CPPCC Municipal Committee. He pointed out that the past five years have been a milestone year for Taiyuan in the development process of the new era. We firmly follow the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, fully promote the transformation and development of Taiyuan, revitalize and rise, and make great achievements in the city's party building and party leadership undertakings. Especially in the past 2021, the whole city has deeply implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, fully implemented the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Shanxi, and in accordance with the goal requirements and work matrix of the provincial party committee to promote high-quality development in an all-round way, coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, coordinated development and safety, forged ahead, continued to forge ahead, achieved new results in various undertakings, achieved a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan", and Taiyuan's development stood at a new historical starting point. The achievements are fundamentally due to General Secretary Xi Jinping's helm and navigation, the result of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the result of the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the provincial party committee, the result of the city's unity of purpose and hard work, and the condensation of the wisdom and sweat of the city's CPPCC organizations at all levels and the vast number of CPPCC members. The city's CPPCC organizations at all levels closely follow the two major themes of unity and democracy, focus on the center and serve the overall situation, organize the majority of CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research, make precise suggestions, gather consensus and gather strength, and make important contributions to the city's economic and social development.

  Wei Tao stressed that this year is the year of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the key year for comprehensively implementing the spirit of the Twelfth Provincial and Municipal Party Congress, promoting high-quality development in an all-round way, and also a key year for our city to seize opportunities, work hard and work fast, and make breakthroughs. General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Shanxi for the third time in the past five years fully reflects the party leader's deep concern for the people in the old areas, fully reflects the importance and support for Shanxi's work, and adds new impetus, encourages new morale and stimulates new motivation for us. To achieve all-round high-quality development, the CPPCC has great potential.

  The city's CPPCC organizations at all levels and the vast number of CPPCC members should continue to adhere to the two major themes of unity and democracy, give full play to the role of the CPPCC as an important channel for consultative democracy and the role of special consultative bodies, take the all-round promotion of high-quality development as the main line of work, continuously improve the ability and level of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in the administration and discussion of state affairs, and show new responsibilities and new deeds in the magnificent practice of Taiyuan continuing to write a new chapter of practicing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is necessary to enhance political consciousness and firmly grasp the correct direction. Deeply grasp the decisive significance of the "two establishments", further improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, continuously enhance the ideological consciousness, political consciousness and action consciousness of resolutely achieving the "two safeguards", always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and ensure that the cause of the CPPCC always advances in the right direction. Take the in-depth study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, promote the penetration of the heart into the mind, go deep and solid, and lay a solid common ideological and political foundation for unity and struggle. Give full play to the role of the CPPCC party group as the core of leadership in the work of the CPPCC, consciously run the party's leadership through all aspects of the entire process of the CPPCC performing its duties, and transform the party's propositions into a high degree of consensus and conscious action by all sectors of society. It is necessary to give play to the advantages of functions and make every effort to serve the overall situation of the center. Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC in gathering talents, extensive connections, and intensive intelligence, and focus on leading the development of the urban agglomeration in central Shanxi, building the "four highlands", building a modern industrial system, implementing rural revitalization, and promoting the integration of the four governances, and other major tasks related to the long-term development of Taiyuan, conscientiously plan the content of consultation, and accurately provide suggestions and suggestions. Persist in opening-door consultations and open consultations, promote the convergence of CPPCC consultations with grass-roots consultations, and combine with social governance, and effectively transform the advantages of the CPPCC system into governance efficiency. Adhere to the problem-oriented, focus on what the party committee and government think, what the people expect, focus on ensuring implementation and promoting development, tell the truth, make slander, make practical moves, and seek good policies, and promote the implementation of major decisions and deployments. It is necessary to extensively gather consensus and gather unity and struggle. Integrate consensus gathering into the entire process of performing duties, establish and improve systems such as heart-to-heart talks and visits and condolences, and thickly cultivate the political and social foundation for consultation and discussion of state affairs. Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC in being representative, having a wide range of contacts, and being inclusive, expand foreign exchanges, tell the story of Taiyuan, spread the voice of Taiyuan, and attract more enterprises to invest in Taiyuan and more talents to serve Taiyuan. Adhere to the CPPCC for the people, focus on promoting common prosperity and doing a good job in people's livelihood, build more words that benefit the people, more strategies for the convenience of the people, and more promotions for the benefit of the people, so that the people can share the fruits of high-quality development. It is necessary to strengthen self-construction and improve the level of performing duties and responsibilities. Based on the nature, role, and functional characteristics of the CPPCC, with the party's political construction as the guide, comprehensively strengthen the CPPCC party building, and use high-quality party building to lead the way to ensure the CPPCC's high-level performance of duties. Accelerate the construction of the "Wisdom CPPCC", make full use of carriers such as "Members' Lecture Hall" and "Scholars' CPPCC" to build an effective platform for the majority of members to better perform their duties. The broad masses of CPPCC members should consciously practice the requirements of "understanding the CPPCC, holding consultations, discussing government affairs well, observing discipline, stressing rules, and attaching importance to moral conduct," constantly improve their ability to grasp politics, investigate and study, link up with the masses, and cooperate and work together, and strive to hand over wonderful "committee members' answer sheets." The municipal party committee will, as always, attach importance to and support the work of the CPPCC and create good conditions for the CPPCC and CPPCC members to perform their duties and carry out their work. Party committees at all levels should strengthen their overall leadership over the work of the CPPCC and ensure that they attach importance to it ideologically, show concern for it politically, and support it in their work. All departments should strengthen contacts and communication with the CPPCC, actively cooperate with the CPPCC in carrying out consultations and discussions on state affairs, take the initiative to accept democratic supervision, conscientiously handle CPPCC motions, and form a powerful joint force to strengthen and improve the work of the CPPCC.

  Cao Xuecheng delivered a closing speech. On behalf of the newly elected Standing Committee of the 14th CPPCC Municipal Committee, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to the organization and all members for their trust. He said that the magnificent practice of promoting high-quality development in an all-round way has provided a broad stage for the work of the CPPCC in the new era, and the cppcc municipal cppcc organizations should seize the opportunity, ride on the momentum, blaze new trails, and earnestly work hard to strengthen ideological and political guidance, work hard to serve the overall situation of the center, work hard to help improve the well-being of the people's livelihood, work hard to strengthen the responsibility of cppcc committee members, and resolutely ensure that wherever the central work of the party committee and government is advanced, the CPPCC performance of its duties will be focused, and the wisdom force will be condensed. Democratic supervision will follow up wherever it goes, and perform its duties at a high level to serve all-round and high-quality development. The vast number of CPPCC members should properly handle the relationship between the "small self" and the "big me," realize the value of life and display the most beautiful style in the course of performing their duties for the country and doing their duty for the people. Under the strong leadership of the Taiyuan Municipal Cpc Committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China, emancipating the mind, uniting as one, seeking truth and pragmatism, and making long-term achievements, we will make new and greater contributions to the city's all-round promotion of high-quality development and accelerate the reproduction of the grand scene of "Splendid Taiyuan City", and greet the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with excellent results!

  Also seated on the rostrum were Zhang Tao, Wei Min, Zhou Jiwei, Liu Hu, Lu Qiusheng, Yang Ji, Yang Wenjun, Wen Zhong, Zhang Jiangang, Li Zengsuo, Zhang Lei, Gao Bo, Feng Yuanping, Wang Jianfeng, Lu Junfeng, Hao Baoqing, Ma Peisheng, Liu Jianzhong, Wang Guozhu, Feng Xia, Yu Changming, Ma Hongbin, Ji Heping, Zhang Guiyuan, Hao Yueming, Ping Shuhua, Li Ruiyu, Wang Jizu, Mao Zhiming, and Lei Xuedong, as well as members of the Standing Committee of the 14th Taiyuan City Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

  At 11.26 a.m., the Assembly closed with the majestic sound of the national anthem.

Source Taiyuan Daily

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