
In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin

author:Orange Food Diary I

#健康2022 # As the saying goes, spring sleep is not aware, spring is a season full of vibrant hope and beauty, but many friends in the spring afternoon will feel the body fatigue special drowsiness, and the whole person can not lift the spirit, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, because we have just passed the cold winter, the body has not had time to fully adapt to the warm spring, so it will lead to insufficient vitality in the body, it is easy to cause the state of dozing during the day, so we not only need to adapt by adjusting the schedule, It is also necessary to strengthen nutrition in the diet. Drinking more moisturizing and light soups is more likely to relieve fatigue and moisturize our body and skin at the same time.

In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin
Bai cooperative as a kind of usually less common ingredients, basically used for soup, it contains a variety of vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other plants do not have daffodine, not only can promote the metabolism of the human body, but also moisturize the body, supplement protein. In the spring, drink more with lilies to become a soup, which is of good use to the body, not only can relieve spring dryness, but also effectively replenish body water, increase body nutrition, improve human immunity,
In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin
Today Orange teaches everyone a very simple lily egg soup, the kitchen white can also be easily started, and friends who like it can collect it and try to make it at home on the weekend
In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin

Lily egg soup

Required ingredients

Eggs, goji berries, white sugar, brown sugar, lilies,

1. After cleaning the lilies, put them in a small bowl, pour an appropriate amount of water, soak for about 20 minutes to make them foam, wash the goji berries and put them aside for later use.

In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin
2. Prepare a pot of water and put the soaked lilies in the pot and cook for about 20 minutes.
In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin
3. Then we prepare a small bowl, beat two eggs into the bowl, add a little white sugar, stir well with chopsticks, put the egg liquid in the cooking pot, put it together with the lilies, add a handful of goji berries, add two spoonfuls of brown sugar, cover and simmer for 25 minutes and you're done.
In spring, eggs are served with lily soup, drunk twice a week, beauty and beauty, fair skin

  • In the spring, we should try to avoid eating some relatively heavy ingredients, such as beef, lamb, which can be put aside temporarily, but we can choose some relatively light and delicious vegetables and fruits, which can not only alleviate the greasy feeling caused by big fish and meat during the New Year, but also make the body supplement enough vitamins to spend this spring in a full state.

I am an orange, who has been in the world for many years and still keeps loving! Food is the cure for many unhappiness, let's travel in the happy world of food!

Daily recipe sharing of the talent orange and the happy little story of the world's cooking tobacco and dry rice.

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