
Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

author:Xu Yan

Can you believe it? Reality is always more magical than fiction and television!

The father of the twins is not the same person, the grandson is the grandfather's biological child, and even the plot that the TV series does not dare to make up in this way actually happens in real life...

As the first person to identify DNA in China, Deng Yajun witnessed the breakdown of one family after another in the laboratory.

It can be said that as long as she steps through the door of the laboratory, it means that there is a family that is about to come to an end, and here she has seen too many human desires and darkness.

The most ridiculous thing is that because she adheres to the principle of truth and justice and bears the stigma of "destroying people's families", such a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation has become the most unseemly thing in the laboratory.

So what has happened to her in the twenty years she has been in the industry?

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

On the seventh day of the Chinese New Year, Deng Yajun's laboratory had just started, and he broke into a family of three, only to see that the faces of the couple were very bad, and the man hurriedly said: "Doctor, quickly help me identify it to see if my son is biological." ”

Seeing that they were very anxious, Deng Yajun hurriedly took samples for them to send for identification, and while waiting, the man said indignantly: "The results will come out immediately, you don't have to be hard anymore." ”

The woman snorted and said: "After drinking some wine, I can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest, and now I still suspect my son, waiting for the result, if we are born, we will immediately go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce!" ”

It turned out that when Chinese New Year's Eve, the man himself and his friends gathered and drank, and after getting drunk, he said jokingly: "I see that your son doesn't look like you at all, but like me. ”

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

Everyone laughed, but the man's face turned red, and he angrily scolded his son to let him go back to the house, and then wrestled with Fa Xiao.

After waking up the next day, the man thought about it and thought that it was a joke, but he directly fought with him, feeling very unhappy not to go, so he went to the guest room to apologize to him.

Unexpectedly, Fa Xiao had already left his home, and he didn't even answer the phone, and the man felt that something was not right at this time, asked his wife what was going on, and pulled his son to take a good look.

But the wife scolded him for not sobering up, and pulled his son away, which made the man even more suspicious, and the couple had been arguing during the New Year, and they couldn't wait to come as soon as the laboratory started.

At this point, the woman said indignantly, "Where is such a person?" I've been with you for so many years, just because of a drunken sentence, you doubted me like this. ”

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

The results came out quickly, and it was determined that the man had a parent-child relationship with the child, and the man finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to his wife: "I blame you, I'm sorry, let's go home." ”

"Go home? Why go home, go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau! ”

The self-aware man confessed his mistakes in various ways, saying that he was just drunk and coaxed for a long time, and the two people got back together.

When encountering such guests, Deng Yajun will also be happy for them from the bottom of his heart, but there is an appraisal result that has always made her grumpy, and even wanted to change the result at one time.

It was 2004, Deng Yajun just started to do paternity DNA testing not long ago, once the police near their laboratory found her and asked her to help do a paternity test, the father was in prison because something happened, the son reached the age of school, need to go to the household registration, so to prove his identity.

Early the next morning, Deng Yajun went to the police station and saw the child, the boy was dressed in rags, dirty, and shyly hid behind uncle.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

After the blood was drawn, Deng Yajun followed the police to the detention center to draw blood for the child's father, the man was originally muddy, when he heard that he wanted to give his son a household registration, his eyes suddenly burst with hope, and after collecting the blood, he thanked Deng Yajun for his kindness.

After the results came out, it showed that the two people did not have a parent-child relationship, and Deng Yajun told the policeman, but the police said incredulously: "Impossible, the result is not wrong." ”

After hearing what the police said, Deng Yajun was a little angry, although she had just done this line of work for a long time, but she did not allow herself to be questioned, so she said: "The result will not go wrong, why are you so concerned about this prisoner?" ”

The police sighed and slowly explained the prisoner's life, this man is an honest man here, although the family is not rich, but he works very hard.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

But after the wife gave birth to the child, she ran directly, not even sitting on the confinement, the man was a father and a mother, pulling the child to two or three years old, people nearby always bullied their son, and called him "wild seed", manly, but also fought with other people, accidentally beat people into serious injuries, and went to prison.

He was very kind to his son, and he was doing well in prison, and he was preparing to reduce his sentence, so what would he do if he knew that the child was not his own child?

Deng Yajun did not expect that the man had experienced so much, she said: "I will do it again." But no matter how many times she did it, the result was the same, and for the first time she felt a deep powerlessness.

Thinking of the light in the man's eyes, Deng Yajun couldn't bear it, and she even wanted to change the result privately, but the doctor's professional ethics still made her give up her own dangerous idea.

After handing over the results to the police, she did not dare to inquire about the man's reaction, and she could not forget this matter until now.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

Since Deng Yajun chose the CAREER OF DNA and established his own appraisal office, many people have called her a "marriage shredder" and feel that she has destroyed many families.

There are many things that do not mean that if you don't do it, you will no longer doubt it, and Deng Yajun feels that his profession is to let those who are uncertain in their hearts get the exact results.

Another thing that made Deng Yajun's impression was that one day there was a family of five in the laboratory, namely grandparents, sons and daughters-in-law and grandchildren.

Their family is from the countryside of Hubei, grandpa treats people with more etiquette, is completely the backbone of the family, this time to the laboratory is also to do identification.

Deng Yajun originally thought that he was going to do an appraisal for his son and grandson, but in fact, he was a grandfather and grandson, according to the old man, his wife and son and daughter-in-law had some brain problems, but the grandson was a normal person, and he was also very smart and sensible, which made him very happy.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

But before long, rumors spread in the village that the people in the village said that their family had no problem with their grandfather and grandson, and that the two of them must be father and son, which was simply nonsense.

Grandpa is very angry, but people are only willing to believe the facts they believe, how he explains it is useless, in a fit of anger, Grandpa took the family thousands of miles to the laboratory, he wanted to use science to block the mouth of the rumor-monger.

After listening to the grandfather's story, the people in the laboratory were very sympathetic to him, but Deng Yajun was not moved, and her years of identification career made her understand that she wanted to speak with the results, so she calmly went forward to collect blood for the two people.

Deng Yajun's calmness made everyone in the laboratory admire, but some little girls said that she was too cold-blooded, and she ignored these words.

While waiting for the results to come out, the staff of the laboratory greeted the grandfather's family, and someone comforted him: "Don't worry, the result will be fast, you can prove your innocence." ”

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

But the result surprised everyone, the grandfather and grandson were actually determined to be biological father and son, this result made many people in the laboratory feel that they had been deceived, thinking of the full trust in the grandfather, and the question of Deng Yajun, they were ashamed.

It is precisely because Deng Yajun has witnessed such results countless times over the years, so she does not feel anything uncomfortable.

She said in an interview that when she was not exposed to this industry, she felt that everything in the world was beautiful, the sky was blue, and the wind was gentle, but she did it for so long, and the final result was 20% of the non-biological proportion, so she did not believe in love anymore, only believed in desire.

But she still has a lot of good aspects when doing the appraisal, and it is these aspects that make her stick to it.

Once, a man in the laboratory came with a thick and honest looking man, who took some hair and asked to do a paternity test with himself, only to say this sentence and then say nothing else.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

The results came out quickly, the two people were not parent-child relations, the man had been sitting in the corner for a long time, there was no emotion on his face, and people passing by couldn't help but look sideways.

After a long time, the man finally moved, and he walked over to Deng Yajun and said, "Dr. Deng, are you free?" I want to tell you something. Deng Yajun nodded and led him into his office.

Sitting in a chair in the office, the man gave himself a long psychological construction before he said, "My son is 16 years old, he has good academic performance, and he is also filial to me." ”

Hearing the boy's age, Deng Yajun was shocked, and few children who generally do paternity tests are more than ten years old, but she did not ask questions, but continued to listen to men.

The man said that his family has always been relatively poor, and his wife died within a few years after giving birth to the child, and the child has always been more sensible.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

But some time ago, I accidentally turned to my wife's diary at home, which wrote that the child may not be my own, so I took the child's hair for identification.

But the man suddenly asked, "Can I seal the result?" Deng Yajun nodded, and the man said that he had raised the child for 16 years, and the child already had deep feelings for him, so he chose to seal the result.

If one day the child really doubts this, he will let the child come here to find the answer, and now he will act as if he does not know.

After the speech, the man bowed deeply to Deng Yajun, and then walked out of the laboratory and looked at his back, Deng Yajun's mind recalled his question, "Is the grace of fertility important, or is the grace of nurturing important?" ”

Deng Yajun didn't know yet, but she believed that one day, she would have the answer.

DNA can be applied not only to paternity testing, this technology can also be used for greater causes, the most proud of Deng Yajun is the Indonesian tsunami, when she represented China to Indonesia to identify the victims.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

In 2004, there were strong earthquakes and tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, and because it was the peak tourist season, there were many casualties in many countries.

At the time of crisis, China was the first country to respond, and immediately prepared a lot of materials and professionals to come to Thailand for rescue, and Deng Yajun did not hesitate to sign up for the rescue and formed a Chinese DNA assistance group, which rushed to Thailand overnight.

The medical conditions here are very underdeveloped, coupled with the large number of people killed, so the bodies are put in body bags and placed on the street, plus the hot weather in Thailand at that time, many of the bodies have decayed.

Many of the rescue team members could not stand the smell and had to take a break every hour, but our Chinese rescue team was not afraid of pain or tiredness, and has been persevering.

Because many people were killed on the beach and did not carry their documents with them, how to identify them became a major problem, and countries organized meetings to discuss various matters.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

In the end, everyone unanimously decided to use DNA testing to identify identities, but the problem that followed was that the laboratory level here was relatively low and could not carry out such a huge amount of work, so which country to do this testing work, who would bear the huge cost.

The representatives of various countries argued endlessly and wanted to safeguard the interests of their own countries, at this time Deng Yajun said loudly: "Let's come, do DNA in China, and we are also willing to bear the corresponding costs!" ”

As soon as this word came out, the scene was silent, to know that at that time China was still very underdeveloped, in the tsunami just occurred, has donated a lot of materials, and DNA testing is also a big project.

Even the chairman of the meeting was very surprised, and then he took the lead in applauding Deng Yajun, and the praise in the conference room rose and fell.

But at the same time, Deng Yajun was also questioned by everyone, suspecting that her ability was insufficient and would mess up the work, and under her argument, she first brought 100 samples back to China, and after the results came out, others were finally relieved.

Deng Yajun: The first person to identify Chinese DNA, he has witnessed the disillusionment of countless family ties in 20 years

After several months of identification, all the samples were finally tested, a large number of people finally found their families, and we in China have also received international praise.

Deng Yajun's laboratory is called "Zhongzheng", which is also like her people, who insist on handing over the correct results to the people who came to test.